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Questions tagged [density]

A density map depicts a number of objects per unit area.

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Point density at different zooms in Leaflet?

Searching for point density yields several threads on this website but none shed light on the problem I want to tackle. So, here goes… I have a decent number of points, about ~500K, that I would like ...
punkish's user avatar
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Creating a building density layer from point data

I am trying to create a building density layer for large regions. For this reason, I cannot do a count per polygon over a grid (estimation was 70 days for the analysis) I have point data for buildings ...
jamiehk's user avatar
2 votes
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Estimate time spent by ships in each grid using ArcGIS Pro

I have data on yearly ship movements in an area. The area is divided into 1km x 1km grids. The yearly ship movements are available in the form of tracks which are polylines. The tracks feature class ...
HKN's user avatar
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Find location of highest point density in QGIS?

How do I find the location of highest density of points in QGIS?
Geremia's user avatar
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Analyzing oil and gas well density in Google Earth Engine

I've started working in Google Earth Engine and am trying to perform density analysis on abandoned and capped oil and gas wells in Louisiana. I have uploaded a CSV of my well database as a Feature ...
user237194's user avatar
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Creating select High-Density Polygons from GPS Points in QGIS

I'm diving into a project in QGIS and have a dataset of GPS points uploaded in Guatemala. My goal is to create five 10x10km polygons strategically dropped in areas with the highest pin density. Here's ...
ALO's user avatar
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Calculating point density as attribute in point layer in QGIS

For each point in my layer, I would like to calculate the number of other points within x distance, and for that information to be in the attribute table. I have a method but it is a few steps. As it ...
AdSad's user avatar
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Converting kernel density or heatmap into probability in ArcGIS

I have a question regarding kernel density estimation in ArcMap, I want to know probability of use for my species in an area. How do I change the final kernel density raster results into 50%, 75% and ...
Zaara Kidwai's user avatar
1 vote
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Layer error: Image.rename: The number of names (2) must match the number of bands (12)

I'm using landsat 9 raw data and get some topographic correction before, for canopy density mapping, after all band input to the equation for FCD there are error message appear, it said"Layer ...
galcit's user avatar
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Calculate road density within buffers in R [closed]

I am running the following code to calculate road density within buffers, first I thought It was working great, but then did a few reality checks, where the code has given more than 1 as density and ...
Loon's user avatar
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Counting the number of polygons inside individual raster cells

I have a polygon dataset of land ownership parcels in the UK. I want to find out where there are denser areas of landownership (for example areas where within 1km2 there are more landowners). I would ...
Dylangussman's user avatar
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How to find home range using kernel density estimation in QGIS

I am trying to find the home range for a group of animals with a few hundred data points. My teacher has said that I should try and use 50% and 95% estimates for a Kernel Density analysis. I have seen ...
Alex 's user avatar
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Create density polygons from spatial points in R

I have a dataframe with a bunch of spatial points representing flooding occurrences. I want to know which areas have the highest density of points so we can prioritize areas for management. In ArcGIS ...
seak23's user avatar
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Point cloud density

I would like to compute the density in mm2 of a point cloud uploaded to QGIS. Is there a way to do this? The file format is ASCII, and has been uploaded to QGIS via the text delimited uploader. Is ...
T1230321's user avatar
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How to identify dead ends in road network using QGIS? [duplicate]

How to identify dead ends in road network using QGIS? And then how to calculate Street dead ends Density with QGIS?
Ahmed Ummehani's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculate value per unit area from raster in QGIS

I have a raster (GeoTIFF) of number of people per pixel. I would like to convert this to a new raster of population per unit area. In other words, I would like to divide each value in my existing ...
Fab von Bellingshausen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Trajectory density map or line density map

Data: ships AIS trajectory Data with longitude and latitude. (that data is a CSV file with several columns:id,time,lon,lat,etc.)// I transform the point to line, every line is a ship trajectory. Now I ...
Zhenyun Sun's user avatar
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Plotting a yearly average density map in ArcMap 10.8

I have one million rows of lightning data that covers 5 years (2017-2021), and the data includes latitude, longitude, and current. I used the latitude and longitude to create yearly maps in ArcMap ...
MicO's user avatar
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Showing density of vector layer with polygons inside boundaries of another in QGIS

In QGIS I've got one layer showing local authority boundaries across the country (UK), and another which shows polygons of particular sites across the whole country. Can I show the density of the ...
Pen's user avatar
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Comparing Heatmaps over time

We have a huge dataset of mobile users (tourists) and want to see how the density in a city has changed (from one spot to another) before during Covid. Of course we can create a heatmap for different ...
Roman Egger's user avatar
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Plotting density map in square kilometers using ArcMap

I need to plot a lighting flash density per square km in a country map using ArcMap 10.8. I have the shapefile (shp) of the map and I have the lightning flash data with location (longitude, latitude). ...
MicO's user avatar
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Create density map with grid

I want to create a map as shown in the image, where every grid cell shows the number of points (from a point shape layer) that are within a grid cell. The number of points in a grid cell shall be ...
Hannes's user avatar
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Why do lidR and LAStools report different point densities?

