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5 votes
2 answers

Deleting special characters from QGIS Attribute table

Is there a way to delete special characters such as *? I've tried using replace and regexp_replace, but my version at least doesn't recognise special characters. There are hundreds of fields, and I'm ...
Kai's user avatar
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When deleting attribute from GDB file all the fields in the remaining attributes get deleted as well in QGIS

In QGIS 3.38.2 I have a gdb shapefile with many attributes, let's say A100, A200, A300 and with many fields. When I go to the edit through the "Open attribute table" and delete A200, all the ...
Francis's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete only certain info of the attributes table and not a complete row in QGIS

I want to delete only certain information of certain cells of the attributes table in QGIS and not the complete rows or columns that contain that word. For example, I want to eliminate all the words &...
DorExplor's user avatar
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"AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'fields'" error when creating and deleting fields in the attribute table using PyQGIS

I am currently making a code that will buffer the points then extract vertices and add new coordinates. but I also want to change the "max depth" column to "Height Theo" and then ...
PyCher's user avatar
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Deleting specific attributes of layer using PyQGIS

I want to delete specific columns in the attribute table of my layer: except for the "LAYER" Column. This is my code: clip = processing.runAndLoadResults("native:clip", ...
charliey's user avatar
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Rename and delete fields in the attribute table

I am using QGIS V3.22.6 I have an attribute table with unnecessary fields that I wish to delete. I also wish to rename some of the fields. I cannot see how to do this using the Attribute Table Editor.
Norman's user avatar
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Deleting all non-required fields in table using ModelBuilder in ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro I want to delete all non-required fields from a table using ModelBuilder. The number of fields will be variable since it will the product of multiple Union functions. Is there a way to ...
Bob's user avatar
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Points deleted in map do not delete in attribute table using QGIS

In QGIS 3.22.13 I have deleted a number of points from a SHP file. They have gone from the map but still appear in the attribute table. I have tried reloading the attribute table and saving closing ...
Laura Bennett's user avatar
0 votes
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How to specify which fields to keep while deleting the remainder of the attribute table - ArcPy

I have an attribute table with 100+ fields whereby I only need to keep 3 fields. Specifying which fields to keep is way easier than manually selecting which to delete. This should be easily done via ...
Foeke Boersma's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Deleting all fields from attribute table in QGIS processing script

I'm writing a script in the processing script editor of QGIS and at one point i want to delete all columns of my vector layer's attribute table. I tried to do it like this: lst = list(range(0,-1)) ...
Anni98's user avatar
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3 answers

Nullifying the whole row in data attribute table at once in QGIS

I have a situation as you can see below: and I would like to have one row cleared completely at once. Is it possible?
Geographos's user avatar
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Removing duplicates from the Attribute table by expression in QGIS

I have some duplicates in my data attribute table, you can see below: I used the following formula: count(1, "Site ID") > 1 based on this question: Identifying duplicate attributes in ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Deleting large number of duplicates in attribute table in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have a vector file with about 9000+ objects and for some reason, each of them has duplicates. Which way can I find on QGIS to remove duplicates which have the same object "ID" ...
Robagb's user avatar
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Removing duplicate records in the Attribute table using QGIS

I need to remove the duplicate objects in my attribute table (see the image attached), but I can't find a way to do so. I saw questions asked with python that it NOT relevant to my case
Robagb's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is Delete Highlighted button on Attribute Table grayed out in ArcMap?

I have a few thousand points of data in one layer in ArcMap. I'm editing those points through the Attribute table and now have the data that I don't want displayed highlighted in the table. About 3.5 ...
Kylie Fair's user avatar
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Deleting fields from an attribute table

I have a layer that was constructed by multiple dissolve, merge, join's etc. by a previous person. So unsurprisingly the table is a complete mess. I only need 2 or 3 out of the 20 something fields ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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Deleting columns by indexes with PyQGIS

In QGIS 3.4, I am building a model for importing and preparing multiple data by merging shapes and joining tables. I am almost finished with the model, but I haven't found a useful tool for deleting ...
Emu's user avatar
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Layer not visible after deleting from attribute table QGIS

I'm a newbie for QGIS and trying to learn. I was editing the attribute table in which process I deleted some rows. Then the layer became invisible in the project. After trying a lot I decided to redo ...
Yisehaq Abraham's user avatar
5 votes
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Deleting features with identical table attributes in QGIS

How do I delete features with identical table attributes in QGIS? Otherwise, is there a tool like the 'Delete Identical Tool' in ArcGIS? For example, if I had 4 rows, and 3 columns, where I wanted to ...
nittyjee's user avatar
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Select columns to keep from attribute table [closed]

I have lots of feature classes that I'm working with, but the attribute tables are really messy because I got the information from different sources. So I decided to clean them up. I made a table ...
Lisa's user avatar
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New field added whenever I export shapefile to the geodatabase

I don't know why this is keep happening, but I created shapefile in QGIS and opened the shapefile from ArcGIS. I needed to create geodatabase to put in all of my shapefile, but whenever I do that, ...
J. Kim's user avatar
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Deleting attribute records in one project also deletes it in another project?

Because I am learning QGIS and I had to delete records in a attribute table, I made a copy (project > save as > saving as 'project_copy' before deleting attributes. To be safe... So I deleted the ...
Boswachter_Marc's user avatar