Questions tagged [coordinate-system]

A reference framework consisting of a set of points, lines, and/or surfaces, and a set of rules, used to define the positions of points in space in either two or three dimensions. This tag also refers to cartographic projections and coordinate system transformations.

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Creating two connected arcs

I am using a 2D mapping application and I want to create a shape like this on the map: where the red arc and blue arc would be two separate arcs that I need to create and connect them. Here is the ...
pfinferno's user avatar
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Creating proper CRS format from given data [closed]

I am trying to get a proper CRS string in order to use the data as overlay in an R map. This is the string I tried: +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.3299999237061 +x_0=400000 +y_0=...
Erich Janka's user avatar
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Extracting and normalizing data from Google Maps API using Jupyter Notebooks [closed]

I am working on a Geoinformatics assignment that involves extracting information from the Google Maps API and handling the data using Jupyter Notebooks. I'm encountering some difficulties, and am ...
kiethtial's user avatar
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Converting latitude and longitude to coordinates within an image

I'm creating a game which involves fetching data from an API which gives me the latitude and longitude of some entities. I have a picture of size 1280x720 (zoom 100km / 50 mi) (I converted the image ...
Mr. Sir's user avatar
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QGIS crash everytime post not saving new layer

I edited one layer but closed project without saving it. Now my project is opening but it crashes within 2 - 3 minutes' of opening. What all I can do to save my work?
Rahul Raj's user avatar
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Transforming from UTM Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid to WGS84 (ASTER Level 2 surface reflectance data)

I have acquired some Level 2 ASTER surface reflectance data however this is in Clarke 1866 Elipsoid, not WGS84. QGIS/GDAL appears to be unable to make this conversion and so far I have not found any ...
SHV_la's user avatar
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Convert default coordinate system React-Leaflet

I'm trying to make a request from the NASA satellite, but when I use 3857 it doesn't show the region I want, and in 4326 it does. That's the problem, when I use 4326 it moves on the map and I can't ...
Felipe L's user avatar
3 votes
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SRID in PostGIS -> ST_SRID !== Find_SRID

i am trying to understand why I get two different values for those two Querys (to a PostGIS db) SELECT ST_SRID(ground_geometry) FROM cjdb.city_object LIMIT 1; select Find_SRID('cjdb', 'city_object', '...
pcace's user avatar
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Unevenly spaced coordinates supposed to form a grid (Bing Tile System). Convert to tiff?

My question is similar to Join info about quadkeys to tile shapefile at Stack Overfow and concerns the same dataset. We have a file with lat/lon coordinate pairs in decimal degrees and some other ...
LisanAlGIS's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro 3.1 Project Packaging Error 001659

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue where ArcGIS Pro 3.1 is not allowing me to package my project. After getting the ERROR: 001659 several times, I created a new project and re-created my model from ...
Jeannie Game's user avatar
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Vertical CRS my Google Earth Engine code is outputting when I export to a CSV

I am using Google Earth Engine to annotate my movement tracks with high resolution elevation data. I am currently importing lat/long coordinates which have a horizontal crs=EPSG:4326. I am annotating ...
David's user avatar
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The mean of a reduced resolution image collection [closed]

I have the task of the mean of a reduced resolution image collection by region. MODIS LST is native 1km, but the modeled EVI/Albedo is 500m. In particular, my question is what is more preferable: A) ...
LMH's user avatar
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Vector and raster data converted to WGS84, located wrong or not shown on map [duplicate]

I am currently trying to implement datasets from different data sources in ArcGIS. However, the raster data is in EPSG 4326 and the other two vector datasets are displayed in RD New. I configured the ...
Chananja's user avatar
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Reproject NetCDF from Azimuthal to Mercator projection in QGIS

How can I convert Azimuthal projection to classical Mercator projection? I need it for a scientific project on soil temperatures and permafrost, but no matter how hard I try to reproject the map, I ...
Gostrain's user avatar
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Transform GeoJSON from EPSG:31983 to EPSG:4326 in OpenLayers

I have code in OpenLayers, which allows you to draw geometries on a layer and then download the file in GeoJSON format. Here's the code: function downloadGeoJSON(content, fileName, contentType) { ...
Andreia Gusmao's user avatar
5 votes
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ST_Within fails with local CRS but works in WGS84?

