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Questions tagged [dll]

Dynamic-link library or DLL, is Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems.

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Unable to load FDO Provider library 'ShpProvider.dll'; (Null)

One of our interns is having trouble loading shapefiles in AutoCAD2023 Civil 3D. When trying to add a shapefile to a layout he receives the following error: Unable to load the FDO Provider Library '...
Eric Rizzo's user avatar
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Nuget package is using a local version of a DLL in ArcGIS Pro, instead of what the package actually depends on

Problem:- Dll mismatches. ArcGIS Pro version 3.1 contains the DLL System.ServiceModel.Primitives Version= in its' bin folder. My solution contains an add-in that relies on 4 projects also in ...
ZZZ's user avatar
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1 answer

Trouble loading fiona

I'm having trouble loading fiona. I am able to import/run GDAL and GeoPandas with no issues but when I try loading fiona, I get an error message (please see below). I have python (3.9.11) through ...
user228948's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

"ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _gui: The specified procedure could not be found" error when using PyQGIS in Standalone application

I have QGIS 3.28.7 installed on my computer and in its Python Console this command works: from qgis.gui import * I tried to use it on some Python IDEs, for example, in Spyder. The following paths are ...
eug100's user avatar
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2 answers

Building a MSI installer that auto registers DLL file in ArcMap

I have been working on an old tool that was written in VB for ArcMap that uses COM's that call to EsriRegAsm to register the dll file for ArcMap to use. I was tasked to make the process a little ...
Popboarder's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding custom DLL to PyQGIS script

I am trying to implement a VLC player control into a PyQGIS script. There is python-vlc package that should be run with VLC Player installed. I have installed this package through OSGeo4W.bat but when ...
Pavel Pereverzev's user avatar
2 votes
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DLL errors after installing QField on Windows 10

On the working machine with Window 10 Enterprise Version 1909 (Build 18363.2094) I installed the QField which I could get from here : However, I am ...
Taras's user avatar
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PySimpleGUIQt does not import inside QGIS, DLL not found

I am trying to run a script inside QGIS that uses pySimpleGUIQt. I can't get it to work, a DLL is not found. Configuration Win10 64b, QGIS 3.16 (Python 3.7) Steps to reproduce the error Open osgeo4w ...
ThomasJ's user avatar
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0 answers

Required DLL for calculating distance between 2 points

I have been trying to find the distance between 2 points using QGIS C++ APIs in Qt. I used the following code : QgsDistanceArea d; d.setEllipsoid("WGS84"); qDebug()<< "...
Puneet Kumar's user avatar
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Using ctypes for QGIS Python plugin to bind DLL

I'm trying to build a Python plugin in QGIS which does some raster image processing. The processing itself is done via a .dll. Hence, I'd like to bind it with ctypes. First of all: is it possible to ...
DrDerpenstein's user avatar
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gdal Import error: DLL Load Failed when executing

I have the recent version of QGIs/GDAL installed. If I try to execute, I get the following error message: `Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\lib\...
Nokturius's user avatar
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ImportError DLL load failed when import qgis.core but no errors when import qgis

EDIT So.. after some problems everything seems to semi-work I guess ? I will update my variables so maybe it will help someone. I am working on a standalone application using Python and QGIS. I've ...
DesperateNewbie's user avatar
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Problem with dll while installing QGIS in windows

I am having an issue installing QGIS on my windows 10 machine. It used to be finely installed, but due to some reasons I had to uninstall. It has to do with older (2.16) and newer versions (3.0,3.10..)...
kalliopikout's user avatar
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Error 0xc000007b while opening QGIS 3.10 and 3.12 on Windows 8.1

I have a problem with starting the both versions QGIS 3.10.4 and QGIS 3.12.1. I have Windows 8.1. It can't start working at all. It needs different .dll files. When I download the file it needs, ...
Bilyana Stoykova's user avatar
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DLL load failed while importing _core. Environment path using PyQGIS

I am stuck trying to code a custom application with QGIS and Python. I have some Python knowledge but I am quite new to QGIS. I tried the intro of the cookbook: Running Custom Applications. Now while ...
pyqgis_newbie's user avatar
2 votes
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Problem with LoadLibrary and encrypted DLL

I'm using QGIS and I try to implement a new function into my plugin. For that I need to use a DLL which is encrypted. In my C++ test application I don't have any problems to use that DLL with ...
user117572's user avatar
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Error when starting QGIS [closed]

I have a problem when I start QGIS. I installed version 3.10 and when I tried to launch it I got the first error window (the one on the left). I tried to install previous versions (3.8, 3.4) but ...
bibano's user avatar
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Issue opening with QGIS3.4 Madeira

