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What Projection String could be used for creating something similar to the Chinese Vertical Map?

I recently saw this Vertical Map made by a Chinese Cartographer. I want to create a similar map in QGIS, and for that, I need the CRS string or the Projection String. The only detailed information I ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Cartographic work in 4326 QGIS project

I am working on a project in QGIS whose CRS must be set to 4326. The problem is that when moving around the project map (without zoom in or out) the scale does not remain constant. This is an ...
GallPeters's user avatar
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Gauss-Krüger system to Unity cartesian Coordinate Conversion

I have to deal with coordinate conversation into my unity (a game engine which uses cartesian co-ordinate) project but I am zero in this field as it is involved math, geometry, and geography with lots ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
2 votes
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Equal area map projections: Lambert azimuthal or Albers conic?

When making small-scale regional maps on the order of 500-5000 km in extent where an equal-area projection is desirable, which would you prefer, the Lambert azimuthal or Albers conic? I realize this ...
JedO's user avatar
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Transforming Cassini coordinates to UTM

Why is it that when I transform certain Cassini coordinates to UTM, they give negative UTM coordinates, which should not be the case. Note that the equator passes through this particular area of ...
kinya45's user avatar
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Which datum and projection to use?

First sorry if I am incorrect in the words, I am using a translator to expose my doubt. I have a requirement where I have a worldwide road base and my goal is to calculate the road network by country. ...
Cláudio Araújo's user avatar
4 votes
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Map Projection invented by woman

Is there any map projection of the earth that has been invented by a woman? Context: I am starting a math outreach program and one of the activities I am proposing involves playing with different ...
Daniele Turchetti's user avatar
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Weird lines on google maps [closed]

While I was travelling with my GPS "ON" and tracking my route I found this strange lines in pink and green dotted lines when I zoomed out the map I found that the lines where coinciding with the ...
Scramble shravan's user avatar
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Georeference map with just one known point

I have an old scanned topographic map I have to georeference. Unfortunately there is no coordinate system stated and it has just on reference grid point on it. Besides that it states in the down left ...
Aldi Kasse 2's user avatar
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What CRS is used in historical maps on IEG-MAPS

Do anyone know what coordinate reference system is used in set of historical maps of Europe from Leibniz Institute of European History Below sample map from set
user19291's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unfolding polygons and other feature classes in Antarctica-like fashion using ArcGIS Desktop?

Is there a way in ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 to 'unfold' (reshape/modify) feature classes, e.g. a polygon of a circular city, to make them look similar to a Mercator or plate carrée projection of Antarctica, ...
M_S's user avatar
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Projection for a map covering 2 UTM zones [closed]

I know similar questions have been asked about this already, but I would like to check something specifically... I have a copy of a published 1:1m map of Ivory Coast which states (in the legend) that ...
SteveF's user avatar
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Uniform distribution of dots on world map depending on latitude

I would like to plot a map looking something like this: I'd like to then connect each dot with the corresponding country and use it to display statistics. Therefore I need a set of coordinates, ...
Angie's user avatar
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Formula for rotating half degree square map/data frames in projected coordinate system so that they look straight?

I am currently developing a map series using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro. I am not using the Map Series functionality for this because I need to have lots of control over what is on each map sheet, and ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Showing heading on a rectangular map projection

I'm creating an app which displays a map in the form of a basic lat/long grid along with the user's location and heading. I'm currently plotting the grid lines and user location with an ...
el_zilcho's user avatar
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Definition of the Authagraph projection

I recently came across this new map projection, the Authagraph. It seems pretty interesting and I'd like to play around with it, but I can't seem to find the math for projecting it, short of deriving ...
mgalka's user avatar
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Which projection is more suitable? [closed]

I need to make a map using equidistant cylindrical projection with normal orientation. But I'm getting confused - I've tried 2 projections - WGS_1984_Plate_Carree WKID: 32662 Authority: EPSG ...
feileris's user avatar
6 votes
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The north pole is deformed on AuthaGraph world map

