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Questions tagged [error-000732]

Esri error indicating a dataset does not exist or is not supported.

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ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management fails error 732 [closed]

When I ran my arcpy script from the python prompt, the ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management worked fine using just the layer names for the parameters. Same thing when running that tool from ArcMap ...
Kevin R. M.'s user avatar
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Exporting NDVI as .TIF using ArcPy?

Here is my code so far: import arcpy from import * arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") workspace = arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Users/KJanus/Desktop/Intro_ArcGIS/RasterData_Lab6" arcpy....
K.J's user avatar
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Select tool returns Error 000732 in ArcPy?

I'm trying to use this "Select" script from But it keeps giving me the following error: ...
Matt A. 's user avatar
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Apply Symbology from Layer Not Working in Script

I am working on applying symbology to multiple layers from lyr files for multiple MXDs within the IDE. I have been able to access the MXDs and iterate through and change the definition of "mxd". I am ...
reevesii's user avatar
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Imposing New Projection on Multiple Shapefiles using ArcPy?

I'm trying to run a script tool in Arcmap that will reproject a number of shapefiles from the source data folder and place the newly projected shapefiles in a destination data folder. I'm getting ...
Waterman's user avatar
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Intersect error 000732

I'm trying to do intersect with 2 shapes, but it's not working because it can't read my shapefiles... I don't know why, because when i ran it with my other script, it works perfectly! Traceback (...
Charlera's user avatar
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ERROR 000732 - Get raster property

The following code subtract the minimum value of the raster from each cell value. Is there something wrong in it? This error comes with it every time that i run... Traceback (most recent call last)...
Charlera's user avatar
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Custom Script tool (ArcPy) Error: Input Features does not exist or is not supported

I am trying to create a custom tool that take x,y coordinates, buffers them and then puts them into a new feature class. Whenever I try to run the tool I get: ERROR000732 Input Features: Dataset (...
Wahs14's user avatar
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ArcGIS Composite Bands tool does not recognize temporary layer input

I am trying to extract monthly layers from a multi-year stack and then re-stack them by month. I am using make raster layer to make temporary layers and append them to a list to use Composite Bands ...
Ruby's user avatar
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Applying Symbology To MXD Layers From Symbology Files In ArcGIS Stand Alone ArcPy?

I have a saved .mxd map in directory called Project.mxd and some layer symbology files .lyrs inside a folder called lyr import arcpy mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Data\Maps\Project.mxd") ...
user1106951's user avatar
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Loop through 2 folders and perform raster calculation

I am currently learning arcgis and python. The problem includes looping through 2 folders (with rasters of same filename) and performing raster calculation on each raster pair. Below is my code: ...
F Viray's user avatar
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Arcpy.AddJoin error

I am trying to populate a table by joining an excel sheet to a featureclass and using field calculator to populate the fields, but I am getting errors for the arcpy.addjoin_management. import arcpy ...
Vincent Law's user avatar
3 votes
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ArcGIS ModelBuilder Add to Join Error [duplicate]

While working with the ModelBuilder, I added 2 columns to the data. After you have done "Summary Statistics" according to the GridID, you know the output product in tabular form. I wanted to print the ...
Irfan Moğulkoç's user avatar
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Using multiple workspace environments ArcGIS Arcpy

I have 1 folder with shapefiles and a geodatebase. I'm trying to export the shapefiles and geodatebase feature datasets but I need to reference 2 Workspace Environments in order for the script to read ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Converting dwg to shapefile using arcpy and ArcGIS js

The following code in arcpy is used to convert a dwg file into shapefile and it works perfectly when you run it within ArcMap: import sys, zipfile, arcpy, os, traceback from arcpy import env # Set ...
Maeglin77's user avatar
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Using Merge with in_memory workspace and ArcPy in ArcMap [closed]

I am using ArcMap 10.4. I am attempting to merge three tables, all within the in_memory workspace. The merge appears to work fine, but when I try to call the merged table, it cannot be found. I have ...
mmoore's user avatar
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Connect to remote database with arcpy