We've run into an odd query result with PostGIS. We have a large polygon and several smaller ones, and we're interested in checking whether or not the smaller ones are contained in the large polygon. ...
hyit's user avatar
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Persistent runtime error

Whenever I try to import a shapefile, I get the following error. I have been working without facing any issues but it bothers me because I want to fix it. "RuntimeError: `crs=EPSG:3857&...
kc_nul's user avatar
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18th century coordinates Tenerife meridan

I am studying a French 18th century boat itinerary. Sailors use a Dutch map based on the meridian of Tenerife that lies at 16° 38′ 22″ W of the current international prime meridian Greenwich (...
Wilcar's user avatar
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Reduction in Esri imagery basemap resolution when changing coordinate system of ArcGIS Pro map

When changing the coordinate system of my ArcGIS Pro project map from the default WGS 1984 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere) to GDA 1994, the resolution of the Esri imagery basemap (and Google Maps ...
Fynn's user avatar
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Change layer CRS without displacing relative locations with regard to old CRS

I have some points with projected CRS EPSG 3003 (Italy) and I'm displaying them in QGIS on a project map with CRS 3003. If I export the same points with projected CRS EPSG 7791 (Italy) and load them ...
Michele Cordini's user avatar
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Reprojection of a raster window in rasterio

I'm working with the ETOPO global relief model, trying to take samples centred at different longitudes and latitudes and reproject them into a locally flat coordinate system. I'm trying to do this by ...
pt3's user avatar
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Getting EPSG code from non conventionnal grid

I have a non usual grid defined by '+proj=stere +lat_0=90. +lon_0=0. +lat_ts=45. +x_0=619652.07 +y_0= 5062818.34 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84' Based on this information, I would like to get the ...
Simon MITTELBERGER's user avatar
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Distance calculated in EPSG:4326 is different when caluclated in EPSG:3857 [duplicate]

I have to find a circle with a certain radius that touches two points. I have the two points in a lat/lon form (EPGS:4326), and for the calculus I'm converting into Geocentric coordinates (EPGS:3857). ...
GokuGunZ's user avatar
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ACS raster file in QGIS at wrong place

I am working with QGIS 3.30 and the project in located in Switzerland. My goal is to import a ACS raster file but the problem is that it is located in the Atlantic ocean and not in Switzerland. My ...
tukanium's user avatar
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Transforming from one CRS to another in Java

I'm trying to have some code that is able to convert a 3D point from one CRS to another using Java. I want to be able to convert data from a compound CRS to another: for instance, a source CRS based ...
linx's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot parse OGC WKT2 file

I am trying to parse a OGC WKT 2 string downloaded from (shows in the Export - OGC WKT 2 section of the page) I tried to parse it using geotool's org.geotools.geometry.jts....
Vladimir Smogitel's user avatar
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How do I find the correct CRS for an ArcGIS REST server layer?

I am having trouble with an ArcGIS REST server layer not showing up in the right place in QGIS. The server is: Sometimes when I add ...
Andy's user avatar
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Moving correctly projected features from ArcGIS Pro to UgCS

Goal: get a 1/10 Nautical Mile radius circular feature (currently in NAD83/CA State Plane VI WKID:2230), in a .kml file, from ArcGIS Pro (3.1) into UgCS mission planning software (4.21.0) as an ...
IAmAPatientBoy's user avatar
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Arbitrarily rotated quadrilateralized spherical cube projection in GDAL

I want to convert some maps of the Earth using the quadrilateralized spherical cube projection. Using this tutorial I were able to make the maps in which South and North Poles are positioned in the ...
Akim's user avatar
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Coordinate projection transformation Mars image from Ocentric Equirectangular to Transverse Mercator in Python

The task is to re-project the Mars image from Ocentric Equirectangular projection to Transverse Mercator. I'm trying to do this in gdal in python. In terms of Transverse Mercator projection, there is ...
user241072's user avatar
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Conversion of Latitude-longitude to EPSG 3106

I have a location in longitude and latitude is Latitude: 24.095818 and Longitude: 90.412521. I want to convert it to EPSG:3106 in Excel. Can you please help me with the formula with detailed ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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Conversion coordinates to decimal degrees in Python

I have a pandas DataFrame with coordinates (Longitude and Latitude) in the following format: (005304000W, 384035000N). I need to convert those coordinates to what I believe are decimal degrees (e.g. -...
sermomon's user avatar
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Why are discrete global grids vs. making a custom grid using a tesselation different in size and shape?