On the AuthaGraph world map the world is mapped on a tetrahedron, so the map near the poles fits more the real sizes of the continents. But isn't the north pole extremely deformed when projected on ...
rubo77's user avatar
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Put points on a projected world map

With the help from this post Lines on reprojected sp objects with Mollweide projection, I draw a world map using Mollweide projection. I also have some points with latitudes and longitudes, and I ...
JACKY88's user avatar
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Produce Oblique Mercator Map

To avoid the possibility of opinions, let me rephrase the question. Which software packages are able to produce an Oblique Mercator map between any two arbitrary points, similar to what is offered in ...
Rebbmnax's user avatar
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R: Krovak projection in R - identical in ArcGIS, different in R?

I have two files: shapefile and raster, both in the same coordinate system in ArcGIS: EPSG 5514. Check information on projection in ArcGIS for raster: S-JTSK_Krovak_East_North WKID: 5514 Authority: ...
maycca's user avatar
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How to check my EPSG and units in R when it is not defined in proj4string?

After reading my .shp in R using readOGR(), I tried to figure out what is my EPSG and what are my units in my projections? when I tape my.shp = readOGR(dsn=setwd(dsn = dsn, my....
maycca's user avatar
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Formula for Nicolosi Globular Projection

What is the formula for the Nicolosi Globular projection? In other words, what is the function that maps the coordinate (φ, λ) on the sphere to the coordinate (x, y) on the plane? Example of a ...
The Riddler's user avatar
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Determining printed map projection?

A friend of mine is working on a small project to map receding North Pole summer sea ice minimums by decadal averages on a wall-paper map. Unfortunately, it seems as though the map projection for ...
Zeitsperre's user avatar
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Map projection classification - Tissot's indicatrices are perfect circles, but the projection is not conformal

Recently, led by the perfectly circular shape of the Tissot's indicatrices all over the projection plane, I have concluded that a particular projection is conformal. However, after calculating angular ...
Aleksandar's user avatar
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Which map projection should I use for a country land cover map?

I am currently completing a piece of GIS work and I am a bit stuck, even after doing some reading. What would the appropriate map projection and co-ordinate system be for a land cover map for a ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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Map projection process for three-dimensional point cloud

I have some points given in ECEF coordinates (or LatLongAltitude based on WGS84, which is interchangable in my understanding). Currently I am working on a mapping software which allows to visualize ...
Philipp's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Is there a name for the geographic coordinate 0,0?

Is there a name for the latitude/longitude pair 0,0? On a graph, (0,0) is referred to as the "origin" but I'm not sure if that term also applies to the location 0,0 in cartography.
spaaarky21's user avatar
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World map different projection

I want to display something on a world map. I have these shapefiles I want my map to look something like this: or I am using QGis. Is that ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Appropriate map projection for the Pacific Ocean

I've found this map that shows the Pacific Ocean from I'd like to produce a similar map, for the same region of the earth and I'd like to use the same projection ...
ivanmp's user avatar
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Equatorial Scale

I have seen Equatorial Scale written along with the RF on the World Map in many Atlases, for eg., "Equatorial Scale 1:95 000 000". What does this Equatorial Scale mean and what is the significance of ...
Geographer's user avatar
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Appropriate reference system for small-scale mapping of the Middle East [duplicate]

I want to create a thematic map of the Middle East that displays certain historic places and regions on a small-scale map (between 1:6.000.0000 and 1:12.000.000). The map has to center the boundary ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Formula for charting a course around the globe, given a location and degree heading?

