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Questions tagged [error-000582]

Use this tag for Questions which are related to the "000582" error returned by an ESRI software code.

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Arcpy is throwing error when changing output name for XYTabletoPoint [duplicate]

I have a basic task of lat/lon to xy and I'm trying to name the output shape file in the out_feature_class, when I do it in the gdb file it's fine, but anything else to identify it blows up. arcpy....
Dustin's user avatar
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Error type 000582 when trying to create buffer

I am trying to create buffers around a point FC that has an acreage field. The point FC has some rows that are null and some that report an acreage of 0. I'm running into an issue when it comes to the ...
JackOfTales's user avatar
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Unable to create one-way EGDB --> EGDB replica

I have an Enterprise geodatabase with 30 feature datasets, each containing multiple feature classes. Both parent and child are Oracle databases. I've successfully created replicas for 28 of those ...
BDBDBDBD's user avatar
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Running MosaicToNewRaster tool fails. C#

I am currently trying to run the MosaicToNewRaster tool via C#, on a set of TIFF files. I am inputting all the required parameters but am still receiving: ERROR 000582: error occurred during ...
theMoreYouNgo's user avatar
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ERROR 000582 from clip processes in ArcPy

Durring execution of clip in arcpy, an error has occurred. It is showing ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution. import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = (r"L:\\Arcpy\\Data\\...
Siddhartha Dhara's user avatar
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ArcPy script to set TIFF color giving ERROR 000840

I have a Python script that read csv files containing location and attributes for several objects and put all of them in a geodatabase. I modified this script adding also a TIFF imagine with the ...
cicciodevoto's user avatar
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Fail to create replica

I'm trying to create a one-way replica between two ArcGIS Enterprise Geodatabases. The process works when I select only the tables in the parent. The replica will successfully copy all datasets to the ...
Fezter's user avatar
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Removing GP History xslt

I am trying to run this script to remove GP History from our SDE geodatabase but I receive the following error: Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 39, in File ""...
Jordan's user avatar
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Arcpy New Mosaic to New Raster script error

I wrote a script to Merge Raster files, but unfortunately scripts does not work: import arcpy import os workspace = "D:\Kartes\Ortofoto_published\2400" sr = "D:\Maris\Salni\CoordinateSystem\...
Māris Nitcis's user avatar
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How to run ESRI CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase python script

I am trying to run the Python script posted by ESRI for generating an enterprise geodatabase from PostgreSQL using the following command: python --DBMS=POSTGRESQL -D ...
Josh Lewis's user avatar
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Inputs for building composite address locator from address locators created in for loop of Python script tool?

I'm building a script tool that creates up to 3 address locators and then uses the output address locators as inputs to the final output composite address locator. The tool executed perfectly prior to ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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ArcMap 'in_memory' trouble?

Being new to ArcMap, and ArcPy I have a problem with a script including several geoprocessing functions. The number of functions inspired a search for a means to save outputs (subsequent inputs) to ...
Katalpa's user avatar
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Odd Error in Metadata Script

So I developed a script that traverses through a root directory, and any subdirectories and catalogs layers files. Then exports these layer files' FGDC metadata and outputs them to a folder. The code ...
COCO's user avatar
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How to get an ArcGIS custom tool to run fom the command line?

I have been experimenting with ESRI's CalculateArea custom tool and it works fine running within ArcGIS from a toolbox. Then I wanted to see if I could run it as a standalone script from the ...
jsheares's user avatar
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ArcMap replica error number and description list

We have a replica between our sql server geoDB and another sql server geoDB. It is a one-way replica and our geoDB is the child. Recently an error occurs (error 000582). I searched for the cause of ...
ppLily's user avatar
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Reclassify a rasterList and sum the reclassified value from each Pixel

I'm trying to write a script in arcpy which reclassified a List of Rasters. This rasters are made by another tool before so there is already a loop. Actually I get the error 000582 and before this ...
Nora's user avatar
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Cannot put a layer name as the same as the raster name just created by Python script

I have a question regarding Python script for making a Heat Map Tool. I am making a Heat Map Tool where users can set the map extent, the tool will read the current scale of the map, then make a ...
Hiro's user avatar
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Connecting to Excel spreadsheet through ArcPy giving ERROR 000582

My ultimate goal is to automate kernel density analysis on xy data from a table. I am trying to learn Python but I am very new. I built a simple model to take table data and display xy data. When I ...
Chris's user avatar
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No placement inside feature dataset using arcpy XYtoLine?

When I run the following code with the outFC creation path set to a feature dataset inside a file geodatabase... arcpy.XYToLine_management(tempFC, outFC, "POINT_X", "POINT_Y", "NEAR_X", "NEAR_Y", "...
spaztec's user avatar
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Perfectly running python script gives error when run from [closed]

I have the following python script which runs perfectly if run separately: import arcpy val = arcpy.GetCellValue_management("D:\dem-merged\lidar_wsg84", "-95.090174910630012 29.973962146120652", "")...
Shaunak's user avatar
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