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Questions tagged [error-000732]

Esri error indicating a dataset does not exist or is not supported.

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23 views Only errors in Portal Notebook?

I am using our Enterprise Portal Notebook server to create a notebook of a toolbox that already exists, one that appends from an AGOL layer that has attachments. We use the code: with arcpy.EnvManager(...
NotebookGISQ's user avatar
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Error 00732 when attempting spatial join in a geoprocessing service on ArcGIS Portal

I wrote a Python script using ArcPy as well as several other libraries, and set up parameters for the script so it could be run from Pro as a script tool that could then be published as a ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Submodels in ArcMap work independently, but when linked in a single model I get error 000732

This has started happening across a couple models I've made. I'll have a basic submodel that links to a buildings layer for an entire country (for example), then clips and buffers and saves it with ...
David's user avatar
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Save group layer to a layer file using arcpy (Convert Labels to Annotations)

I am running the "Convert Labels To Annotation" tool in ArcGIS Pro using the Python window. I need to save the output group layer to it's own lyrx file. According to the tool documentation, &...
al_sweets's user avatar
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Using ArcPy to Calculate Field in hosted layer

My org has an new enterprise GIS setup with most of our editing layers living as hosted layers in AGO Portal. I want to update a field using 2 other fields but this layer has 250k assets to update and ...
Tiffany's user avatar
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Trying to run TableToTable tool to export view from SQL server database to enterprise SDE in standalone Python script

I’m trying to export a view from an SDE connection to a SQL server database to new table in an enterprise SDE database. Both are saved as SDE connection files on a file share. I’m getting ERROR ...
TylerArmstrong's user avatar
3 votes
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Looping in folders subfolders not working using Arcpy

I'm doing a toolbox that one shapefile intersects with many others shapefiles in folders, subfolders. The code works fine, but only for the first folder (in this case the "input_folder" but ...
brubis's user avatar
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"ERROR 000732: Input Features Does Not Exist Or Is Not Supported" when attempting MakeFeatureLayer

I am trying to select features by location, but am running into a problem where the input feature class is not being recognized. # Import module import arcpy # Define workspace and overwrite status ...
GreggUnited's user avatar
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Not sure why I am getting a raster error (Error 000732) when incorporating parameter weights in my raster calculation?

Not sure if it is an error on my part, or Esri. I am just running a model in ModelBuilder that incorporates the weights for four of the parameters in the raster calculation. It seems to run find ...
pixidust's user avatar
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Solving ExecutionError caused by input layer

I'm trying to add the symbology of an already existing layer in my folder to a the slope map being created by my Python script. I'm getting this error, however, and I don't know why. Code: def main(): ...
Darell's user avatar
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ERROR 000732 Dataset does not exist or is not supported RematchAddresses

I'm trying to automate rematching addresses after another part of my script performs data scrubbing. I've attempted this process with using a variable for the input from a feature class in a SQL/SDE ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Using Intersect with arcpy.GetParameterAsText() and ArcMap

I'm trying to use the intersect tool, with one of my inputs being from a get parameter as text. As I don't have an advanced licence I have to iterate through the list to run the intersect on each item ...
Michael's user avatar
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Band Composite NetCDF file

I have multiple NetCDF files which were converted into tif files using the tools Make NetCDF Raster Layer & Copy Raster tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.6. As output, I now have multiple tif files with many ...
gis's user avatar
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ArcPy - Select by Location and Copy Features - Error 000732: Invalid Features

I've been reading through some of the other answers but I haven't found a solution to my problem yet. I'm working with ArcMap in Python 2.7 in a standalone script. I'm trying to select some features ...
littlerhizomeman's user avatar
2 votes
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ERROR 000732 - Dataset * does not exist or is not supported Failed to execute (CopyFeatures)

My main goal is to export a layer from ArcMap as a shapefile and upload it to AGOL. However, I am stuck at this intersection. All my scripts work in the python console within ArcMap. However, I cannot ...
3raan's user avatar
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Use arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion() on a list

This works on a single feature class: import arcpy from arcpy import env ''' convert feature class to shapefile in Data folder ''' arcpy.env.workspace = r'\\uncpathto\J\Python\Data' in_feature = r'\\...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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Errors with MakeXYEventLayer_management

