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Questions tagged [draw-order]

The sequence in which features are displayed on a graphical output device, potentially affecting the appearance of overlapping features.

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what dictates the drawing order of overlapping features with in the same layer/feature class in ArcGIS?

I know that in ArcGIS drawing order is controlled by layers, and if I want to make some features be drawn on top of other features I can use definition queries to separate them into different layers ...
whatahitson's user avatar
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3 answers

ArcGIS - possible to set the drawing order of polygon features [duplicate]

I have a table with polygons that I wish to display in a map. I would like the smaller polygons to appear on top of larger polygons. Is there a way to set the drawing order such that the larger ...
val's user avatar
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Changing GeoJSON feature draw order with Leaflet

I have county polygons in GeoJSON format. Obviously, some of the counties share an edge. When a county is hovered over, the stroke and fill change to a red color. The problem is that the stroke of ...
geogeogeo's user avatar
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Geoserver layer styling with multiple geometries

I've build a table with multiple geometries in PostGIS. This table is published in GeoServer. Now I'm wondering how GeoServer handles this type of layer. specifically the drawing part. My layer ...
Douwe Vermeer's user avatar