I just installed QGIS Madeira 3.4 on my WINDOWS Vista PC (64bits). But I can't work with it, since I keep getting the same error: And just after, this one: Should I uninstall it? What could I do in ...
M_M's user avatar
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ESRI FIleGDB API dll failure: ogr2ogr can't recognize File GDB as driver type

I have been trying this for a day or two now, and I have followed the instructions listed here: How to add support for FileGDB (Esri file gdb API) driver in fiona but for the life of me I can't ...
Eric Romero's user avatar
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QGIS gives dll errors after installation

I'm having issues installing QGIS 3.10. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, with the same errors as a result. Below you can read the setup.log. "2019/11/05 16:17:48 Starting OSGeo4W install, ...
maarten schelstraete's user avatar
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Calling .net DLL by using ArcPy [duplicate]

I had developed a tool by using C# (ArcObjects) and I want to (import that customized DLL and) call a particular function from that class by using ArcPy. How can I achieve this?
Dharmarajan's user avatar
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import gdal, return "ImportError: DLL load failed:"

I came up against this problem during the installation of gdal, I tried several solutions already read on the site but none helped me. Here's what I did: 1) uninstall gdal 2) uninstall Anaconda 3) ...
vins_26's user avatar
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3 answers

Installation problem QGIS

I do not manage to install QGIS on my windows 10 machine using the osgeo4w installer. During the installation I get this message: At the end of the installation I get this message: And when I ...
Bushroot's user avatar
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DLL problem with QGIS 3.0 64bit (while 32bit works)

I installed the new version of QGIS 3.0 and first of all it worked all fine. After a while I tried to launch QGIS again and now the following problem appears. After clicking "OK" another window ...
P. Mey's user avatar
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Using php_mapscript on WAMP? [closed]

I use WAMP in my Windows, and I want to use phpmapscript for programming. I've copied the phpmapscript.dll file to C: \ wamp64 \ bin \ php \ php5.6.25 \ ext and I added the "extension = php_mapscript....
ali's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I call a .NET / C# tool (i.e. a .DLL file) from a model workflow or a Python script?

I've developed Add-in tools (with Windows dialog GUIs) for ArcMap which work fine, but I would also like to be able to call these directly (passing in parameters so I won't need to display the dialog) ...
Scott Quinn's user avatar
3 votes
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ImportError dll load failed the specified module could not be found (rasterio)

I want to use the rasterio package to make some test with the Planet Explorer Api ( I've seen on many forums that I needed to use a wheel file to ...
hort_98663's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Solve Missing libintl-8.dll error with PostGIS?

I have Installed 32 Bit PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGIS 2.3 on my 32 Bit Windows Desktop. I have connected to the Database via pgAdmin, and I have been able to create a PostGIS Database. But when I try to ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Where I can find QGIS debug libraries?

I use QGIS 2.12 in my standalone application. Now I want to upgrade my application to the lastest QGIS version (2.16). I use OSGeo4W installer to download all headers, libs and other files. I have ...
Egor Krylov's user avatar
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QGIS 2.16.2 Windows 10 installation error: ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I have just installed QGIS 2.16.2 from binaries. But it can't load QGIS utilis because of this problem: Couldn't load QGIS utils. Python support will be disabled. Traceback (most recent call last): ...
G M's user avatar
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Problem starting QGIS 2.14, Prozedureinsprungpunkt is not found

I have a servere problem concerning starting QGIS 2.14.3. I haved installed that version using OSGEO4W installer. Besides, I have QGIS 2.8.6 on my machine to keep the old LTR version. As it is ...
Charlodde's user avatar
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Error while using methods in MapBasic

I am using a .dll file methods in mapbasic declare method openmultiplefilesdlg Class "mbextensions",lib "mbextensiondlgs.dll" (declaration variable) as string but it shows error: Found [...
Rajesh Deswal's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

ArcGIS not finding newly installed toolbar (.dll, .tlb files?)

I'm trying to use a toolbar that was developed by the EPA for BMP siting (see below link). The download seems like it should be fairly straightforward, an executable (BMPSitingTool_Setup.msi) is run ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Is it possible to create an ArcGIS library?

Can I create my own ArcGIS library that contains commonly used features inside my own functions/methods? I would like to make a dll that can be reference in my projects for using common features such ...
Programmer's user avatar
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2 answers

Excel to Table Conversion Tool not working

When I input the table in the dialog box, I get this rather long error: ERROR updateParameters Execution Error: Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\...
Joy's user avatar
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QGIS not opening after update

I installed/updated microsoft visual c++ 2013 and microsoft directX runtime 2013. After that, whenever i open qgis i get this The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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Is it possible to publish a geoprocessing services that uses a custom gptool on ArcGIS Server 10?

I have developed a custom GP tool in C# which does a bunch of processing on a given layer. It works great in ArcMap on all machines that I have deployed it to. I created a model which uses this tool ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar