Questions tagged [import]

To bring data from one computer system or application into another.

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Imported points not aligned with Google roads and KML Shapefile

I imported points to Qgis they are appear behind the alignment and system used EPSG 21036 and points system used was also arc1960.
Collins Murashani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Overlay problem when importing a CSV file into QGIS

I'm having a problem with certain entities being superimposed when importing a delimited text file in .csv format into QGIS. It seems that some entities lose their coordinates and copy the coordinates ...
elia's user avatar
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QField error codes

What does the error code 19 mean in QField (QField 3.2.2 - Congo)? The error occurs when trying to import a project from ZIP. After selecting the ZIP it first messages that it is importing the project,...
Melanie's user avatar
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Importing NMEA RMC sentences into QGIS

I would like to import NMEA RMC datasets into QGIS (I'm using 3.28.3-Firenze). I log these on a separate measurement data logger. So far I have been able to import a .log file with GGA and RMC ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Create points from addresses in QGIS

I have a CSV with multiple addresses in the form (city, zipcode, street, number (possibly with address supplement ["A", "F", etc.]. Is there any way to create points on these ...
BAE_23's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Adding symbols for vector layer [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out how to add some public safety symbols to QGIS (3.34.2) like a simple and clean symbol for a firehouse location... having trouble. Alternatively is there an existing library of ...
Mark Leander's user avatar
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Adding symbols for vector layer

I'm trying to figure out how to add some public safety symbols to QGIS (3.34.2) like a simple and clean symbol for a firehouse location. Is there an existing library of symbols that can be turned on ...
Mark Leander's user avatar
1 vote
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QGIS 3.34 - How to show correct image width/zoom in KML multiple raster background image

I'm trying to import in QGIS a KML file with multiple background tile images (all georeferenced) into a grid. The images are located in a separate folder and inside the layer data there's a field with ...
Dret's user avatar
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Error installing norGIS ALKIS Importer package with OSGeo4W

I am trying to import ALKIS NAS Data (XML) in QGis. These are german test cadaster datas. I already created a PostGIS database where I can import the XML with the nor GIS ALKIS importer. This will be ...
Aurora's user avatar
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Error turf is not defined in OpenLayers

Here is my package.json : "name": "api_geoservices", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "module", "scripts": { "start": "...
Leehan's user avatar
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Opening .png.aux.xml file in QGIS

I received a .png.aux.xml file. I have tried to read it with the GDAL translator and by making a URL from the code. I haven't been able to open the file in QGIS. Any ideas?
Pedro Castro Gomez's user avatar
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QGIS Version 3.34 -Error during XML import

When importing such an XML file into QGIS version 3.34, an object attribute (dientZurDarstellungVon) is not imported. There was no problem with this XML import in the previous version. The XML ...
star moon's user avatar
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Uploading CSV file without coordinates in QGIS

I am very much a QGIS beginner and want a vector layer of food deserts in England, but the only data I can find is in CSV format with no shapefile ...
Emily's user avatar
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Importing vector layers where geometry is WKT in PostGIS

I am trying to import the layers in QGIS to PostGIS. However, I want the geometry imported to be WKT and not WKB. How can I do that?
BHH's user avatar
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Strange pixel column numbers in imported GeoTIFF file

I am loading a .d file (from SAR ceos file) with 11,000 pixels x 11,000 columns into QGIS 3.16.4. Perhaps this is a funny input format (not sure) but it appears that QGIS loads it well but reprojects ...
Marco's user avatar
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Getting water depth data in QGIS

I'm working on water path planning in QGIS (for example, least cost path in a river). Now it contains only xy coordinates. Is there a way to get data on the water depth in QGIS? For example, any open ...
redhat's user avatar
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Loading CSV files using PyQGIS [closed]

This script works with older version of QGIS but not the latest one. What is wrong with this script? I do not think the space in the directory name is the cause. import os.path, glob from qgis.core ...
Kumar Navulur's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Importing CSV results in NULL values for decimal column in QGIS

I am importing a .csv file and one of the "integer" columns ("ZVH Density") is all NULL values when imported as a Delimited Text file. Whole numbers import (known through trial and ...
Dia's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Loading multiband raster layer with pseudocolor style (not RGB) using PyQGIS

