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Torque.js error creating layertorque: Missing closing ] of filter

I've been trying to create a cartodb map with a torque layer as indicated in the Torque.js documentation, but I keep getting the same error: cartodb.js:14 MAP: error creating layertorque Error: :...
Juan Salvatore's user avatar
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Torque.js is not working: L.TorqueLayer is not a constructor

I've been trying to create a carto map with a torque layer as indicated in the Torque.js documentation, but I keep getting the same error: Uncaught TypeError: L.TorqueLayer is not a constructor <...
Juan Salvatore's user avatar
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Why won't my street addresses georeference?

I've been using Carto for about a month or two now and it had been working perfectly, however it suddenly malfunctioned today. I updated my excel document (nothing changed except the number of rows), ...
Michael Mehaffey's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to include an autocomplete search bar that does not point back to your data in CartoDB?

I would like to include an autocomplete search bar that uses google maps api or bing maps geocoder, etc. Is there an easy way to integrate this with cartodb's search box? // add search bar to map ...
SiennaAvrilPearl's user avatar