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Deleting photos in QFieldCloud

When I sync my QField projects (mobile) to QGIS (desktop) through QFieldCloud, I would like to be able to delete the synced photos in QFieldCloud. (To save space on my QFieldCloud). It seems, however, ...
Georgia Slim's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Deleting special characters from QGIS Attribute table

Is there a way to delete special characters such as *? I've tried using replace and regexp_replace, but my version at least doesn't recognise special characters. There are hundreds of fields, and I'm ...
Kai's user avatar
  • 157
2 votes
1 answer

When deleting attribute from GDB file all the fields in the remaining attributes get deleted as well in QGIS

In QGIS 3.38.2 I have a gdb shapefile with many attributes, let's say A100, A200, A300 and with many fields. When I go to the edit through the "Open attribute table" and delete A200, all the ...
Francis's user avatar
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0 votes
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Removing annotation boxes using QGIS [duplicate]

I'm using QGIS 3.36 Maidenhead and I need to remove annotation boxes that I added but do not want to keep. I cannot find any option to delete or even edit them, only to add more. I've tried every way ...
user252685's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Delete Features of a layer from PostgreSQL on QGIS itself

I have layers that I need to edit using QGIS that I import from my company's PostgreSQL server. I currently have the ability to add features, for example the line that I have drawn below: However, ...
Nandula's user avatar
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3 votes
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Delete only certain info of the attributes table and not a complete row in QGIS

I want to delete only certain information of certain cells of the attributes table in QGIS and not the complete rows or columns that contain that word. For example, I want to eliminate all the words &...
DorExplor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Deleting polygon constituted of many parts

I have a shapefile with multiple polygons and I would like to delete those which are constituted by multiple parts, as this one:
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
2 votes
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QField Cloud not downloading data collected in field onto computer- local files deleted

I have used this same project before, and now I am having issues with getting data from the cloud onto my machine. I am helping someone (not me) with doing this, so the initial mistake I think was ...
vermicellion's user avatar
0 votes
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Deleting borders from merged layers in QGIS

I merged more layers together but I need to delete these borders. It is possible?
Jozef Hiľovský's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS: editing vector layer with 'delete feature' option locked

I need a vector layer to be editable, to change feature geometry and attributes, but at the same time, I need to prevent users from deleting features in the layer. Is there a way of locking the '...
lukabana's user avatar
  • 103
4 votes
1 answer

Rename and delete fields in the attribute table

I am using QGIS V3.22.6 I have an attribute table with unnecessary fields that I wish to delete. I also wish to rename some of the fields. I cannot see how to do this using the Attribute Table Editor.
Norman's user avatar
  • 71
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Delete more than one polygon at a time with Delete Part tool

I'm using QGIS 3.22. When using the Delete Part tool it can be pretty tedious when you have a lot of unwanted polygons to delete. As it stands, I only know how to delete one poly at a time. Is there ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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Points deleted in map do not delete in attribute table using QGIS

In QGIS 3.22.13 I have deleted a number of points from a SHP file. They have gone from the map but still appear in the attribute table. I have tried reloading the attribute table and saving closing ...
Laura Bennett's user avatar
1 vote
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Find model deleted from QGIS processing toolbox

Using Windows 10 with QGIS 3.26.1., I successfully save a model from QGIS and added it to the Processing Toolbox. I then wanted to remove it from Processing Toolbox by right clicking on the model in ...
Babel's user avatar
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Deleting a field using plugin in QGIS 3

I am trying to write a function to delete a field using plugin in QGIS 3.24. I have build a plugin , which consists of QgsFieldComboBox. So I can select a field from the combo box to delete (from the ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Trouble deleting features from polygon in QGIS - features do not delete

Apologies if this is a daft question, I have googled it and searched on here, but can't find an answer. I have a multipolygon shapefile of different pockets of woodland. I am trying to delete some of ...
user197410's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Deleting the same column(s) from different shapefiles in QGIS