I am loading a raster file with many bands to my QGIS project. layer = self.iface.addRasterLayer(raster_file_path, baseName="foo") By default, QGIS chooses to set its symbology to "...
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.1k
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Joining vector layer with CSV-file that contain duplicates in QGIS

I'm currently working on a project, and I received a CSV file which has additional information about each feature. I intend to join the CSV file with an existing layer. Picture it like this: However, ...
eafwnrg's user avatar
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ogr2ogr only imports 99999 rows of geopackage layer to PostGIS database

I am using the ogr2ogr command to upload a geopackage layer to my PostGIS database. The layer has 130'870 objects/rows. I am using this code: ogr2ogr --debug ON -progress -f "PostgreSQL" PG:&...
theo_maptransfer's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding GeoPackage data (covering whole country) to specific area of the country in QGIS

I have a big GeoPackage of building data for a whole country. I want to add only building data for a certain part of the country. I have tried adding the whole data package and then "select by ...
Tessa Bell's user avatar
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Import Vulcan software files into QGIS

I have a file with the extension .00t that represents the route of a vehicle, I would like to import it into QGIS to edit it as a shapefile. Does anyone know how to do it?
Ubar Chamorro Gallo's user avatar
4 votes
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All fields recognised as String when importing CSV with CSVT in QGIS

I am trying to import data contained in a CSV file Chomage 1975.csv, with a CSVT file Chomage 1975.csvt in the same folder. My CSV file content is: Code;City Name;Unemployment rate 15 years and over ...
cyirand's user avatar
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3 votes
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Importing text file Arc/Info ASCII GRID into QGIS

I am trying to import gridded data from BOM into QGIS. The data is available as an Arc/Info ASCII GRID which is a text file with no accompanying files (unlike in this question Convert ESRI Integer ...
Aisep's user avatar
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Importing several CSV files without losing leading zeros from OS NGR into QGIS

I have ten CSVs that I need to import, in order to turn them into geopackages/shapefiles so I can edit the attribute tables etc etc. The ten files have a combined total of about 15000 entries. Each ...
Matt Mansfield's user avatar
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QFields not syncing some layers

I'm running a team project at the moment, several team members out in the field collecting data with the same QField package. When we get back to the office every day we are wanting to sync each ...
Aiden Umbrello's user avatar
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Import from Intergraph G/Technology in QGIS

we currently use Hexagon's Intergraph G/Technology. Unfortunately, when exporting (via dwg / dxf) and importing into QGIS, all symbols (e.g. hydrants) are displayed in the wrong place. The symbols are ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 vote
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Looking for alternative of ArcGIS REST API Connector Plugin in QGIS 3

I am trying to open feature services from Enterprise Geodatabase to QGIS. I've downloaded the ArcGIS API Connector Plugin, but it seems to only work with QGIS version 2.0 - 2.9. I am running QGIS ...
SAM's user avatar
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Import JSON file as table in Excel and visualize polygon geometry using ArcGIS plugin for Excel

I have a quest where I have to visualize the polygons in my local disk in Excel using ArcGIS plugin. Based on what I understand, I can only import it as a JSON file from the get data panel, but the ...
Ashmitha Nihar's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating QgsVectorLayer from ArcGIS feature Service layer using PyQGIS in QGIS 3.28

I'm developing a QGIS plugin in Python that lets you add layers from ESRI Feature Services (EFS) to the canvas. This feature has always worked correctly up to QGIS 3.28 (I've tried QGIS 3.28.4 and 3....
SimonCartoDev's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

QGIS does not load Luxembourg TIF/TFW file

I am trying to load the topographical map from Luxembourg into QGIS. The .tif and .tfw were downloaded from the lu cadastre. But when importing into QGIS it does not recognize a correct projection. I ...
BearHunt's user avatar
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Automatically loading QML style file based on layer name in QGIS

I have a folder with ~100 QGIS-style files (.qml). Is it possible to tell QGIS that whenever I load a layer which has the same name as one of the .qml files apply that style instead of giving the ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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Importing PDAL inside QGIS plugin

