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Questions tagged [error-000354]

Use this tag for Questions which are related to the "000354" error returned by an ESRI software code.

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ERROR 000210: Cannot create output in_memory\SLR_Union.shp and ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I'm receiving the following errors: Traceback (most recent call last): File "f:\tst_root\GIS_WORKSPACE\sprice\PatchSize_SSG_Methods_Rework\SSG\Python\", ...
S. Price's user avatar
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Why does the Least Cost Intelligence path tool work on another computer but not mine?

For my final project in my GIS class, I am creating a least-cost path pipeline from a start point to an endpoint within a study area boundary (that being a park polygon). This tool takes a total cost ...
Justin Pan's user avatar
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Invalid parameters in arcpy Extract by Mask

I get the following error when I try to extract by mask within a function in my script. When I run the same script separately outside of the function it runs fine. The output is just an intermediate ...
Chelsea_VictoriaS's user avatar
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Using Parse path to remove extension in model builder. ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I am trying to iterate through a folder of rasters (approx 6,000) and calculate zonal statistics for roads/paths throughout GB that intersect with raster pixels. However, I am unable to generate an ...
GISLad's user avatar
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708 views raise ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I am trying to run the PointDensity function on a feature class located in a shapefile: [edit shp_file_path] shp_file_path = os.path.join('path_to_shp_folder', 'shp_file_name') if os.path.isfile(...
CodePro's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using Clip function through ArcPy gives ERROR 000725 [closed]

I am having trouble running a clip function with arcpy based on this tutorial. I run the code below and get an error message: import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\Users\\dresc\\Desktop\\...
Huascar's user avatar
2 votes
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Clip feature (with selected attributes) with individual polygons using iterator: name error or repetitive selection

I have a bunch of locations (polygons) across the USA that I will use to clip a number of features and rasters (e.g., the National Hydrography Dataset). When I clip a dataset like the NHD with all of ...
nofunsally's user avatar
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Writing table to memory in ArcPy gives ERROR 000354

Currently I try to improve an ArcPy script which is run outside ArcGIS Pro 2.5 in Spyder. I want to write a table to memory using the Table to Table tool. This tool is placed inside a loop and writes ...
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Getting ArcPy Error 00354 [closed]

Just to get the obvious out of the way, I am very new to python and arcpy. I know almost nothing. That being said, I've inherited a script that is run once a year and I'm now the only one responsible ...
Matt Beal's user avatar
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Converting raster to polygon through ModelBuilder?

I have a set of raster which I want to convert to the polygon. Below is the model I prepared, but its showing below error. I checked the error code, which explains Alter the name to remove any ...
MapQuest's user avatar
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Using variable (input parameter) as out_name to create feature class?

I have a dilemma, I am trying to create a new feature class, but I want the user to be able to input the name of the new fc. I have created the variable 'newFC' as getparameterastext(2), but how do ...
Bogey-1's user avatar
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ArcPy: Select_Analysis Invalid Characters

The following script produces the ERROR 000210: Cannot create output... .shp and ERROR 000354: The name containts invalic characters Failed to execute (Select.). The line with arcpy.Select_analysis ...
GIS7's user avatar
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Using inline variable substitution in ModelBuilder for iterating through Excel sheets?

I need to join .xlsx tables to a states.shp files based on StateName, and then export the joined features into a geodatabase. I have several excel files ("XX2011, XX2012, XX2013, etc.), and need the ...
Remy's user avatar
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ModelBuilder Error 000354 Name contains invalid characters, using input selected from drop downs?

I've made a simple model in ModelBuilder, which is failing at the first step saying the name has invalid characters. The failing tool is Copy Features: The error is: Executing (Copy Features): ...
Sir Adelaide's user avatar
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Creating multiple shapefiles from one date within same for loop using ArcPy?

I have imported North American wildfire incident data a comma delimited text file containing one line for each fire incident. Each fire incident has a latitude, longitude coordinate pair separated by ...
A_Worthy's user avatar
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Trying to use the %name% function in Model Builder to keep the original files name, but its not working

I am building a rather large model. And I am trying to keep the files original name in the output file. Example being. Original File is called: Line.shp. I want to dissolve Line.shp so in model ...
V0921psc's user avatar
6 votes
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Shapefile Naming conventions in ArcPy?

I have shapefile named `band-tailed_pigeon.shp which is fine and no problem on displaying or geoprocessing on Desktop but in ArcPy when I try to merge some layes to it I am getting this error ...
Suffii's user avatar
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Using Value from Iterate Feature Selection to create new files per feature value

I am attempting to use Model Builder to export a file per value in a feature. The intent is to create a file per school, listing the students that attend. We currently have a single large file with ...
yope's user avatar
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arcpy.Clip_analysis() Automatically Affixing .shp.shp to Target Feature Class Name?

I created a Python script that was previously working fine, but is now giving me an error when I try to use the arcpy.Clip_analysis() function in arcmaps 10.2.1. I am not adding a filetype extnsion ...
user3150002's user avatar
6 votes
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Python Script to convert a mass of KMLs to a single fGDB

I have a mass of KML files, approx 350+ that I need in a single fGDB. I lifted a string of code from ESRI help to attempt to do this - I got it working to the point of creating all the individual ...
ChronoSphere's user avatar
5 votes
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Table to table script using Excel sheets (not workbooks) arcpy

So what I'm trying to do is to create feature classes from the sheets in an Excel table. I can get it to work if I save each excel sheet as its own workbook, however this isn't really what I want. I ...
jay's user avatar
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Dividing polygon layer into multiple layers by values in attribute table column using ArcGIS for Desktop? [duplicate]

I have polygon layer with multiple types of area (forest, grass, and many more), and I´d like to divide this layer into many layers by the area type. I´ve tried Split function but I receive an error ...
VilemRousi's user avatar