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1 answer

Converting extent to int is changing value [closed]

I am iterating to get extents (XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax) of each feature (1 deg x 1 deg polygons). The values of the extents parameters are double precision and display to one decimal place. I need to ...
atv5150's user avatar
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2 answers

Iterating over (selected) features by the same id

I have a feature class Test_NearestNeighbor_Code. This feature class has 7373 polygon features and a column/ field called osm_id. I want to do a calculation with all features that have the same osm_id....
Mr.Zab's user avatar
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All rows are being overwritten with last features value using arcpy.da.UpdateCursor

I am trying to populate fields based on objects. When trying to use Update Cursor it overwrites all of the row values with information from the last feature read. I am sure that I am meant to get it ...
Stratasaurus's user avatar
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Getting for loop which stops after first one to iterate properly?

I originally asked UpdateCursor can't acquire lock, but can acquire lock in TestSchemaLock and got some help about why my code wasn't acquiring a lock. My new problem is that my code isn't fully ...
Melissa's user avatar
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RuntimeError: General function failure when running arcpy.da.SearchCursor

I have a script that was previously working but just started throwing an error out of the blue. Here is the traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<ipython-input-68-be384b1c4968>...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Batching field calculations and feature classes in feature dataset using ArcPy?

I'm working on writing a script that will calculate facility ID's for feature classes in a feature dataset. Is there a way to do this without making feature layers and doing select/field calculate ...
Tyler Smith's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Iterate through features to use selection as input for ExtractByMask

I need to iterate through each of the features of a feature class successively to use each one as the mask to extract from a raster with the ExtractByMask tool. Basically I'm looking for the "Iterate ...
Yan Hildebrand's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Iterating through records specific number at a time using ArcPy?

I'm working with a table that has over 180,000 records. My code searches through the table and pulls field values (meeting a SQL statement) into a list. This list is used as part of a Search by ...
MattS's user avatar
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Use update cursor in arcpy to count number of points within each polygon

I have two shapefiles. One contains many points across a state. The other is all the counties within the state. I would like to do two things: use a cursor to count how many points are in each county ...
dand's user avatar
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arcpy.da.UpdateCursor "iteration not started" when using pairwise iteration through cursor

Without getting too much into the context of this workflow, I'm trying to find whether a stream segment is flowing in the right direction. If the "FROM_NODE" or the "TO_NODE" values of two adjacent ...
tinyplanet00's user avatar
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Using update cursor with list of shapefiles?

I'm still pretty new to using cursors. What I'd like to do is create a list of shapefiles. Within those shapefiles I would like to populate a field "NAME" with the shapefile name less the .shp ...
standard's user avatar
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Why does the next() method fail after the last record, using arcpy.da.SearchCursor?

Using the older arcpy.SearchCursor, the next() method would return Nothing once the last record had been passed. Using the newer arcpy.da.SearchCursor, I'm finding that the next() method crashes the ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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