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Questions tagged [convergence]

meridian convergence is the angle between true north (i.e., the direction of local meridian) and grid north (i.e., the grid's Y-axis)

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Is there a easy way to get the Grid convergence in QGIS?

Is there an easy way to get the angular difference between Grid North & True North in QGIS? This is how I do it: Make a map in print composer Set the map CRS to whatever "WGS 84 / UTM zone&...
SubXi's user avatar
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proj4js: calculate meridian convergence

Given a projection and coordinates of a single point, how do I calculate the meridian convergence at that point? Is it even possible? I'm unable to find anything useful using Google. If it is not ...
theDmi's user avatar
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Precision Ag and UTM declination

I've written an open source Precision Agriculture application called AgOpenGPS that does everything from auto steer, to mapping, implement and section turn on/off, auto headland turns and more. It's ...
Briantee's user avatar
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Calculate Grid Convergence Angle within ModelBuilder Model

I am trying to use the 'Calculate Grid Convergence Angle" tool (from Cartography toolbox -> Data Driven Pages) into ModelBuilder. The tool is pretty simple - (1) import, (2) remove no data (3) ...
kdubz's user avatar
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How to represent UTM coordinates on the XY plane?

For the sake of clarity: I am very sorry if this question is inaccurate but I find it difficult to understand different terminologies in the geographic information systems. Let us consider the UTM ...
pion3k's user avatar
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Calculate UTM grid convergence using UTM coordinates

What would be the simplest way to arrive at a value for UTM grid convergence for a point given in UTM coordinates? All advice I can find requires that the point be given in latitude/longitude. For ...
krock's user avatar
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Calculating Grid Convergence

When ESRI tool "Calculate Grid Convergence Angle (Cartography)" is used to calculate line bearing or azimuth, is the bearing referenced to True North or Grid North?
Adeleke Adejobi's user avatar