I'm trying to access a database located on a remote server. I used ArcMap "Create Database Connection" tool on my computer to create a SDE file and I want to use a script to add some data to a table ...
Kuromax's user avatar
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Python Error using Clip Tool: 000732: Dataset does not exist or is not supported [closed]

I'm getting Error 000732 Dataset does not exist or is not supported. I have tried formatting my files names as "\", r (explicit text) and forward slashes and none seem to work. (I've also verified ...
Sean's user avatar
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Referencing Enterprise Geodatabase feature classes from ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro

When using ArcPy with the ArcMap (10.4.1) architecture I am able to set a variable to a feature class and make a feature layer from it using the code below: rock_unit_table = "Database ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Table to Table with tab deliminator

I am trying to create a table from a tab delimited csv. I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:/GIS/DESIGN/ROW/", line 37, in <module> arcpy....
JTaylor's user avatar
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Extract LAS tool is not working inside a loop?

In order to extract points from a .lasd (here, I call it "x.lasd") by 30 individual polygons, I am using the following code for the Extract LAS tool in ArcGIS 10.4: inCuadriculas = r'C:\Users\...\...
Ric_02's user avatar
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Accessing differing geodatabase schemas from arcpy

I am attempting to write a script that processes a lot of different feature classes in a geodatabase. Most of the feature classes have the same schema as the user connecting to the database ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Failed to execute (MakeTableView)

I keep receiving the following error whenever running the following code below, is it the pathname that is incorrect or is it the actual function MakeTableView? Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Purplepeopleeater's user avatar
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Input unsupported or doesn't exist in MakeFeatureLayer()

I have the following code below to clean up a table to ensure that phone numbers and emails are entered in correctly, and am trying to debug my code. I am new at Arcpy, so I am still trying to figure ...
Purplepeopleeater's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro cannot access layers from Table of Contents by name

I'm trying to move some Python 2.7 scripts from ArcMap 10.4 to Python 3.4 and ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1. I'm having difficulty understanding why I cannot reference layers in the Table of Contents directly by ...
jbchurchill's user avatar
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How to rename shapefiles that contain illegal characters?

I need to import multiple ShapeFiles in ArcMap whith the MakeFeatureLayer tool. To do so, I need to rename several layers which contain non-ascii characters ("à","é","è", ...), space (" ") or point ("....
tantmieux's user avatar
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Arcpy.mapping Select by Location problem

I need to adjust a premade .mxd many times, so I'd like to speed it up with this script. Everything is working except the Select by Location part. The query reduce the Address layer to a single point ...
Gary's user avatar
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How to add a rule to topology in ArcMap?

Looks like I have the same problem as Anthony, but it seems like I have a bit more information to it. --> Running ArcGIS 10.4.1 import os import arcpy arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 'TRUE' gdb = r'F:\...
Thomas Becker's user avatar
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Error when applying symbology layer to output raster

I've created a symbology layer that I want to apply to my output raster. I tried the following code: FINAL_RESULTS = os.path.join(config.RASTER_FINAL_RESULT_FOLDER,"ThresholdResults_Day_{0}.tif"....
Uma's user avatar
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Appending Feature Class From File Geodatabase to SQL Server Express Geodatabase?

I have a set of file geodatabases with the same schema as my SQL Server Express geodatabase. Using this script, I am trying to append the feature classes of each FGDB into the corresponding feature ...
spaine's user avatar
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Avalanche runout analysis within the latest TauDEM-package does not work (Error 000732: Parameters are not vaild)

I am trying to calculate the runout of avalanches with the TauDEM-toolbox (Version 5.3.7). I am running ArcGIS 10.4 and Windows 10. I have tried using the sample data provided, following their ...
S. Kraw's user avatar
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Creating Routes in File Geodatabase gives ERROR 000732? [closed]

UPDATE: I solved this issue by circumventing it - I moved to using the "in_memory" work space which also has improved the speed of my tool. The only change I had to make was to manually calculate the "...
mTy's user avatar
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Error Failed to Execute_when trying to join table and Shapefile

I am trying to join a shpfile w/ an excel document. Both the shpfile and table have the same number of rows with matching "Unique_Joiner" columns. Below is the script im running through the IDLE GUI....
user88610's user avatar
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RuntimeError: ERROR 000732: Input Raster: Dataset ___ does not exist or is not supported

I am really new to ArcPy. Here is my script: # Name: # Description: Multiplies the value of the input raster by a constant #Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension # Import system ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Spatial Join for Batch Processing

I want to run the spatial join tool to join hundreds of shapefiles from two different folders. For example one folder contains point shapefiles with names d1.1,d1.2,d1.3 . . . . the other folder ...
ssh's user avatar
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Saving shp data to PostgreSQL database?

