Questions tagged [dojo]

Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library (or more specifically JavaScript toolkit) designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites.

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Access SharePoint data via ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Custom Widget

I need to read and write data from/to SharePoint site via ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Custom Widget. Does anybody any experiences how to do it? I tried SharePoint REST API and putting a code from this ...
soldous's user avatar
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How to move a point on a touch screen using esri map, dojo and javascript

I am new to map development. For touch screen devices, I need to add a point on an ESRI map and then move this point to other location on the map and get its coordinates.
Gustave Folou's user avatar
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What would prevent ESRI JSAPI AMD modules from being cached?

I am using AMD style in the ESRI Javascript API (along with the esri application boilerplate: For some reason, the AMD modules from the js.arcgis....
Josh Werts's user avatar
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Simple Dojo Pop Up Window

I'm working on my first web application using the JS API and am looking to add a simple tabbed pop-up window that can be called on the load of the page that can display map instructions and a general ...
Richard Ferrigno's user avatar
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How to create a custom Attribute Inspector for mobile app using the ESRI JS API

I am making a mobile version of a JS web application I developed. I'm noticing though that the AttributeInspector widget by default uses standard dojo/form controls. This means that the form within ...
Brian's user avatar
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Using a callback or promise for asynchronous functions

I have 2 dropdowns that are created onOpen using Dojo/Dijit Select in my custom Web AppBuilder widget. The first dropdown contains parent projects and the second dropdown contains a list of ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Issues with ArcGIS Web AppBuilder creating custom widget by inheriting existing widget

I am trying to extend the inbuilt Select widget in the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder for Desktop using dojo. According to the documentation by ESRI we always inherit the 'dijit/_WidgetBase' module to create ...
Gurminder Bharani's user avatar
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ESRI ARCGIS Flex - Javascript migration

We have a current architecture of FlexViewer and part ArcGIS Flex API based custom tool that's sitting on a IIS server to draw zones. ESRI is migrating to ESRI Javascript API and we have two options ...
Priya Rammohan's user avatar
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How to create a dojox.grid.DataGrid

I am fairly new in creating a web app builder, and I am trying to find a way to create a DataGrid using dojo. In one of the in panel customized widgets, I have a combobox that has a list of ...
Ro.AB's user avatar
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Adding more than 5000 paths string in ElevationProfile using ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I'm creating a simple ElevationProfile using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. In the URL it's described as MaximumRecords: 5000 Its allows only 5000 polyline array paths but I have more than 5000 ...
Muthukamatchi Ganesan's user avatar
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Populate list from arcgis server service in JQUERY javascript aplication instead of DOJO?

I would like to populate a list on a select combobox using jquery with data from an arcserver service.I'm wondering if this is possible and if so how i would implement it. I'm using the esri ...
David Diez's user avatar
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Populate print template title text from a dojo textbox

I have a print widget that starts up great. It's based on the typical ArcGIS print widget sample. However, I want to tweak this a bit. There is a "titleText" property in the layout options that I ...
Ruchira Welikala's user avatar
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How to dynamically add all feature layers using ArcGIS JavaScript API?

I have a mapserver http:// mymapserver/services/rest/xxx/mapserver/ which contains 7 layers with /mapserver /1 /through mapserver/7 If a define an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer and 7 ...
Marco's user avatar
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Projection declaration in dojox.geo.openlayers possible?

I am trying to integrate some maps of my own into the dojox charting demo and I had success in exporting a shapefile (externally, i.e. with my own parser) to the dojo JSON map format. The map is in ...
Jan Peters-Anders's user avatar
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dojox.geo.openlayers roadmap?