Here is the code: import arcpy arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # ----- # arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management( r"C:\Users\Gdozier\Documents\Folder4", "Lab4GDB" ) # ...
GIS_FAN's user avatar
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Setting workspace environment for hosted feature layers

I have a simple script that I want to use to export multiple hosted feature layers at once. This is my code: import arcpy fcList = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #input hosted feature layers ...
sparky's user avatar
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Reclassify rasters from raster dataset with ArcPy

I have a raster dataset ("RDS_NFlows_3035") with several bands that I would like to reclassify to a single value and save in another raster dataset ("RDS_NFlows_reclass_3035"). ...
Michela Zanni's user avatar
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Converting files in a specific folder specified by a relative path

I am writing a script to automate the process of converting a group of rasters, the fact is that I need to set a relative path, it will be used on different pc. But there is always an error [error-...
Владислав Александров's user avatar
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How to create raster from points classified as ground using external Python script

I am writing a Python script that I want to run outside of ArcGIS Pro. I want it to import a LAS, classify the ground points and then create a DEM using only the ground points. The code I have written ...
pauldanc's user avatar
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Why does my "Export to CAD" script work in Python 3.7, but not in 2.7?

I've written a script that iterates through all feature classes in a dataset in a geodatabase and writes them to separate dwg-files. In this case 230 feature classes. If I run the script in Python 2.7....
Niffler's user avatar
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Trying to create a new coded domain and Arcpy is rejecting my domain name

For some reason I'm getting a "ERROR 000192: Invalid value for Domain Name" in the below script. The domain name is "Road_Class_Types". I can't figure out why it's giving me this ...
HiredPirate's user avatar
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Composite band through Batch processing using Sentinal 2 data in arcpy

As we know sentinel satellite data have many sub folder. I want to create composite band of each datasets with the band 2, band 3, band 4, band 8 which are located in one folder(10m) and band 11, band ...
Siddhartha Dhara's user avatar
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Creating composite band image with Sentinel 2 data using ArcPy

As we know sentinel satellite data have many sub folder. I want to create composite band of each datasets with the band 2, band 3, band 4, band 8 which are located in one folder(10m) and band 11, band ...
siddhartha dhara's user avatar
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Merging featureclasses with the same name in multiple geodatabases using ArcPy

I tried merging all "Arc" feature class with same name nested in multiple geodatabases using ArcPy but didn't work #importing module arcpy and os and glob import arcpy, os, glob #settin up ...
Sam's user avatar
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Clipping using ArcPy gives ERROR 000732

I have 30 shapefiles, each of which I want to be clipped with another 3850 shapefiles (contain only one polygon). I know I need a loop in Python and use ArcPy. But I'm very new to Python. Here's my ...
Farzane Hashemi's user avatar
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Raster division using ArcPy

How do you do raster division (ArcPy raster calculation)? I want to divide the “.tif” in one folder by the “.tif” in the other folder. This is my code: import arcpy from arcpy import env from arcpy....
user174177's user avatar
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Using RasterCalculator in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder gives ERROR 000539

As part of a larger model for iterating lake bathymetry interpolations, I'm essentially trying to establish the lake altitude as a new base level (Z=0) for the DEM surrounding the lake. (picture below ...
gydemov's user avatar
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Spatial join features from different geodatabases

I have two geodatabases with several feature classes in both of them. I want to spatial join the feature classes in gdb1 to those in gdb2. I tried to use "arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()" ...
Pangeleno's user avatar
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Python Script to convert multiple KMZs to single GDB

I am trying to extract all KMZ and kml files from a folder but it's giving me an error. File does exist in that folder. for kmz in arcpy.ListFiles('*.km*'): print ("CONVERTING: "...
MGoyal's user avatar
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Using ArcPy to Generate Near Table in memory

I have a point SHP in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) and I am trying to tabulate the distances to the nearest point in meters. I need to do the analysis using ArcPy, but I want to get the results in a Pandas ...
a11's user avatar
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Batch Cell-statistics from 2 different folders using ArcPy with ArcMap

I'm using these codes to generate Cell-Statistics, I have data in four different folders but right now I'm using two folders just for the testing but I couldn't get the result. I'm a beginner level of ...
Raza's user avatar
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Syntax for converting tuple into string with Merge in ArcPy

I have a tuple of unknown elements, which I want to convert into a string for using in the arpy command arcpy.Merge_management([Input1, Input2, ..., Inputx], "D:\\test.shp") In my example I ...
Kunibert's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Python Toolbox - env.workspace being 'forgotten' after using Spatial Analyst tools

EDIT I've narrowed down the cause of the problem to the spatial analyst toolbox. After using an SA tool, arcpy seems to temporarily 'forget' the env.workspace setting: Subsequent attempts to reference ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to maintain connection to ArcGIS Online through ArcPy without having to have the ArcMap application open?

