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18 votes
4 answers

Saving project with data source path as relative in QGIS?

Is there an option in QGIS to save the project with the data source being a relative path? I don't see the option here. QGIS Wroclaw1.7.3
SNT's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Adding points to point vector layer using QGIS?

I have a point layer with multiple data points in QGIS, but I want to add some extra data points to it and adjust some info that we missed because the ground was wet and we needed to go around it. I ...
Brook's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to automatically fill a lat/long in attribute table

I need to plot the distribution of a plant species on a map. I have created a shapefile for the species plots (name of file is PLANT). The coordinate system of this file is WGS84. On the attribute ...
user32386's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Conversion of coordinates of "Bochum coordinate system"

I need to convert historic coordinate data into more recent Gauß-Krueger data. Specifically, I need to convert "Bochum coordinates" used till 1960 in the local coal mines into DHDN/Gauß-Krüger zone 2 (...
Roland Gaschnitz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Opening data from NSIDC in QGIS?

i download data from here, but i can not open it in QGIS. Do you know how to open this data in QGIS?
komy's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Derive WGS84 Longitude & Latitude from British Northings & Eastings

I'm looking for a fairly simple way to append columns with WGS84 longitude and latitude to a table containing northings and eastings. The source data is Ordnance Survey's CodePoint Open, which I is ...
euki's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Import info from mdb file into a project?

I need to import info on a QGIS project. The info are in a MDB file (population, mean age, number of cars and so on: one record per region) that is written to be connected with a region shape from an ...
Ale's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Determining size of grid cells created by vector grid tool of QGIS?

I am working with QGIS 1.8.0 and Im making a vector grid on a map. Does someone know how big are the squares if the grid settings look like in the picture?
user20159's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to filter and download OSM data by attribute tag?

Is there any online service that allows to download only one thematic layer of the OSM data for a specific geographic region? For example all objects related to vegetation (trees, grassland,...), but ...
bob's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Export 3D data DXF file

I'm trying to export a DXF file from QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa and can not have a 3D file in AutoCAD or Microstation. It results always in 2D file. How can I export height data from a shapefile in QGIS?
Jorge Marques's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why can't I see all records in my personal GDB in QGIS?

I am running QGIS 1.8. I have a layer from an ESRI Personal GDB. There are 431 features in the layer. When you load the layer into QGIS, and look at the Metadata properties, it shows the number of ...
Get Spatial's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to download Open Street Map data in QGIS? [closed]

I'm trying download data from OSM in QGIS via Openlayers plugin. Downloading is successfull, but when I add layer to project, many of the features are missing. Is there any limitation, or does ...
Karel Macků's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Divide shapefile

I'm new working with QGIS 1.8.0 and wanted to know if its possible to subdivide a map (shapefile, which is round-like) into small squares but following the outer round contour of the map? I tried with ...
user20159's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

QGIS - exercise data

I´m working currently through the QGIS training manual. However, the data for the spatial analysis exercise in chapter 9.4 (
Flo's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Where can I get free New Zealand and Melbourne geodata?

I have just installed QGIS. Do any forum users know where I could download or access files and maps for 1) New Zealand, and/or 2) Melbourne/Victoria, Australia. Preferably it would be good to know ...
Will Allen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Basic instructions for loading OS Terrain 50 data

Are there any basic instructions for using the OS Terrain data available online? I do not have an issue extracting - it is all sat in a folder ready to go. What I cannot work out how to do is to ...
Claire Feldkamp's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to change CRS without the .prj file?

I'm working with QGIS and trying to change the CRS of some maps. Is is possible to do it without the .prj file?
user20159's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to sum the values for bins with the same location?

I have two maps in CSV form, each has a latitude, longitude, and value column. Since not all the positions in one map are in another map, is there any way in QGIS to display a new map which only shows ...
Kyle's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

ESRI Land Cover 2050 download

I need a 2050 land cover map for Central and South Americas. I found ESRI's 2050 Land Cover raster but was not able to download it. They have an online interactive map, but with no download option. I ...
Ana Clara's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using NASA Above landcover imagery in place with Qgis

Landsat-derived Annual Dominant Land Cover Across ABoVE Core Domain is composite tiled classified imagery dataset covering the years 1984-2014. The format is elegant and clever but hard to use. Each ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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