Questions tagged [dimensions]

A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length. (See the full wiki for additional meanings.)

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0 votes
0 answers

Dimensions with QAD

i would like to use QAD plugin to make polygons with dimensions in QGIS, i came across a problem (that's what i think it is). When i set the text layer for dimension style i can't make it to align ...
0 votes
0 answers

Strange pixel column numbers in imported GeoTIFF file

I am loading a .d file (from SAR ceos file) with 11,000 pixels x 11,000 columns into QGIS 3.16.4. Perhaps this is a funny input format (not sure) but it appears that QGIS loads it well but reprojects ...
0 votes
0 answers

Size difference in ArcMap and QGIS

I am working with Wildfire simulation software that creates outputs for burnt areas (rasters and shapefiles) in ArcMap. Now when I open these rasters or shapefiles in QGIS the size of the area shrinks,...
0 votes
2 answers

Wrapping of one huge raster with another raster and saving output such that both the rasters dimensions and crs match

I have two huge rasters, I want my target raster dimensions , height width to match with my source raster and save my target raster into another folder. Since it is huge in size I want to do tile/...
0 votes
1 answer

QAD Plugin - Dimension Style, can't detect Text layer

I am creating dimension style using QAD plugin in QGIS.I followed the documentation requirements that it only needs a point layer with text field. Yet it cant detect the layer. Any help?
1 vote
0 answers

Othogonal Dimensions in QGIS

I wonder if there is a solution for Orthogonal Dimensions in QGIS. At the moment i have to export my projects to AutoCAD and make the dimensioning process there. As i could fully change my workflow to ...
4 votes
2 answers

Calculating the fractal dimension of a line segment

I have a shp file with hundreds of features that represent clipped segments of coastline. Each segment is made up of many vertices (dozens, perhaps even hundreds). (FYI, the segments were created by ...
2 votes
1 answer

Setting permanent minimum height and width of all cells in attribute table with PyQGIS

Let's assume there is an attribute table of a vector layer which was opened with F6, see image below With the code below I could set the minimum height and width of all cells in the attribute table. ...
10 votes
2 answers

Finding length and width of polygon in QGIS

How can I find polygon's length and width in QGIS (regular polygon and irregular polygon)? I have area and perimeter but not length and width.
1 vote
0 answers

How to fix Google Earth Engine ee.Image.getDownloadURL inconsistent output array dimensions

ee.Image.getDownloadURL(..., {'dimensions': '100x100', ...}) occasionally returns arrays with shape (101, 100) or (101, 100) or (101, 101) instead of the expected (100,100). I can't explain it since ...
0 votes
1 answer

GeoServer, getting WMS layer time dimension values

I want to consume a GeoServer layer that has the time dimension enabled from an external WMS service that I have no control over. Time dimension is updated frequently, several times in an hour. Using ...
0 votes
1 answer

Change dimensions for a batch raster in Python

I have over 8000 GeoTIFF files and want to adjust their dimensions (not individual cell size) into 10621652 (columnsrows). I only know do it one-by-one under QGIS, but are there any packages I can use ...
0 votes
0 answers

Enabling time dimension for layers in GeoServer

I have a collection of GeoTIFF files, each one corresponding to a date and time. How can I add the information date and time to those GeoTIFF, so that GeoServer allows the enabling the "Time"...
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to use dimensions with WMTS

I am setting up an image mosaic in GeoServer and I can't seem to figure out how to get custom dimensions to work with WMTS. My WMS requests work well when I include custom dimension parameters, but ...
6 votes
1 answer

Adjusting attribute table view column width using PyQGIS

I'm programmatically opening the Attribute table via Python through a plugin. All of the columns have a default width, but some of the data that I'm using do not fit. It's not enough to be able to ...
13 votes
1 answer

Stripping out Z values in PostGIS

How do I get rid of the Z dimension in PostGIS? Specifically, I have some MultiPolygonZs that I want to copy into another table as MultiPolygons. I don't care about the Z values - it's okay to just ...
1 vote
1 answer

