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Opening data from NSIDC in QGIS?

i download data from here, but i can not open it in QGIS. Do you know how to open this data in QGIS?
komy's user avatar
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3 votes
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Importing large .asc files into QGIS

I've been given two .asc files containing a 1m raster data from a LiDAR survey. I only have access to QGIS.2.14.1 (which I'am using for the 1st time only having previous experience with ArcGIS) and I ...
Robert's user avatar
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4 votes
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Change NODATA values to 0 in Qgis

I know this question has been asked already in this forum, but I couldn't find an easy (for me, a rookie) solution for my problem. I have an RGB 3 band file which, in some pixels, has i.e. R no data ...
Riccardo Boniardi's user avatar
5 votes
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Why am I losing part of my raster when I reproject?

QGIS 2.0 Working with tiff raster file. Reprojections are in WGS84 Mercator. Here is my problem: I am trying to use buffers or urban areas to analyze light intensity on a raster layer. I want 30 ...
ian's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is No Data Value?

I'm looking at the transparency window of the layer properties of my "Heat map". How does the No Data Value effect a raster layer. I'm assuming an initial setting of -9999 sets it out of the way, so ...
Fred's user avatar
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