I am working with ArcMap 10.5 on a corporate network though a VDI. We have been trying to implement a batch script which will pull data from an API to update features in a gdb, which then updates the ...
jbogart's user avatar
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Creating Rasyer object from .adf file using ArcPy gives ERROR 000732

I am trying to use Raster class in Arcpy, to create a raster object from a .adf file My folder contains all the related .adf files but I am unsure how can I "point" the correct one to create the ...
GeoF's user avatar
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ArcPy: Error 000732 feature layer / table view does not exist or is not supported

I am trying to update a feature class by joining it to a table after deleting columns in the target layer with the same names as columns in the join table. I thought the only way to do this in arcpy ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Arcpy Batch Spatial Join Error code 000732

I am relatively new to python so apologies if this is a basic mistake. I would like to make a python script to batch run the Spatial Join Tool. The Target shapefiles are in one folder and the join ...
NickEl's user avatar
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ERROR 000732: Layer Name or Table View: Dataset targetAreas does not exist or is not supported Failed to execute (SelectLayerByAttribute)

My goal with this script is to create 9 PDFs and 9 sheets within an Excel workbook. The script utilizes select by location, attributes, and searchcursors to read data to Excel and iterate through user ...
user1452070's user avatar
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Creating CON.shp in ArcPy gives ERROR 000732

I am creating bunch of point shapefiles by using watershed boundaries in a loop import arcpy from collections import defaultdict geo_db = 'C:\\CHIA_Routine\\CHIA_Watersheds.gdb' smis_wq_resultsXY = ...
Amadeus's user avatar
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Loop through input and erase features arcpy.Erase_analysis()

I am attempting to loop through two folders, one of input files (watershed polygons) and erase features (area boundaries) using arcpy.Erase_analysis Here is my current code: in_cover = "G:/Files/...
Fully Aquatic's user avatar
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Select_analysis Looping gives ERROR 000732

The script I use for select_analysis is no longer working. I believe part of the problem is the source data I use (and I'm not the administrator of) has changed the field properties of the attribute I ...
Elkins 87's user avatar
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ERROR 000732: Cannot clip IDW product to boundary file with Python script

I am writing a Python script to try to clip a raster generated by Idw_3d interpolation, but it's throwing the infamous 000732 error. I've looked at my file path, and it does exist there. I've opened ...
ihb's user avatar
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Dataset does not exist or is unsupported SaveLayerToFile

I am trying to save a layer from an MXD to a lyrx file in a geodatabase using ArcGIS Pro. aprx.importDocument(current_document_name) mlist = aprx.listMaps() infra_layers = mlist[0].listLayers() arcpy....
Steve Scott's user avatar
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Setting Symbology for a Feature Class

I'm trying to automate a map, and one of those tasks is to set a specific symbology for a feature class. I create the feature class of Subject and Comps in the code, then add it to the map, then when ...
SpindriftSeltzer's user avatar
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Adding rasters to mosaic dataset from CSV list using ArcPy?

I have a CSV list containing paths to 800 TIFF files that I want to add to a mosaic dataset. So using the Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset tool, I need to create a loop which changes the input_path ...
mapface's user avatar
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ERROR 000732 using Con in loop?

I've got this process I'm trying to automate that essentially iterates across a set of rasters, runs a con statement on them to put values from a separate raster wherever the first raster has certain ...
ffollett's user avatar
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Looping through two raster folders to perform raster calculation gives ERROR 000732?

Last week I asked Looping through two raster folders to perform raster calculation? about a script to loop through two geodatabases and perform a raster calculation by matching the two rasters up ...
seak23's user avatar
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Calculating Area solar radiation gives ERROR 000732: output raster considered as Input?

I am trying to calculate Area solar radiation for rasters in a list. It seems that the tool allows to create unique rasters for direct, diffuse and direct radiation duration, and calculates ...
maycca's user avatar
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