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Questions tagged [de-9im]

The Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) is a topological model and a standard used to describe the spatial relations of two spatial objects.

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Why the * and not an F at position (2,1) in the intersection pattern matrix of the Contains predicate

The Contains intersection pattern matrix should be: T*****FF* according to [1], [2] and [3] (but strangely not [4]... for which the matrix is symmetrical, hence Contains==Within, which is not correct ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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PostGIS function to get the corresponding intersection matrix pattern for any of the 8 spatial relationships between two geometries

I have a quick and very simple question for which I have not (yet) been able to find an answer: is there a PostGIS function to get the intersection matrix pattern corresponding to any of the 8 ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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What is the pattern matrix equivalent of ST_Equals()?

Within the OGC Simple Feature Access Part 1, I found this: Whereas, in PostGIS (3.4.0dev 3.3.0rc2-335-gae95dd219): SELECT ST_RelateMatch( ST_Relate( 'LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2)', ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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What exactly are the definitions of the boundary and interior of a line or a point?

Regarding the DE-9IM and the OGC spatial predicates for expressing relationships between two geometries; I'm wondering what exactly are the boundary and interior of respectively a line and a point? Is ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Is the boundary of a polygon comprised in its interior?

I'm wondering, regarding the DE-9IM and the OGC spatial predicates for expressing relationships between two geometries; is the boundary of a polygon comprised in its interior or not? If not, does it ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Role of boundaries when using shapely within function

According to the shapely documentation: object.within(other) Returns True if the object’s boundary and interior intersect only with the interior of the other (not its boundary or exterior) ...
Chopin's user avatar
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ST_RELATE - Intersect ignore shared boundary

Using postgis I am trying to find polygons that intersect, ignoring polygons that only have a shared boundary (edge). ST_Relate(g1, g2, 'T********') is a standard intersection. ST_Relate(g1, g2, 'TF*...
Jay Laura's user avatar
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postgis st_relate polygon inside another and sharing a boundary

I am trying to select polygons inside an other one WITH a common boundary. It seems that st_relate is the way but I can't find the right matrix, even if I don't see where the fault is in : st_relate(e....
Leehan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to determine if a Polygon is inside another Polygon's hole

Given two valid polygons P and Q, what's the cheapest / fastest way to determine: If polygon Q is inside one of polygon P's holes (interior rings), or vice versa. (see illustration below) To the ...
urschrei's user avatar
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Boundary of MultiLinestring in DE-9IM

can somebody help me understand (probably giving visual examples) what does this sentence mean which is quoted from the wiki page of nine intersection model: Those points that are in the boundaries ...
Farid Cheraghi's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Using DE-9IM patterns in python plugin for QGIS?

I'd like to compare geometries using DE-9IM patterns in my QGIS plugin written in Python. I've tried to instantiate QgsGeos but it seems there's no such module in qgis.core, as reported by the ...
bchartier's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the difference between Spatial predicates "Covers" and "Contains"?

I try to understand the Spatial predicates of the DE-9IM Intersection matrix. I don't get the difference between predicates Covers (respective CoveredBy) and Contains (resp. Within). I try to draw ...
Wernfried Domscheit's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How does spatial polygon %over% polygon work to when aggregating values in r?

I'm working on an environmental epidemiology project where I have point exposures (~ 2,000 industrial hog operations - IHOs). These IHOs spray on nearby fields, but the feces water droplets and smell ...
Mike Dolan Fliss's user avatar
2 votes
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Regarding spatial relationships, what is the Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model (DE-9IM)? [duplicate]

In plain English what is the Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM)? What is the meaning of each row/column in the matrix? How can I use that information to build a relation matrix?...
nickves's user avatar
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Get DE-9IM matrix in spatialite?

Is there a way to get the DE-9IM matrix between two geometries in a Spatialite function, analogous to the st_relate() function in PostGIS? (I find it very helpful to spatially join using intersect() ...
forkandwait's user avatar
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What topologic relation means "interior-disjoint"?

I am using the JTS Topology Suite, and trying to write an expression that means "shape A and shape B are interior disjoint". I read this documentation page but I don't entirely understand the ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

SQL Server STRelate equivalent of Oracles SDO_RELATE(...mask=anyinteract)

In Oracle Spatial, we are running checks on a graph. The Check should provide Nodes, which are marked as endnodes (Attribute "EDGEDEGREE" equals 1) but are in fact located somewhere along an edge. We ...
Jürgen Zornig's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How do I describe a special relationship between connected edges?

Consider this simple situation where three edges connect at a node: I’d like to write a succinct and clear description of the relationship between A and B in such a way that differentiates it from ...
andytilia's user avatar
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Is there a standard st_relation_readable() function for translate DE-9IM strings?

Spatial databases, such as PostGIS, implement the DE-9IM model with function st_relate(), which returns a string with domain of {0,1,2,F}, meaning 0=point, 1=line, 2=area, and F="empty set"... See DE-...
Peter Krauss's user avatar
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