I need an equal area grid system that can vary in area (i.e. 100km2 to thousands). I have two ways of doing this at continental scales (Asia + Europe as an example). One way is to create a tesselation ...
Leo Ohyama's user avatar
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Different UTM limits

Why is there a difference of 4 degrees between the UTM North / South cut-offs? One might expect the North and South UPS grids to be symmetrical in coverage but they followed the UTM decision to stop ...
Roland's user avatar
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Which method to calculate distance from coordinates

I have a project to know the distance between two points (Long, Lat). The web app uses openlayers (CRS from 4326 to 900913). I have written a jupyter notebook to check the distance in python. https://...
michel webismagic's user avatar
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QGIS hexagonal grid size specifications

I am trying to understand how grid size/cell size is calculated while using "Create Grid" function in QGIS. According to
Jirka Panek's user avatar
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Reproject large raster using Python

I have some large rasters that I want to reproject in a memory-safe way, using a second raster as a template . This code works nicely for smaller ones, but when they are large the Python kernel ...
TheRealJimShady's user avatar
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Coordinate conversion from Cape Datum to WGS 84

I am working with old borehole coordinates in the Mpumalanga region in South Africa. I suspect the coordinates are referenced to Cape Datum (Clarke 1880) before the Hartebeesthoek 94 datum was ...
Jordaan Fouche's user avatar
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Problem with axis order in WFS with QGIS

I'm attempting to make use of some data from the Scottish Government's WFS server. But there is an axis order issue, I just want to check that it isn't something I've done before I raise an issue with ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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Set projection with GDAL and Python of a raster file

I have the following script that allows masking pixels below a certain threshold for all TIFF files in a directory; the user should specify the path, the threshold, and the bund number. The output ...
Isa's user avatar
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QGIS - Unknown projection of Excel-based data

I have a database of coordinates of which the projection is unknown and I have to find out what it is. The coordinates are metric (so for example lat 388749, long 5014908); and they should refer to ...
robbie_maxwell's user avatar
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Projection failing for NetCDF file using NetCDF4 in python

I am trying to create a netCDF file from an excel sheet that contains precipitation data. The excel file is organized with latitude and longitude in columns: a column with latitudes, a column with ...
Idalh's user avatar
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Gott Goldberg Vanderbei projection using R

I want to know if it is possible to use R to generate a double sided disk projection discussed in . I am not familiar with GIS softwares but comfortable with R. ...
ajith's user avatar
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Selecting the right CRS for a KML file in Jupyter

I'm working with Ipyleaflet to display a KML file in a Jupyter Notebook I have the following in a cell: import fiona import geopandas as gpd from ipyleaflet import GeoData, Map, basemaps fiona....
user1592380's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine modify resample resolution units

My initial goal is to process the global GEDI 10m resolution canopy height data for 2020. I used a loop to cut the original image into 20° x 20° tiles and used convolution kernels to average and ...
THY111's user avatar
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OSGeo / PROJ - TransformerGroup Ordinality

My question is within the context of working with pyproj, the popular python package wrapping OSGeo's PROJ library, but it probably spills over into coordinate transformations as a whole and ...
Michael Di Felice's user avatar
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Misaligned coordinates

I am new to QGIS, and have just uploaded my first raster layer, plotting ecological data in Africa. However, I noticed that points above and below the equator appear shifted (see image). My CRS is ...
Dansmabentz's user avatar
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Converting latLng to screen point

I have a map in RN app on iOS and I have and overlay outside of the map Inside overlay I need to draw a View with some absolute position that will match some LatLng coords on the map I know screen ...
Sedoyjan's user avatar
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Is this KML file measured in degrees?

I'm working with a KML layer in QGIS. Here is the file: The KML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <kml xmlns=""> <...
user1592380's user avatar
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Calculating area percentages of another vector file based on vector grid using ArcGIS Pro

I have a grid (vector file) in ArcGIS Pro, and I want to calculate the percentages of the area of different anthrome types in the other vector file (Anthromes 12K DGG Dataverse) for each grid cell. I ...
cloudberry's user avatar

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