I have some functions using PDAL in Python that I'd like to integrate inside a QGIS plugin. This plugin must be easy to install on different OS (Windows, Linux). However, even if PDAL is used by QGIS ...
GuillaumeG's user avatar
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Adding new XYZ tile connection using PyQGIS

How can I add a XYZ tiles connection to the list of stored connections using the PyQGIS without using QGIS3.ini/QgsSettings? For example for the URL pattern{z}/{x}/{y}....
bugmenot123's user avatar
  • 11.1k
4 votes
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Adding Vector Tiles results in 'Network request timed out' in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28 Firenze on my Windows, I am trying to create a connection to a vector tile server to request contour line tiles. As the data are open source I can post the server address: The server has ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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QGIS DXF - Import Script to use the Windows fonts

I can find the font information in the "style" column and I use this for styling. The following code adjust all layers: from qgis.core import QgsProject for layer in QgsProject.instance()....
Martin's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Importing points from CSV file with NaN as vertical separator in QGIS

I am importing a CSV file with the coordinates of several points forming some kind of circle structure. The different circles are separated in the file table with one line of NaN, NaN. When I import ...
Sanilla's user avatar
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Opening GML file with collection of geometries in QGIS

I can't visualize in QGIS the .gml file that can be downloaded here (second row). I think QGIS doesn't support files with 'collection of geometries', therefore I don't know how to use it. A professor ...
Fabio Castelli's user avatar
2 votes
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How to import GeoPackage with ogr2ogr to existing PostgreSQL table with integer PK?

I'm encountering an error Null value in column violates not-null constraint while using the ogr2ogr command to import a GeoPackage into a PostgreSQL table named prj.viewshed_local. The prj....
Ludovic Beghin's user avatar
2 votes
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Import tables to PostgreSQL from a local geopackage

I'm trying to export each table from a local geopackage to a postgres database using QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormatV3 but the tables are not written to the database. gpkg_path = path/to/...
geofausto's user avatar
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Avoid reimporting data to a map as more data gets added to the folder

I created a script to add TIFF files to a map so I don't have to manually add them. I have been able to have multiple files uploaded at once but in doing so, I duplicate multiple files that are ...
ZephyrZ's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS - Issue importing CSV Table (owner information) with quotation marks

When importing my CSV table into QGIS, rows containing quotes are not correctly separated into columns. Is it possible to define the column separator to tolerate quotes or is there another problem? ...
Marek's user avatar
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Batch import .xyz files in QGIS

I have about 200 .xyz files I want to import into my QGIS project. I've tried using this answer but haven't been able to make it work. I'm getting this exec(Path(...
Yivi's user avatar
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Importing .py script to action editor using QGIS

I import a .py file like so: import sys sys.path.append('/foo/bar/boo/far/') # import from target folder import foobar This line (simplified for sharing) works when the code is typed ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Import URL in QField on iPhone not working

I have the prepared project files stored in a folder in my Dropbox. It is the link to this folder I enter in the “Import URL”-field (I have also tried pasting a link to a zipped version of it). Not ...
Henrik's user avatar
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Importing CSV file as polygons in QGIS [closed]

I downloaded a CSV file for a city nearby. The file has columns "SHAPE_Leng", "SHAPE_Area", "lat", and "lon". I assume with represents a polygon. What are the ...
Hillel Vardi's user avatar
1 vote
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Raster data are shown but can't be clipped or changed

I'm struggling with a new problem on QGIS 3.30. Here's what I want to do: I downloaded raster data from my country in .img and can easily import them from my local driver into QGIS. The problem: After ...
Daniel Nußbaumer's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating connections between multiple points from CSV file in QGIS

I have the following situation: I have two CSV files: One file lists all nodes and their longitude and latitude in the following manner with the following columns: ID Name Longitude Latitude No ...
Granola2345's user avatar
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Transfer GeoJSON data to a MySQL database

I want to transfer my GeoJSON data to a MySQL database. I know that MySQL somehow supports GeoJSON but I do not really understand how that works. That was my try: SET @point_o_from_geoJSON := ...
Melina M's user avatar

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