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9 votes
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Reprojected MODIS NDVI has range from -32768 to 32767, expected -1 to 1

I'm new to StackExchange and to remote sensing. I am working with MOD13Q1 250m 16-day MVCs. My goal is to use NDVI time-series to classify cropping pattern and crop type, then link this data to ...
Emily's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why getting wrong NDVI values resulted from scaled reflectance in ArcMap?

I have made atmospheric corrections to my Landsat 8-OLI raster using 'ENVI FLAASH' having surface reflectance values scaled between 1-100. In ArcGIS I am using simple expression to compute NDVI ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

NDVI image value changes from -1 to 1 in ENVI to 0-255 in ArcGIS Desktop and ERDAS Imagine?

When i open NDVI image in ENVI, its value is still within the range (-1 to 1). But when I open this NDVI image in ERDAS and ArcGIS Desktop, its value is 0-255. What does it mean? Is the NDVI ...
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