I have a PostgreSQL database with multiple schemas. I am trying to save data using Arcpy to my database but I cannot figure out how to define the schema I want it in. The postgres.sde database has 3 ...
D_C's user avatar
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arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management for Feature Class within Feature Dataset with gdb

I am trying to create a layer from a feature class that exists within a feature dataset within a geodatabase. Using the interface, I can simply add data and click through the gdb and the feature data ...
eigenvector's user avatar
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Remove layers with arcpy- Error [duplicate]

I use this code in order to remove layers that are out of the data frame of the map: import arcpy,os,sys,string import arcpy.mapping from arcpy import env env.overwriteOutput = True env.workspace =...
newGIS's user avatar
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Problem with layer name

I need to write a code to read a polygon shapefile that contain three classes of land use (trees, urban, and crops) and I need to select only polygons of Trees. Here is my code to apply Select by ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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Accessing feature class from file geodatabase for intersect in arcpy

I want to intersect one polygon file in a file geodatabase with multiple point files in a folder. To access the file in the file geodtabase I do this: arcpy.env.workspace=r'F:\Sheyenne\...
Stefano Potter's user avatar
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Using FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion to convert tab files?

I'm trying to use FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion() to convert tab files to shapefiles. When I run the code below, the error says C:/temp1\Overlays\Character_Places\Historic_Misc_Heritage.TAB ...
Tony Bonomo's user avatar
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ArcPy CAD to File Geodatabase conversion error 000732?

I have 19 unprojected CAD files in a Folder. Some are .dwg and .dxf extension. I am attempting to convert these CAD files to a GDB using the arcpy.CADToGeodatabase_conversion() tool I wrote this ...
ziggy's user avatar
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Exporting Network Analyst layer objects (orders, routes, etc) created in Python after solve?

I'm trying to export Orders dataset after solving a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) into a shapefile using Python only. The problem is that apparently arcpy without mxd open doesn't recognise my VRP ...
MoZed's user avatar
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closest facility analysis arcpy

The following picture shows the location of the files I need for the Closest Facility Analysis. What's wrong with my code? import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\TL\Desktop\test\2.gdb" ...
Tianxin Li's user avatar
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ArcGIS ERROR 000732

I'm trying to add coordinates to values of a .dbf table in ArcGIS 10.2. I'm using the following code: import arcpy from arcpy import env env.workspace = "F:\Otim\interf" try: # Set the local ...
S.Rai's user avatar
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Arcpy: MultipleRingBuffer error - Says data does not exist or is not supported [closed]

I'm somewhat new to Python and am working on automating some of the daily processes we do at my company. In this code example, I'm trying to automate pulling in data from a CSV file, creating buffers ...
arowl24's user avatar
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Executing Equation through multi raster using ArcPy?

I am trying to execute this equation through multi raster, but i am getting error massage in TScalar2 function, error message shown here Message File Name Line Position Traceback ...
Shouvik Jha's user avatar
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Unable to Use Defined Variable for Raster Calculation in Python

I am trying to open a text file that contains one line, which is a number. I am then trying to define this as a variable to use in my raster calculation/map algebra. I am currently running on Windows ...
E. Weglarz's user avatar
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How to execute a clip after a buffer in a custom script tool

I'm working on a script which Buffers roads in a layer, then clips the buffered roads from an area Here is my script thus far: import arcpy import os from arcpy import env env.workspace = "C:/...
Nevin McIntyre's user avatar
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Raster multiplication script not executing

I built this code to multiply rasters but it will not execute, it gives me the following error: ERROR 000732: Input Raster: Dataset in_raster1 does not exist or is not supported # Import arcpy module ...
Alex's user avatar
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