Questions tagged [cross-tabulation]

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QGIS: Cross-tabulation table full of zero values

I want to calculate the Night Light Development Index (NLDI). For this reason I am using a night-time lights satellite image and a population raster layer, which they have the same dimensions, extent ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Count of the different combination of two attributes in QGIS?

I've been trying in vain to use the field calculator in QGIS 2.8 to count the combinations of two attributes in two separate columns. First column is called "Alds_klass" and second is called "...
Felipe_H81's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to import coincide table of r.coin tool of QGIS in Excel

I am trying to do a crosstabulation analysis with QGIS. I have used the grass tool r.coin and I have got the coincide report in txt format. However, I want to work with that report in excel, but I don´...
David García's user avatar
1 vote
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PostGIS crosstab error code [closed]

Can anyone tell me why this does not work? SQL error: SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'select town, rescode, proptype FROM "public.windhamCoParcels" WHERE rescode = 'C' or rescode = 'S' or ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to join/relate points to polygons by field

I am using ArcMap with a basic license. I have a layer of polygon parcels and a layer of point turnouts. The turnouts deliver water to the parcel, but are not located within the parcel. My parcels ...
Irrigation_GIS's user avatar
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PostgreSQL and extension tablefunc with enumerated type

In PostgreSQL, I created an enumerated type CREATE TYPE w_sebio.t_sebio_type_sad as ENUM ('transféré', 'traité', 'non soumis', 'ouvert', 'non traité','PAC réalisé'); then a table CREATE TABLE w_sebio....
fcka's user avatar
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