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Creating related field Domains for ArcGIS Desktop

I have been trying to create a new feature class for entering habitat data for ArcGIS Desktop (10.3.1 if relevant). I have been using the coded Domain function to create drop down lists of applicable ...
Kay's user avatar
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In ArcMap 10.3 when making a feature record I am getting different values than I have in the domain, why?

I have a feature class in a GDB of road survey points, it has a domain assigned to the field of "Type". When I look at the domain values in the GDB properties I see the entry code="Culvert - Proposed"...
user25644's user avatar
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Using CopyFeatures_management without copying source GDB domains to 'in_memory' workspace?

I know it's probably the opposite of what would generally be desirable, but I am trying to temporarily copy a Feature Class from a File GDB with Domains into a in_memory intermediate FC without ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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field map string values in one field to domain field

Is there a method in ArcGIS 10.3.1 to calculate coded value domains in a domain field based on a string field source? Please see image. The solution appears to be to use the CalculateField GP in ...
r2dave2's user avatar
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Create additional 'fields' in GDB domain system table (GDB_items)?

Is it possible to create additional 'fields' in the geodatabase domain system table (GDB_items) in SDE 10.3/Oracle? It would be handy to store additional information in domains. For example: CODE [...
User1974's user avatar
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Export coded value domains

I've attempted to write a script that will export all the coded value domains in a geodatabase to a table. Before I dig in the to script and what's wrong, I have looked at the similar question on this ...
tpdance's user avatar
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How to Edit Domain and Have Edit Show in Attributes Dropdown

I have created a previous domain with the same user login in ArcGIS 10.3. I wanted to add a coded value to this domain and, have the new addition show up on the drop-down options in the attributes ...
ARyanEnviro's user avatar