Why do lidR and LAStools report different point densities? For a .las that I have here. Both report number of points correctly at 12500 pts. The CRS is set and both also report it correctly. But for ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Creating Density Map using Hexagonal Grids in QGIS

I have residential density (number of dwellings/area) data for several areas. I want to create a density map using hexagonal grids. I have extracted the hexagonal grids according to the area extent ...
Padmanabha's user avatar
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Tree Density Calculator

In Tree density Calculator in QGIS what format is the 'Image' requested. I have a GeoTIFF image that I would like to calculate the tree density.
Brett Deetlefs's user avatar
5 votes
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Rasterizing overlapping buffers in QGIS

I have a vector layer of multi-ring buffers in QGIS, where each ring contains a different cooling intensity value for a green space, at distance intervals of 30 meters moving away from the green space ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
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Heat Map - Cover non-point areas QGIS

I am doing a heat map of the density of schools within a specific area of a city. Right now, I have this: I would like to create a more formal map in which the white non-coloured aspects are coloured ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Creating density map on Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to make a building-density map for Africa. Currently, I have polygons representing each building. var t = ee.FeatureCollection('GOOGLE/Research/open-buildings/v1/polygons'); // t ...
Emma's user avatar
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708 views raise ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I am trying to run the PointDensity function on a feature class located in a shapefile: [edit shp_file_path] shp_file_path = os.path.join('path_to_shp_folder', 'shp_file_name') if os.path.isfile(...
CodePro's user avatar
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Hexbins missing points, layer extent problem in graphical modeler?

I am attempting to produce a density map by aggregating points over a hexagonal grid using a processing model as in a tutorial by Ujaval Gandhi (
Tuna-92's user avatar
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Dot density map using OpenLayers

I want to show cluster of point data on map using OpenLayers. I have been following this example but the problem is that want a look ...
Sarah_Salar's user avatar
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Density analysis with two polygons in ArcGIS Pro

I'm a Norwegian student currently conducting a series of site analyzes for a city. In that context I wish to create a building density map but struggle a bit to find out how. I have made a fishnet ...
Stian's user avatar
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Road density calculation

I have a vector layer of about 62km^2. I have a vector layer of roads within that area. How do I calculate the road density (km/km2)? I did a union between the road layer and the area layer, then I ...
Cr K's user avatar
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Compute area coverage density estimate from very large polygon dataset

I am trying to come up with a pipeline for turning very large OSM PBF files (eg buildings layer for a whole country: ~100M polygons) into a more manageable density estimate (with arbitrary precision). ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do you convert SpatialPoints object to PPP object?

I have a shapefile layer of polygons (houses in a city) that I want to run a kernel density on using the density() function in spatstat in R. To get my polygons as points I turned them into ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
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Separate building layer into buildings within villages and remote buildings using QGIS

I'm trying to separate a building layer into two layers. One layer should show the buildings within villages, and the other one the remote buildings. My first approach was to buffer the buildings (and ...
Mart's user avatar
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Area Density Heat Map QGIS

I would like to make a heat map of "building density" based on the area of the building footprints (I have them in a geojson as polygons) in relation to their "non-building" ...
kermitt's user avatar
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Point density with ModelBuilder

Now I have a lot of files that contain XY coordinates, like the picture, but this picture just contains one day. However, I want to integrate all the files I have. Secondly, I want to integrate all ...
Adrian Wang's user avatar
5 votes
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QGIS town label density

I'm composing a map of Big Island, Hawaii in QGIS 3.14.0 and would like to display major roads and cities + towns. Therefore I downloaded necessary information via QuickOSM. However, as many towns lie ...
tribol's user avatar
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Stat_density_2d density plot seem to show too high density values for a small dataset

I'm working with a two-column data.frame with the columns containing x and y coordinates (Longitude, Latitude). A simple way to visualize a density map is by using the 'stat_density_2d' function. When ...
Nick's user avatar
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Line density for multiple commuters in QGIS

I have a layer with multiple lines, one city area commuting to another. This means that on some roads there are multiple lines lying on top of each other, which at some point will split. I also have ...
Lundqan's user avatar
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Sources for population density map of Europe

I want to make population density map for EU where I can show populations of people aged about 65yrs, where can I get a EU shapefile and population Excel file? Is there any EU shape file available ...
geoak's user avatar
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How to output a raster of special case's distribution with regard to overall distribution?

For example, the crime scenes are unevenly distributed in a city. Each case's scene can be represented as a point. Thus, we can generate a raster map, which shows the crime scenes' density in this ...
Tsui Raymond's user avatar
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4 answers

Population density: 1000 people/ km2

What does it mean when in certain publications they write population density (1000 people/km2)? Does it mean that they calculate the population density by dividing the number of people by the area of ...
Grace 's user avatar
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Calculating density within a shapefile (in R)

I'm trying to calculate density within a shapefile, but I'm fairly confident I'm doing it wrong. The idea is to figure out in which geographical regions there have been the most sales by density. Here ...
gooponyagrinch's user avatar
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How to create density scatter plot from dataset for pairgrid in Python

I'm trying to compare the values of each pixel in relation to each band to create a scatter plot of density. First I extracted the values from the image to form an array, then I created a dataset. ...
vins_26's user avatar
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Choosing kernel density radius [closed]

I have 3 datasets with GPS points. Two of those are GPS points that represent boating activities (two different types) and the third represents turtle observations. I would like to perform Kernel ...
mariag.23's user avatar
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Making density map based on number of hospitals in statistical area using ArcGIS Pro

I have the longitude and latitude of hospitals in Australia and I want to make a density plot (Symbology - graduated colours) to visualise the distribution of hospitals by a statistical area (defined ...
Evan's user avatar
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Making informative legend for Kernel Density Estimate in QGIS?

I have used heatmap (kernel density estimation) in QGIS 3.0.1 to make a heatmap of boat counts. In my point data-each point is one boat. Then, in my kernel, I have used a 500m radius, with 500m pixel ...
Louise's user avatar
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Producing density map in QGIS

I have placed a grid onto an open source Ordnance Survey map that corresponds to Ordnance Survey Eastings and Northings. I have a value for each grid square between zero and 30. How do I use these ...
David's user avatar
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