In QGIS, I have a problem deleting the same column out of different shapefiles, is there a way to do this? I want to delete several columns out of all these layers, is there a way to do this without ...
I agree's user avatar
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3 answers

Nullifying the whole row in data attribute table at once in QGIS

I have a situation as you can see below: and I would like to have one row cleared completely at once. Is it possible?
Geographos's user avatar
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Removing duplicates from the Attribute table by expression in QGIS

I have some duplicates in my data attribute table, you can see below: I used the following formula: count(1, "Site ID") > 1 based on this question: Identifying duplicate attributes in ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Deleting large number of duplicates in attribute table in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have a vector file with about 9000+ objects and for some reason, each of them has duplicates. Which way can I find on QGIS to remove duplicates which have the same object "ID" ...
Robagb's user avatar
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6 votes
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Deleting polygons within larger polygon in QGIS

I'm using Google Earth Pro to create some maps. I have a larger area (polygon) that has a few smaller areas that are not legally considered part of that larger area. I created the larger area and then ...
Mark V. Fusco's user avatar
1 vote
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Deleting unused DEMs in a QGIS project

When I download DEMs for a diagonal section of coastline, I am forced to download a rectangular area, which leaves gigabytes of unused data. I want to delete the DEM files for the areas I don't need. ...
John Newman's user avatar
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Removing duplicate records in the Attribute table using QGIS

I need to remove the duplicate objects in my attribute table (see the image attached), but I can't find a way to do so. I saw questions asked with python that it NOT relevant to my case
Robagb's user avatar
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Delete geometries based on intersection with another layer

Working on QGIS, I have two layers 1. buildings (polygons) 2. flood area (polygons) I want to get rid of the building located in flood plains. In other words, I need to find where those layers ...
mbk_wass's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deleting whole project in QGIS [closed]

How do I delete the whole project in QGIS? I used the above methods and was not successful.
user193101's user avatar
8 votes
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Deleting entry of GeoPackage

I created a GeoPackagein QGIS 3.18 that contains different entries (layers). How can I delete just on entry of this GeoPackage?
Markus's user avatar
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Deleting duplicate polygon using QGIS

I am using QGIS "Delete Duplicate Geometries" tool, I am trying to delete one of the below two polygons , but failed. The below two polygons are identical with vertices , but the start of ...
TrueNorth's user avatar
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Deleting data by location using another shapefile

I have two shapefiles: one is main file and another is a part divided (manually by selecting) from the main file. Now i want to delete the divided part from the main file with the help of divided part....
Bruno B's user avatar
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Merging and deleting with priority overlapping polygons in QGIS

I have two shapefiles with polygons: one is regions for a country and the other is the protected areas inside that country. I have merged these two polygons with Union, but the regions and protected ...
Nat's user avatar
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Edit CSV not-spatial table in PyQGIS

I am trying to edit a not-spatial CSV table in PyQGIS 2.18 (i.e. deleting existing fields and adding new one ) for the first time (I can do it with polygonal vector layers but I guess something is ...
FedericaZ's user avatar
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2 votes
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Deleting part of polygon (or number of polygons) outside of another larger polygon in QGIS

I have got a number of polygons within a single larger polygon. Parts of the smaller polygons go out from under the larger one, and I want to delete the parts of the smaller polygons, that go outside ...
Mortenlj's user avatar
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Delete overlapping features (select & delete hidden feature below)

I have a whole map, with a lot overlapping between features. The first image showed part of the map, with 100% opacity, so the most top features are shown. And in the second image showed the same ...
louislugas's user avatar
0 votes
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Select and Delete from Multiple Layers at once in QGIS

I have imported a CAD drawing into QGIS as a GPK. It has imported everything that was in CAD. Now I want to delete features that I don't need. See below: I know how to turn each layer on and then ...
ar-siddiqui's user avatar
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Remove parts of line layer [closed]