I'm curious as to the future of dojox.geo.openlayers. Presently is seems only to be a solution for positioning widgets on the map but I can imagine developing a suite of map specific dijits such as ...
ca0v's user avatar
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Out of stack - Internet Explorer - WebAppBuilder

I'm developing a viewer with ESRI WebAppBuilder. I have a widget that use a table programatically created with component dojox.grid.DataGrid. When Internet Explorer (version 11) renders datagrid with ...
Carlos Gutierrez's user avatar
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applyEdits to FeatureLayer does not add geometry

I'm trying to add the feature into the layer with a geometry type polygon. When I call applyEdits it adds the feature attributes into the layer but not its geometry. Here is my dummy data object which ...
Ayush Saxena's user avatar
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Creating left split for MapView Container with ArcGIS API for JavaScript

I want my webmap to look something like this: However, rather than the map being on the right of ...
yigezach's user avatar
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Cascade filtering with ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I want to populate my dropdown with attributes of shapefile for example in one dropdown on loading name of states given then after selecting the specific state next drop down loads its counties and ...
Sarah Salar's user avatar
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Zooming to selected record in enhanced data grid using DOJO?

I developed a webgis find tool using ArcGIS javascript api 3.17. users search a keyword and find points on map. the find tool result show in an enhanced datagrid and works correctly. What i want to do ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Refreshing values of data grid of Dojo?

I developed a webgis tool to find some features on map using Find task of ArcGIS javascript api and show the attribute in a grid using enhanced grid dojo. Everything work fine at the first time and ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Creating in panel TOC widget using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS developer edition?

I'm trying to create a custom widget, in web AppBuilder for developers, for my web application that will be a TOC. Does anyone have a code already produced for this or know how to adapt code to do ...
Laura Orzel's user avatar
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410 views and adding multiple maps to DOM of new window

I have created an HTML template to open from my existing arcgis JavaScript application. The HTML template is to be populated with several maps and text based on a user selection of the main app. My ...
its30's user avatar
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WMS layer as basemap in Configurable Map Viewer (CMV)

My goal is to use both wms layers and arcgis tiled layers as basemaps. I have accomplished this before in a separate application by simply adding it to the map as a layer and reordering the selected '...
its30's user avatar
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How to add Legend Panel to Dojo / OpenLayers?

I have OpenLayers app on Dojo framework. I've been serving WMS layers with GeoServer and wanted to use GetLegendGraphic to build legend for all layers. I've seen there are some ready widgets (like ...
Alophind's user avatar
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ArcGIS map service not resizing for print-friendly page

( I asked this same question on ArcGIS forums, with no response...I hope someone here can help!) I am using ArcView, ArcServer 10.0 and the JS API v3.1 (so no print function) ... I have an app where ...
JasonBK's user avatar
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Customizing Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) to be available on two languages choosing with button click?

I want to make this application available on two languages (MK and EN) depending on whether the user choose (click) [MK] or [EN] button. If I set variable loc = "MK", default application ...
marnika's user avatar
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init.js:36 GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404

I got above error in my browser developer tools window. This happened when I added esri/WebMap to my widget.js file of custom widget I was building.
dkm007's user avatar
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Attaching dojo events in ArcGIS Javascript API 3.29

I am trying to do same job for two different events on map using dojo on() function. map.on('extent-change', function (event) { //code goes here } and map.on('zoom-end', function () { //same code ...
user147504's user avatar
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Configurable map viewer cannot display non-cached basemap?

I download the sample from github. Then I tried to add a custom basemap at the mapOption section. I have followed the instruction given in here. Also, I followed this post as well. But none worked, no ...
padjee's user avatar
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how focus a widget on screen?

I'm open a lot of widgets programmatically. So I need focus a widget when it's opened. The first time that widget it's open, automatically set focus, but the second time it doesn't. updated Code to ...
Pilgrim's user avatar
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Configuring custom network in the Directions dijit?

I'm making a CMV app and trying to make the directions widget work with my own network dataset. I replaced ESRI's street route network service with my own service, so viewer.js looks something like ...
user2094378's user avatar
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Enabling navigation tools when dialog is appeared on map?

I created a simple webgis with Navigation tools.The navigation tools is located in a dialog. the problem is when the dialog appeared on map, i couldn't interact with map and the background of dialog ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Individual Feature Class that jumps TO individual Feature in Webmap

I am using the WAB(3) (Web App Builder, Beta 3) doing development of ESRI-based maps using FeatureClasses stored in our own City Government REST Services. We currently have a program called 'Adopt-A-...
randomblink's user avatar