R cannot correctly read the extents of sentinel data but gis can

I'm working with Sentinel-1 data and trying to use the raster package in r to read it. I got the following error. The raster seems not to be well georeferenced. The resolution and extent are not ...
1 vote
1 answer

increasing 'extent' of small raster to be same size as large raster in R [closed]

I have a satellite image with dimensions (11418, 13790, 1). The resolution is 10m. I have two other rasters, which fall inside of my satellite image which are the same resolution and crs. How would I ...
13 votes
2 answers

Conversion from 3 dimension geometry to 2 dimension using PostGIS

I have a Point table in which the geometry column contains both 3 dimension and 2 dimension values. I want to convert this 3 dimensional geometry to 2 dimension. Is there any function in PostGIS?
0 votes
1 answer

Dimensioning plugin not responding

Trying to create a dim line on QGIS 3.16, Windows 10. The Dimensioning plugin seems to be installed, and even created one dim line, but stopped responding (I updated and re-installed it, it didn't ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why does OSGEO/OGR add a third dimension to my 2D geometry?

When I instantiate a new wkbPoint geometry and give it only two coordinates, I expect it to be specifically 2D. However, a third coordinate automatically gets added as 0. See my code below: from osgeo ...
3 votes
2 answers

Unable to create Dimension Feature Class [closed]

I am trying to create a Dimension feature class within a new geodatabase. I right-click on the geodatabase and select the New, then Feature Class. The New Feature Class window comes up and I can put ...
2 votes
0 answers

Determining minimum width of irregular polygon with PyQGIS [closed]

I would like to determinate minimum width of an irregular polygon (as those in red in picture) with PyQGIS. Does anyone have any advice?
9 votes
4 answers

Dropping z dimension programmatically

It seems there is no geoalgorithm to drop z values in the QGIS processing toolbox. Can this be done programmatically using the Python console? At the moment I have to save the layer with unchecked '...
1 vote
1 answer

Changing the height of info window in CARTO

I have inserted a chart in info window for every feature of a polygon layer in CARTO. I want to change the height of info window in order to be looked as a whole without the need of scrolling. In info ...
3 votes
1 answer

Changing reference scale of existing dimension feature class

I have an existing dimension feature class that I would like to change a reference scale of. Is that possible or do I have to always create a new one, with desired reference scale, and then import ...
1 vote
1 answer

Creating dimension feature class that displays inches in ArcGIS Pro

I have a line feature class in State Plane survey feet. When I create a dimension feature class I simply cannot figure out how to get the dimension to display inches. There seems to be a button for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Adding dimensions to map in QGIS?

I would like to add dimensions to my QGIS map. It can be in the editing/drawing space or the print composer. I would like to see how long a line is, for example 3,5 m. I tried a lot of different ...
1 vote
0 answers

QGIS Grid size accuracy

I am using QGIS. I have been using "research tools/create grid" during my process to generate XY coordinates for field research. Using opentopomap for map layer. Using shapefiles. In the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Automatically adding dimensions to polygons in QGIS [duplicate]

Is it possible to show : lot # area dimensions of the polygon's lines highlighted polygon with the only input being the lot #. The result should look like this:
6 votes
1 answer

Changing pixel's dimension (raster) on QGIS

I would like to change the size of the pixels from 2.5 to 10. How can I achieve this?
0 votes
0 answers

Rasterio reprojection, changing pixel size: results in crazy pixel values

I'm trying to project a geotiff with 789x789m pixel size to 100mx100m using another geotiff as a template. Everything seems to work except that the output pixel values, shown when I open the file in ...
2 votes
0 answers

Dimension Difference preventing plot of series

I have performed linear regression between the 'ro','pr' series (runoff,precipitation) and printed the chart. I want to print the linear fit on top of it and get the R**2 value, but dimensionality ...
1 vote
2 answers