I have a shapefile layer in QGIS containing Europes coastlines. I want to extract only Norways coastline from this. If I make a polygon layer that overlaps only Norway and then use the Vector ...
Tobbe's user avatar
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Deleting polygon created with Add Polygon Feature in QGIS

I was playing with the "Add polygon Feature" in QGIS. I ended up with some weird ugly polygon. How do I delete the polygon?
kabouter's user avatar
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Deleting values less than 0.31 in NDVI raster layer in QGIS

In my research I have a Ndvi raster layer, and I want to delete the values corresponding to bare soil, which are those minor of 0.31. Therefore, I will obtain a new raster layer with those values ...
Ange's user avatar
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Renaming or deleting fields in multiple layers without creating new layers (QGIS)

I am very new to QGIS. I have added three new fields using batch processor to all my layers (150 or so), but named them incorrectly. All I want to do is rename them correctly but I can't seem to do ...
Sally's user avatar
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Delete points inside a polygon

I am working under QGis 3.4.8 Madeira under Windows 10. I have uploaded two layers on my project. Layer A is a points layer. Layer B is a polygons layer. Some points of layer A are located in the ...
Basile's user avatar
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Layer not visible after deleting from attribute table QGIS

I'm a newbie for QGIS and trying to learn. I was editing the attribute table in which process I deleted some rows. Then the layer became invisible in the project. After trying a lot I decided to redo ...
Yisehaq Abraham's user avatar
14 votes
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How to prevent gpkg size increase when I delete attributes?

I have a file, polygons.gpkg that I am using in QGIS. Its original file size is 48MB. When I do nothing except delete a handful of the attribute table's fields, I expect the file size to decrease. ...
susie derkins's user avatar
5 votes
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Delete an object or polygon that has been selected in a layer using the Graphical Modeler?

I wish to create a model in QGIS 3, that can delete a specific polygon that has been selected in a layer. Is it possible to do this? I go through a few different locations in a day and I don't wish to ...
R Kumar's user avatar
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Deleting features with identical table attributes in QGIS

How do I delete features with identical table attributes in QGIS? Otherwise, is there a tool like the 'Delete Identical Tool' in ArcGIS? For example, if I had 4 rows, and 3 columns, where I wanted to ...
nittyjee's user avatar
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Delete points on one side of a line in QGIS

I have a bunch of points and line that represents a boarderline as shown below: I want to delete all the points one the right side of the line, and letting the points in the left side stay. I dont ...
LarsFredrik's user avatar
1 vote
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New field added whenever I export shapefile to the geodatabase

I don't know why this is keep happening, but I created shapefile in QGIS and opened the shapefile from ArcGIS. I needed to create geodatabase to put in all of my shapefile, but whenever I do that, ...
J. Kim's user avatar
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Batch remove attributes

I'm having a little trouble using the merge command in QGIS. All the files have a range of different attributes, with some attribute headers in common. Some of these have different data format types ...
Joules's user avatar
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Delete Rows in Qgis using Field Calculator [closed]

I tried to delete all rows where Field "Width" has value 2?
AED EDA's user avatar
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Delete all points outside the contour of a WMS raster map

I have two layers in QGIS. One WMS raster layer with a country map and one layer with points. It looks like this: I want to remove all the points that lie outside the contours of the country map, so ...
LarsFredrik's user avatar
4 votes
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Deleting attribute records in one project also deletes it in another project?

Because I am learning QGIS and I had to delete records in a attribute table, I made a copy (project > save as > saving as 'project_copy' before deleting attributes. To be safe... So I deleted the ...
Boswachter_Marc's user avatar
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QGIS 2.14.6 Delete Freehand Item [closed]

I've created a freehand shape, but can't delete it. Screen shot attached. I can select it but the trash bin is grayed out, and the delete button prompts the error code "provider does not support ...
Jamie Sims's user avatar
4 votes
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Deleting symbols in QGIS symbol selector?

How do I delete symbols in the symbol selector QGIS? I am trying to clear out a few old symbols from the library and was wondering how id do it.
QGISUser's user avatar
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