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3 votes
2 answers

Convert points(.shp file) to raster (.tif) in QGIS

I have some points in .shp vector file and I need to convert them in .tif file with 1km x 1km resolution. The problem is - there are some points in one cell during conversion, and some values are ...
Vitalii Kinakh's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Loss in data after conversion from .shp to .tif using QGIS

I have some .shp data, which include points with values. After converting it into .tif, using QGIS, I have some loses in data. In .shp file sum of field was about 141418146 and in .tif image sum is ...
Vitalii Kinakh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to edit a tiff aerial image in ArcMap 10.3

(beginner with arcmap) I have aerial images in tiff format and I need to edit them in order to draw polygons on them. When trying to edit them I get a message that says that there are no layers ...
Marta Bosque's user avatar