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2 votes
1 answer

ArcObjects OnChangeFeature event not firing unless you move feature

I am displaying points, lines and polygons on ArcMap as features with an addin. I want my end users to be able to change features (move geometries, add vertex, delete vertex etc) and get the updated ...
0 votes
2 answers

Converting Add-in file in ModelBuilder or ArcPy from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro [closed]

We have an ArcMap Add-in file and we would like to open it, to see how it works to convert it to ArcGIS Pro.
3 votes
5 answers

Reducing size of KML file (after converting from Shapefile)

I have a shapefile of size 224 MB. I am using ArcGIS to convert it to a KML file. The process involves converting the shapefile to a feature layer and then converting the layer to KML. An ...
1 vote
1 answer

Creating batch file from ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler?

How to create batch file from the ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler? I want to do the same process to different input images, something similar which we can do by batch processing of the existing ...
4 votes
1 answer

Capturing ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of Python script

Is there any way to capture ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of a Python script? Through Python, I would like to iterate through each layer inside of an MXD, make the layer visible, refresh the table of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which version(s) of ArcGIS API are compatible with ArcGIS 10.2?

I'm working on an older Esri-Silverlight4 solution and trying to use services in ArcGIS 10.2. A lot of it works, but I'm seeing some different behavior(10.0 was much more lenient with its parameters) ...
3 votes
1 answer

Using Python script to stack layers from multiple directories and produce multiple outputs in ERDAS?

I am using ERDAS Imagine 2013 and am trying to create a Python script that takes lists created in another script containing the path to each scene's raw data folder and base image ID's (for example ...
2 votes
2 answers

Projection shapefile

I created a shapefile of Sundarban area Bangladesh. Here it is: Here is the projection information about it: I want this shapefile to project upon an image which is here [I downloaded it from ...
0 votes
1 answer

ERDAS mosaicPro from 2D view reference layer is not displayed on top

I am having an issue using the ERDAS mosaicPro from 2D view tool. I am using ERDAS 2015. I have two separate Landsat 8 file bands. Band 1 from one date and Band 1 from another date. I have ran the ...
1 vote
1 answer

HitTest with MapImageLayer not returning sublayers

I'm new in ArcGIS, and what am I doing is viewing MapImageLayer with all of sublayers. But, when clicking on point and running hitTest it returns 0 results. Below the code: <script> require([...
0 votes
1 answer

"Display Background value "0" raster"

While publish raster layer in geoserver it shows background as black. How to remove the black color. if there is any options to permanently remove the black color.
1 vote
0 answers

Opening .img file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022

I am having an issue working with a file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022. I ran a tool with the output .img. However, the .img format seems to be different in Erdas 2023 vs Erdas ...
0 votes
1 answer

Creating one single coverage polygon feature class from XY point data?

I'm using ArcMap 10.2, and I need to map areas covered by London postcodes (E1 0xx, E1 1xx, E1 2xx, and so on). What I have is the coordinates for every single postcode (310,000 in total) in an Excel ...
0 votes
1 answer

Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
1 vote
1 answer

Calculating zonal statistics as table for all attributes (columns) in raster using ArcGIS Desktop [closed]

I have a raster that has multiple columns in the attribute table that I can symbolize. I would like to calculate zonal statistics as a table for each of the columns in the raster attribute table ...
0 votes
2 answers

Multiple records for a single point feature in a shapefile

Is it possible to have a single point feature associated with multiple records in an attribute table? For example, if I had a shapefile of type POINT containing 100 points indicating fire hydrants ...
1 vote
1 answer

DN to TOA reflectance for SPOT images using Erdas Imagine

I would like to convert DN to TOA reflectance in Erdas Imagine 2013. I see there is a way of doing this for Landsat7 in the Radiometric tab. How can I do this for SPOT2,4,5 images?
4 votes
1 answer

Problem with Attribute Assistant Expression Command

I am using the Attribute Assistant add-in to perform multiple steps when a new feature is created. Two of the important steps are: generate a unique, incremental ID (project ID) and then use that ...
4 votes
1 answer

Changing value of individual pixel using ArcPy with ArcMap

I want to change the value of an individual pixel in a raster using arcpy. The code I wrote for changing the value is below, but it changes all of pixels in my raster. How can I set an individual ...
8 votes
3 answers

Load a raster file directly in Leaflet

Is it possible to load a raster file (e.g. GeoTIFF or Erdas img) directly into a Leaflet map? If so, can you guide me to the correct documentation or method to do this? I am trying to do this with the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Bounding geometry convex hull

I have huge point clouds (Millions of points): I need to create a shapefile with the boundary of this point cloud. When I was working with this 2 months ago I could do this somehow: I'm pretty sure ...
2 votes
0 answers

Trigger AutoUpdaters in Stand Alone Python Script ArcFM

I am trying to insert records from an FGDB featureclass into an "ArcFM-ified" SDE(Oracle 11g) feature class with a stand alone python script. I want the AutoUpdaters on that feature class to fire. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Opening ArcGIS Pro data with definition queries and symbology in ArcMap

I have a several datasets in ArcGIS Pro which I have queried and symbolised. I would like this exact same dataset with the same queries and symbology to be available in ArcMap as well. I was hoping to ...
0 votes
0 answers

What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
0 votes
0 answers

OS MasterMap layers being affected when editing other shapefiles using ArcMap

We use ArcGIS 10.2 to draw and edit simple grounds maintenance plans for Estates that we manage. I've done this for years, using OS MasterMap as the base. I've now got an issue that when creating or ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change select color in a raster in QGIS using Serval or Value tool

Is it possible to edit the table view of a raster that you see in the Value tool? Alternatively Using Serval, once we have a selection polygon can we choose a specific range of raster values within ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does QGIS have a functionality similar to Flicker in Erdas Imagine?

