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R: bioclim tile function is giving me tons of values of bioclimatic variables for specific coordinate point from worldclim

I simply want the data on the 19 bioclimatic variables in worldclim for specific coordinate point. But when doing the below I get tons of values but do not know what they represent. I would like to ...
petteraxelssonsluse's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Downloading CRU TS 3.0 data with custom temporal range

I want to download CRU TS 3.0 data from year 1960-1990. However in the website the data is downloaded from 1901-2006. Is there anyway ...
Hallie Sheikh's user avatar
1 vote
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Download Daymet tileID grid?

I'm trying to download tiled Daymet climate data ([see here])1. One can automate this process using a shell script, but you need to know the tileIDs that you want. Is there a way to download the tile ...
Nick's user avatar
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Looking for high quality Koppen climate maps [duplicate]

I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of high resolution Koppen climate maps for use in academic research. I want to accurately place c. 100 study sites from around the world in their ...
francis's user avatar
  • 21
-1 votes
1 answer

climate data for Europe [duplicate]

I am looking for climate rasters (temperature, precipitation) for European continent. I know WorldClim (1km/pixel) but it is too coarse. Do you know, where can I download finer data, for example ...
komy's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Seeking shapefiles of global climate/climatic zones

Have been looking around a bit for a shapefile/kml/etc file of global climatic zones (as listed here: -- temperature, subtropical, tropical, etcetera. ...
boulder_ruby's user avatar
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Extracting climate data for given coordinates from interface?

I have my own dataset of latitudes and longitudes. I need to extract annual average climatic variables (Rainfall, temperature,sunshine etc) for this specific data set. I tried WorldClim but it ...
Share's user avatar
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worldclim: "Current conditions (interpolations of observed data, representative of 1960-1990)"

I am interested in work with climate data since 2012, I found it in, but there is something draws my attention: There it says: "Current conditions (interpolations ...
Aldo RM's user avatar
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From raster to vector format? [closed]

I have files from two sources, one has come from, contains climate variables such as precipitation and temperature on a world scale, in raster format. The other has the ...
Aldo RM's user avatar
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Seeking 1km bioclim data layers for time period between 2005 - 2009?

I am looking to download some simple bioclim layers for a college exercise. I am looking at annual precipitation and mean temp and want it at 1km spatial resolution for any time period around 2005 - ...
R Sharada's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Current Global Climate Dataset

Where can I find gridded Current Global Climate Datasets (Mean Temperature and Precipitation) at 30 second resolution?
user74088's user avatar
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Source for wind energy potential for India in GIS format

I am looking for wind energy data (they can be wind speed at any height or wind energy potential) for India in a GIS format. Like the data displayed the link below:
dimitris's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Acquiring global wind data?

Where can I acquire global wind (speed and direction) data? Preferably in some kind of GIS format and free of charge.
aneh's user avatar
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Climatic data sets

I did a bulk download of climatic data from in png format so that I will extract my ROI(Africa). After the download I loaded them in Arcgis and discovered they are not ...
Ama's user avatar
  • 37
0 votes
2 answers

Downloading climate data? [closed]

I just want somebody to help me with a link so that I can download global climatic data variables like temperature, precipitation, cloud cover etc
Ama's user avatar
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Global temperature maps

Does anyone please knows where to get global surface temperature maps, yearly? I need separate map for each year from 2002 to 2012 shows the average surface temperature over the globe, would be great ...
Nour's user avatar
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Temperature data for Africa

Where can I find daily minimum / maximum temperature for Africa, possibly in a raster format?
Gianluca Franceschini's user avatar
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Sea level rise prediction by zip code in the U.S. coasts

I'm relatively new to GIS data and am working on a project on climate change. I can find online predictions of sea level rise by zip code in the U.S. East, West and Gulf Coasts (for example: http://...
Asterix's user avatar
  • 109
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1 answer

Sources for long-term NDVI datasets with coverage to west Asia?

I'm in need for long-term NDVI dataset for my research in bio-climatology, looks like GLCF GIMMS are no longer available online, any suggestions/workarounds to get the data.
Angi's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there better climate data than Worldclim for Europe?

I am looking for the best available climate data in Europe. Worldclim seems to be the best source of information for global data, but I am wondering if there is a higher resolution (better than 1km ...
radouxju's user avatar
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Sources for meterological data with high resolution

I was running Maxent on an endemic species of andaman and nicobar.But the climate data I have from ( tile number 29 ) is not of high resolution and thus I can't see the distribution ...
advocateofnone's user avatar
4 votes
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Seeking decadal climate and ocean data for Europe

Where can I find 'decadal' climate and ocean data for Europe that I can download and use directly in ArcGIS Desktop? Specifically, I am looking for mean annual temperature, sea surface temperature, ...
Keith Larson's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

climatic data from MODIS or other sources [closed]

I'm looking for climatic information in the form of raster like MODIS daily LST (Land Surface Temperature) data. I'm looking for other parameters like precipitation, humidity, air pressure and so on. ...
f.ashouri's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a simple interface from which I can extract average summer temperature and humidity for a list of latitude and longitudes?

I am interested in finding the summer average (either climatalogical mean or for a specific year) relative humidity and temperature for a set of globally distributed latitude and longitude coordinates....
Abe's user avatar
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8 votes
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Getting monthly weather means for future climates?

I am trying to generate spatially downscaled (5-10 arcminutes) future climate maps indicating monthly mean min and max temp, and precip. Most people usually need to extrapolate monthly data into ...
ben's user avatar
  • 263
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2 answers

Looking for average temperature data for Afghanistan

Hey all I am looking for a average temperature data for Afghanistan monthly over a year, precipitation would work too. In a shapefile, if anyone has any or knows anywhere that I could access one ...
Bragg's user avatar
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Identifying geographies that match certain climatic profiles through GIS

The long and short of this research is trying to find roads that lie within geographic areas that fit a given climatic profile. In this case, I need to find areas within the United States with ...
Nathanus's user avatar
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