Image dimensions in Google Earth Engine

How can one get image (band) width and height on the server side? On the user side you do it with image.getInfo().bands[0].dimensions, following Extracting information from Google Earth Engine image ...
2 votes
1 answer

NetCDF get_dims too many values to unpack

I am working with a NetCDF file (.nc) - 600+MB. import netCDF4 from netCDF4 import num2date import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd # Open netCDF4 file file_location = '2m dewpoint ...
1 vote
0 answers

Collision analysis with line diameter in QGIS

I have some lines representing pipes. They have Z value in the attribute. I need to check if they collide with each other. So I want to know where they intersect/collide in height. I was wondering if ...
3 votes
1 answer

Raster data, basics: where is the information?

A long time ago I worked a bit with ArcGIS and shapefiles but never with raster data. Now, I have a raster dataset that I use in QGIS. Ok, no biggy I thought. Just convert it to shape/ vector and all ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a tool that shows dimensions during editing?

Is there a plugin or tool providing following functionality: I select 2 points (or vertices) - it shows the length between this points. When I edit the point (or move vertex) the length automatically ...
1 vote
2 answers

Moving dimension text in ArcMap?

I am labeling a 2-D area with several intersecting dimension labels, and I would like to move the dimension text ('512.64 ft') over to the sides of the polygon to make it easier to interpret. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why do ArcMap dimensions disapear when I close and reopen a map?

I am trying to use the dimensions in ArcMap but after I dimension a map then close and reopen the map the dimensions are gone and I get a COM error, cannot initialize COM component when I try to edit ...
2 votes
3 answers

Creating polygon with exact measurements in QGIS 3

I want to create a square in QGIS 3 with dimensions of 50m by 50m exactly. How can I implement that?
2 votes
1 answer

WMS with time dimension

I set up a layer with "time" dimension in GeoServer, but I'm having quite a hard time figuring out how to use it... It is a vector layer with some polygons in it. This is my layer configuration for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Need to convert coord_dimension from 4 to 2. File contains 2D polygons

I am working with PostGIS Bundle 2.5 in PostgreSQL 11. I loaded a MultiPolygon file from a geodatbase and I need to append the geometry table to an existing geometry table. However, the coordinate ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why does Germany look equally as large as Afghanistan on Google Maps?

I snipped Germany and Afghanistan from the same Google Maps view: They look like they are about the same size. Here is the full screenshot: The problem: Afghanistan has an area of while Germany has ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to read geopackage tiles using Geotools

I want to read tiles from a geopackage file using Geotools (v. 17.0). I found the class on GitHub and modified the example to read tiles from my file: // try to read ...
0 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers 4 - draw or move a vector geometry reprojecting its vertices to keep dimensions

I have to draw a polygon on a vector layer on a simple OpenLayers OSM map (WebMercator). What I know: the center (lat/lon) of this polygon the lengths (in meters) of each side. I can pre-calculate ...
8 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between coordinateDimension and spatialDimension?

The OpenGIS standard mentions three methods to query the dimensions of a Geometry: dimension(): the inherent dimension of the geometry: 0 for Point 1 for Curve 2 for Surface coordinateDimension(): ...
3 votes
2 answers

Real dimensions of square buffers

I have a shapefile with points and I want to create square buffers around my points 6x6. My coordinate system is in meters. I use R and for the buffers I use: bufers=gBuffer(file, width = 6,capStyle="...
8 votes
3 answers

Converting projected coordinates to lat/lon using pyproj fails

I have been trying to work on this issue on myself mainly referring to this post (Converting projected coordinates to lat/lon using Python?) but still didn't succeed. I have some 2-D data function ...
3 votes
2 answers

Specify default width and height used by Geoserver's layer preview page

Currently whenever I try to preview any WMS layer under Geoserver's layer preview page &width=768&height=339 automatically gets set in the request. I'd like to change these values. Is there ...