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Transforming from UTM Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid to WGS84 (ASTER Level 2 surface reflectance data)

I have acquired some Level 2 ASTER surface reflectance data however this is in Clarke 1866 Elipsoid, not WGS84. QGIS/GDAL appears to be unable to make this conversion and so far I have not found any ...
SHV_la's user avatar
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QGIS converting my coordinates erroneously

I have a set of data in CSV format where the first, second and third columns are Point #,Coord of X and Coord of Y respectively (in UTM Zone 51N). Then I added a delimited text layer in QGIS 3.16.5 ...
MarkLawrence_1993's user avatar
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Very simple Latitude/Longitude to WGS84 conversion

As from here, I'm using the OpenTopography API to download a geoTiff heightmap, and it uses 4 WGS84 Coordinates, but the map I've supplied to the user gives back longitude/latitude coordinates. I'm ...
MilkyDeveloper's user avatar
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Formula to convert QND95 to EPSG:4326

I have coordinates in QND95 (Qatar National Grid) and I need to convert it to WGS84, specifically EPSG:4326. There are already many tools available for this, but the problem is I want to use the ...
Lint's user avatar
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KNMI MSGCPP geoview to WGS84

I would like to transform KNMI MSGCPP geoview netCDF file to WGS84 netCDF file with gdal_translation and gdalwarp. I got error msg. I shared the geoview netCDF file (140 MB): https://z001.s3....
TiborSzabo's user avatar
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Convert relative coordinates into absolute ones having only one absolute coordinate in QGIS

I have a layer of points with relative altimetric heights from a survey carried out with a Differential GPS. I know the absolute coordinates of only one point (EPSG:4326 WGS 84 ), the other points ...
ddomizia's user avatar
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Transformation problem WGS84 (EPSG:4326) and ETRS89 (EPSG:4258) in QGIS

I want to transform vector points from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:4258 and vice versa for survey application. Currently the difference between the two is about 70 cm in xy direction. Using QGIS to transform ...
S.K.'s user avatar
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Java - Conversion from NAD27 to WGS84

I'm in the process of adding automatic CRS conversion to a Spark application and running into some problems with the implementation. Each row in a dataframe that is being converted will contain ...
Ron DeFreitas's user avatar
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Converting WGS 84 Coordinates to Arc 1950 coordinates using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap. How can I convert WGS 84 coordinates to [Arc 1950][35s] coordinates? e.g S12.14127 E25.96643 S12.23535 E25.90588 S12.23535 E25.90588 S12.23859 E25.79461 S12.27073 E25.66638
ML74's user avatar
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Converting from EPSG 25833 to WGS 4326 using QGIS? [duplicate]

I have a layer of Brandenburg (Germany) in EPSG 25833 which I want to tranfrom to EPSG 4326. Similar to this answer to Transforming shapefile to WGS:84 (EPSG: 4326) in QGIS?, I set the CRS to EPSG ...
Lutz's user avatar
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Converting vector in NED to ECEF? [closed]

I have a geodetic WGS84 position, lat, lon, alt, and direction cosines from the same point, uN, uE, uD. I'm brand new to geodetic/ecef conventions. How do I take a vector (say, a unit vector with ...
Sunden's user avatar
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How to calculate OSM WGS84 Lat and Lon to meters in C++?

Summary I am converting OSM coordinates into X and Y values with accurate distances in meters between all points using c++. The calculations/code I am using is resulting in an incorrect ratio/scale ...
James's user avatar
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Stereographic projection of WGS84 ellipsoid [closed]

According to this source, an optimal projection for small, roughly square areas is the stereographic projection. The wikipedia page of the stereographic projection shows how to convert from spherical ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Procedure of transforming coordinates?

I'm trying to understand the math behind this transformation. I should note that I've been able to perform the transformation using GeoPandas, but I'd like to understand what is going on under the ...
Alex Launi's user avatar
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Unknown coordinate system from web API

I'm trying to figure out (and eventually convert to WGS) projection system of coordinates I get from one web API service. As an example - lat, long = 71804125, 180232666 is a point in Cracow, Poland. ...
drafa's user avatar
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Converting coordinates from GCS_WGS_84 Linear_Meter to lat/long?