I'm looking for a formula that takes a long/lat coordinate and a degree heading, (e.g. "I'm standing in San Francisco and I'm facing 45º from north"), and which can draw a line across a map projecting ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to plot a full hemispheric orthographic projection in R

I want to make a plot like that using R: All I want is the country borders as seen from outer space, no fancy colors needed. It seems I need to use the spTransform function, but it gives me a "non ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How do I map points on a 2D map to a 3D illustration of the same area? [duplicate]

I'm looking for advice on how to build an algorithm that maps any point on a map to a point on another map, interpolating where needed. Let me better clarify with an example of what I concretely need....
Riccardo De Menna's user avatar
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How to import a map consisting of pictures

I want to built some sort of Fantasy Map with Quantum GIS. The whole map is built out of 128x128 single pictures, 16384 in total. It should be a flat map. How do I import these pictures and align ...
Rain's user avatar
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2 answers

Why has an orthographic projection been used in this NatGeo map?

I'm wondering why this maps uses an orthographic projection, resulting in 3 maps to view the whole world. What were the requirements or the reasons to choose this projection (why not Mercator ) ? ...
geogeek's user avatar
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How do I display NYC community specific data on an interactive map without longitude/latitude coordinates?

I have downloaded the NY Department of Sanitation's Monthly Tonnage Collection data from and I want to use this ...
photon's user avatar
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How to calculate point from lat/long, angle, and distance? [duplicate]

I am trying to calculate the point from a given lat/long, a bearing, and a distance. This is for plotting weather given a aeronautical way point. For example: Given a waypoint with a known lat/...
LeeMobile's user avatar
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which map projection should be used for global map with geography and human demographics

I am working on a project to try to identify the most threatened populations (on a global scale) of having a limited access to freshwater. I want to compare those most at risk currently and then add ...
Dana's user avatar
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Using ogr to calculate distance is returning incorrect results away from equator

In an answer to Looking for Python module to do lat lon calculations @ustroetz provided some sample code for use of ogr to do lat/lon distance and point in polygon calculations. I've created a Python ...
RoyHB's user avatar
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Is there general Earth Projection in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I'm starting a new personal project and I need a little bit of helping on setting it up. First off I'm trying to determine the area of a rectangle that is 1 mile in width and the circumference of ...
Cartobo's user avatar
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Buffer is giving me a different distance [closed]

I'm using ArcGIS 10.1. When I Buffered I changed the environments to compare the two different projections. WyLAM is a statewide Lambert Conformal Conic projection used for Wyoming. State plane in ...
MjonesGEO's user avatar
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Lambert conformal conic projection - Europe

I am trying to calculate map of Europe in Lambert projection. I am using formula from Wikipedia (Lambert wiki), but calculation is very slow in comparison with Mercator. I know, there are sin, cos, ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
5 votes
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EPSG code as dynamic text in ArcGIS

Is it possible to get ArcGIS to show the EPSG code for a coordinate system as dynamic text? The default text is quite verbose (see below), and I think just showing the "Coordinate System" is probably ...
Snorfalorpagus's user avatar
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Network segment gaps, when offset

I'm having an issue when offsetting a line shapefile. For some reason when the lines are offset, ArcGIS isn't drawing some segments although the segments are there confirmed via “identify”. Has ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Problem with plotting map in R

While plotting the gadm map of Russia in R, I have a problem at the 180 degree meridian, where part of the Russian region is plotted separately. You can see it on the plot using the following code (it'...
Ruvin Rafailov's user avatar
9 votes
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Distance measurements across UTM zones: use geographic or planar approaches?

I have a survey grid spread across 3 UTM zones (36N, 36S, 37S). I want to find the nearest (or shortest) distances of the centroids of these grids to roads and various points between. It seems like ...
XNSTT's user avatar
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What projection to use in ArcMap for a map that extends over Wgs84 UTM 31 and 32

I have a WGS84 UTM map that extends over two UTM zones(31N and 32N). Using either of them distorts my map and ArcGIS allows you to choose only one projection per map. Please what can I do?
Andy's user avatar
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locating latitude-longitude point in a piste-map with matrix transforms

I am trying to plot points of a particular latitude longitude on this image of a Swiss mountainous landscape. What I am doing is I have some 54 known location-points plotted on this image (not ...
Sonu Jha's user avatar
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