I am trying to replace an Erdas Imagine workflow with QGIS and I have got most of it working but can't find a solution for fliker. We have it set to turn an image on and off every few seconds to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
2 votes
4 answers

Cannot acquire lock from remote geodatabases on NAS

This is all due to the remote server being a NAS, which led me to these fixes: ArcGIS File Geodatabase import failure on TS-453Pro which were ...
1 vote
0 answers

Labeling data clusters by nearest metropolitan area using ArcMap [closed]

When using ArcGIS Optimized Hotspot Analysis, I get two outputs. A raster like the image below, and the point incident data categorized by the various confidence thresholds for hot/cold spots. Let's ...
0 votes
1 answer

Get geometry from a <geoprocessing describe geometry object object at 0x000001A9F576D120>

I am trying to use arcpy and pandas to build a line geometry from 2 point geometry columns in a pandas dataframe. I create the dataframe by loading in the featureclass using the GeoAccessor from ...
1 vote
2 answers

Imported map showing up small in ArcMap?

In ArcMap 10.2, I have .asc files that contains a map of a predicted species distribution I got from using MaxEnt. When I import the file with the data frame properties set to North American Albers ...
1 vote
1 answer

ArcGIS query "dash" character multiple times in a string & replace/remove dash

Using ArcMap 10.2.2 and have a string field in an attribute table that has values such as: xxxx-xxxx-x xxxx-xxxx-x xxxx-xxxx-x xxxx-xxxx xxxx-xxxx xxxx-xxxx I want to query for all records that have ...
0 votes
0 answers

Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to create a new field with a combination based on another field with arcpy?

How do I create a new txt which has two columns: Id and GRIDCODE? This is the original Table: The Id column of the new txt should have just unique values. I’m able to do this with the following code. ...
1 vote
2 answers

Determining projections for 10,000+ shapefiles covering 3 UTM zones

I was handed a ton of property files with no projections attached but was told they are all in UTM zone 21S. Well once I merged them all together and projected them I realized that the data covers 3 ...
2 votes
0 answers

Shapefile From Excel Sheet Crash When Selected Spatialy or By Attributes [closed]

Using ArcGIS 10.2, I am receiving an Excel sheet, on a daily basis, which contains 105 columns(Fields) and includes has X and Y values. For whatever reason (which I cannot understand) all data types ...
0 votes
0 answers

What does the metadata tell you about an image and its sensor?

I'm using a software called ERDAS and my tutor says that the Metadata can be used to detect which sensor your image came from. Is there anything you can tell me that links the metadata to the sensor? ...
0 votes
0 answers

Merging Subswaths with ERDAS Imagine

Does anyone have experience with merging subswaths of a SLC Sentinel 1 image in ERDAS Imagine? I cannot find the right function for it.
1 vote
0 answers

Water grey levels - remote sensing [closed]

by viewing two bands in erdas imagine the grey levels of the water differ. on the one image as below the water is dark and the other image the water is light. why is that? what cause the difference?...
17 votes
4 answers

Refreshing imported modules in ArcGIS Python Toolbox?

When using a python toolbox (.pyt) in ArcMap, I'll typically follow a pattern where the .pyt file itself is simply a wrapper to collect input arguments and define the tools themselves. Supporting ...
4 votes
2 answers

Using Select By Location Intersect, how to exclude the join features that only touch the boundary of target features

I have two layers: an Agricultural Land layer and a Parcel Layer (Both are polygon shapefiles). Some big features in Ag Layer will contain, but not completely contain several features of Parcel layer ...
1 vote
1 answer

Recovering forgotten password on ArcMap toolbox (.tbx)? [closed]

I made an ArcGIS toolbox (.tbx) using ModelBuilder on ArcGIS 10.2 last year and I have to edit something on that tool but I forget the password of that tool. How can I recover or do anything to edit ...
0 votes
1 answer

ArcGIS is not coloring when read from KML file

Here is the beginning of my KML file. When I imported this file into ArcGIS Maps SDK, the points are not being colored with given color. It works perfectly okay on Google Earth. How can I address this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Calculating Cumulative Field Values in ArcMap

In ArcMap 10.2, I wish to create a field which contains the cumulative values of another field in the same attribute table. For example, if the first three cells of the original field contained the ...
14 votes
4 answers

Extracting number of vertices in each polygon?

I have ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 and my challenge is how to extract the of number vertices in each polygon for all features like this: I have many parcels in my feature class and I want to extract the ...
9 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to close a geoprocessing operation when the dialog box has been hidden/pushed to the back of the window

Is there a way to close a geoprocessing operation when the dialog box has been hidden/pushed to the back of the windows? I ran a python process as VB Script and when the error message appeared I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Setting raster values to NoData when raster does not have valid statistics?

I have a floating point raster with some values of 99999 that I want to set to NoData in Arc 10.2.2. I've tried using the SetNull dialogue box, the SetNull arcpy function, and the Raster Calculator ...
6 votes
2 answers

Clip to Shape & Extent Indicators

I have a map showing the outline of an area which I'm using to clip other layers using the data frame > clip options. In addition, I have other data frames to show some detail and want to show the ...
10 votes
1 answer

Adding labels with symbols to legend in ArcMap?

I'm creating a map with ArcGIS Desktop v10.2.2, showing museums as points. The museums layer has no symbol and the labels are made of a circle filled with color with the ID inside, taken from the [ID] ...

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