I have a LiDAR .laz file with points from Toulouse (France). I convert this file to a .las file using LAStools's las2las function. Then, using lasinfo on this .las file gives me some information, ...
Romain's user avatar
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Converting 9319106.045445956 in unknown coordinate system to WGS84? [duplicate]

From some API I'm receiving latlng coordinates in a stranger format: x: 9319106.045445956, y: 7020308.253131529, I don't know what it is, but my map module works only with WGS84 coordinates: lat: 53....
Roman Nazarkin's user avatar
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How to convert a huge database of ED50 coordinates into WGS84?

As the title says I have a huge database containing (among other data) a pair of coordinates using ED50 standard for each record. I'm tasked to update the whole thing and convert all the ED50 entries ...
Michele's user avatar
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Convert NAD27 to WGS84 with programming function like PHP

I am looking for a programming function that can convert NAD27 coordinates to WGS84. I know QGIS could do the conversion, but I need a function for my purposes.
Caleb Pitman's user avatar
8 votes
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Is a Helmert transform necessary to convert between WGS84 and NAD83?

I've read things all over the internet which claim that NAD83 and WGS84 are effectively equivalent (with minor ellipsoid differences). However, if I do geodetic (WGS84) -> ECEF -> geodetic (NAD83) ...
Nicolas Holthaus's user avatar
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How to export a CSV with lat lon WKT from a layer which is not in WGS84?

I want to extract a csv with lat and lon coordinates so I select -- Geometry AS_WKT but when the csv is created I see this LINESTRING (277054.55782319931 198725.03588318737,277052.43701817648 198727....
Theo Eurotrip's user avatar
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What system do these coordinates use? (from

I have extracted these coordinates from geolinkedata And I don't know what system they are using: (-15.4400797 28.131791000000003) What I know is that they correspond with these WGS84 Coordinates: (...
Jesus's user avatar
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Formula for converting SWEREF99 to WGS84?

I have a few hundred rows of data with sweref99 coordinates that I want to plot using Fusion Tables on Google Drive. What formula can I use to convert the two columns of Sweref99 x and y coordinates?...
Henrik's user avatar
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ArcGIS Conversion Error While Converting ED50 Datum to WGS84 Datum

With ArcGIS for Desktop, I tried a datum conversion of Transverse Mercator ED50 Datum to Transverse Mercator WGS84 Datum. Normally, the difference between two projections is approximately 180 meters ...
mkturkeri's user avatar
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How to convert a CSV from DMS to WGS84 in QGIS?

I would like to automatically convert from a Degree - minute - second system to WGS84 EPSG:32632. I have a CSV with these kind of values: LATITUDINE LONGITUDINE 46°01’24,7” 11°13’47,5” 45°42’07,5” ...
Wendellpbloyd's user avatar
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Converting (geodetic pose + cartesian offset) to geodetic position? [closed]

I am in search of an algorithm to solve the first/direct geodetic problem precisely in 3D. The input is: a geodetic (not geocentric) position (WGS84, height is above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid) ...
benadler's user avatar
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Searching for c# code to convert from UTM to WGS1984 (and back)

I'm looking for code in c# that converts coordinates from UTM to WGS1984 (and preferably backwards as well). I need to convert coordinates from only one zone (36N). I've found this and this, but they ...
jonatr's user avatar
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What is the formula to convert WGS84 coordinates to EPSG 2163?

I'm looking for the formula which converts WGS84 coordinates to EPSG:2163. I know that QGIS can do the calculations. but I need the exact formula?
antipasztor's user avatar
7 votes
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In which coordinate system are these coordinates: 50075482, 14430068?

I have multiple locations saved in WGS84 - it looks like e.g. latitude: 50075482, logitude: 14430068. I tried to search it on the map this way: 12.345678, 87.654321, but it doesn't match the place it ...
DropDropped's user avatar