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Questions tagged [error-000732]

Esri error indicating a dataset does not exist or is not supported.

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3 votes
1 answer

Cannot read CSV-file from ArcMap

when trying to import a CSV from my hardtrive to my map-document using "add Data"-dialog I get the error "Selected element could not be added to map. Generic error" (or something similar, I am using ...
MakePeaceGreatAgain's user avatar
3 votes
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ArcPy delete terrain: cannot be deleted

I can't get my ArcPy script to delete a terrain. If it exists, it should be deleted. However it throws an ERROR 000317: {path} cannot be deleted My script is a lot longer than this, but this is ...
Menno's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Map algebra from files in multiple directories

I'm a rookie in python programming. I want to do map algebra for multiple rasters but these rasters are in different folders. Here's the code ive created so far: #Importing modules import arcpy from ...
Enzo Pinheiro's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Arithmetic on rasters with variable names in Map Algebra/Spatial Analyst?

I am a Python novice trying to figure out how to perform calculations on temporary rasters with variable names. My attempt at a minimum working example is below, but I would eventually like to do ...
Adam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Table to Excel Arcpy Error

I am trying to export a point shapefile to an Excel sheet using the arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(FinalClipOutput, ExcelOut, "", "") The "FinalClipOutput" is the result of a clip that happens ...
Andrew Foddy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Error 000732 - input raster does not exist when implementing script tool arcpy

I am trying to implement a script tool in ArcGIS 10 that completes a few equations with raster datasets. I seem to be getting the same error no matter what I try: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'&...
Catchment_Jack's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

ArcGIS arcpy code fails in Toolbox mode

This code executes correctly in Python window but fails with ERROR 000732: Input Table: Dataset JHJ does not exist or is not supported # Import ArcPy and other required modules import arcpy from ...
user33342's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

forLoop & joinField & different names

I have a folder with an output (shapefiles) from an iteration. On this output, I want to perform a join between two attributetables. So far so good. Here comes the tricky part. There are different ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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2 answers

Error in Select Layer by Location python script?

I keep on getting an error on Select by location that the file cannot be found and the inputs are invalid, but I can't figure out what I'm doing incorrectly. I realize some of my variables ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Creating a Simple Join Script in Python

I'm trying to create a simple join script in python from an arcgis model, where the only steps are joining a map to a table to produce a map with the table's properties. The attributes joined together ...
Taylor's user avatar
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1 answer

Multivalue parameter as text in Python toolbox - reading in to imported module function

I'm building a Python toolbox with a tool which calls specific functions from a custom module. The main input parameter for this tool is a multivalue list of raster layers. In the execute block of ...
T.Y. Lim's user avatar
1 vote
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ArcGIS10.2 Data Merge error: 000732

I am running python in the ArcGIS python window. ArcGIS shows error message when trying data merge from arcpy. File "", line 1, in File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\...
WHZW's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to add data to a newly created folder using arcpy?

I'm writing a script to create a new folder and then copy a feature class to a shapefile and add the shapefile in the new folder. The folder gets created but the script is failing on the feature class ...
Craig's user avatar
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Why am I getting 'Error 000732 Raster does not exist'?

I am trying to apply symbology to a raster layer via kernel density analysis. When I run the Python script below in ArcMap, I am get the error message below. I have searched and tried the common ...
Chris's user avatar
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ArcGIS arcpy reprojecting raster issue

I have a raster which I want to reproject from GCS_WGS_1984 to GCS_NorthAmerican_1983. I am using the following code: try: spatial_ref = arcpy.CreateSpatialReference_management("GEOGCS['...
user1186's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
1 answer

ModelBuilder - Data dependencies within model

I have a "parent" model with two nested submodels. Submodel A creates a gdb & FC's. These FC's are output and exposed as model parameters to the input of Submodel B which exports them to CAD. ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

ListRasters not recognizing raster files in python

I have 2 rasters in my workspace, one in TIFF Format and the other in GRID format: "C:\ExampleFolder" When I use the python script: import arcpy >>> rasl=arcpy.ListRasters("C:\ExampleFolder"...
JC11's user avatar
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-3 votes
4 answers

Calculating Field to six digit number from another field concatenated with State Plane code in ArcPy? [closed]

I'm trying to calculate a field (Unique_ID) in arcpy that will bring in a six digit number from another field (Point_ID) in the table. I want to add the state plane code to the end of the Point_ID ...
MjonesGEO's user avatar
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Copying ArcSDE datasets and features in Python give ERROR 000732?

I keep getting a kick back that says this: ERROR 000732: Input Features: Dataset 'Database Connections\Wyoming.sde\Supporting_MT_DBO_Geology' does not exist or is not supported Failed to ...
MjonesGEO's user avatar
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Arcpy ERROR 000732 when ApplySymbologyFromLayer

I want to split a shapefile by certain attribute and then apply a symbology layer, finally output it as a KMZ file. R1 = outpath + 'R1.lyr' arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, R1, "WHERE CAUSE") ...
Mingshu's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to convert all shapefiles in folder into KML using ArcPy?

I was trying to convert all the shp in a folder into kml. featureclasses = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in featureclasses: # Set Local Variables composite = 'COMPOSITE' pixels = 1024 dpi =...
Mingshu's user avatar
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1 answer

Create a new File Geodatabase(10.0) using data from existing Filegeodatabase(9.3)

I want top create a new file geo-database using python, which I am able to do using arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(Fpath,"TestGDB","10.0") But I want to transfer all data from an existing File ...
GBh's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What causes ERROR 000732 from MosaicToNewRaster?

I'm trying to run the MosaicToNewRaster tool as part of a python script. This is my code: input_rasters = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5), arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6), arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7), arcpy....
Dunuts's user avatar
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2 answers

Python code does not work with RasterCalculator after exported from ModelBuilder?

I have a model authored in ModelBuilder that uses "RasterCalculator" to process input raster datasets."OutRas = Con(\"%STATIC_forestland%\" == 0, -255, Con(\"%...
alextc's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Problem with multi-threading and geoprocessor tool in c# [closed]

What I am doing: I am trying to run a geoprocessor tool in a background thread other than UI thread. I am passing string path of arcObjects and creating that arcObject in my background thread. Then I ...
Emi's user avatar
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0 votes
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Calculating length of clipped lines using buffered points using ArcPy? [closed]

I need to create a buffer around each point of a points feature class. I would then want to use the point buffers to clip the streets feature class to calculate the length of the clipped streets using ...
Yahya's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does AddField give ERROR: 000732 Input Table: does not exist or is not supported?

I was handed off a a bunch of state shapefiles and wrote a script to add a few new fields and calculate some attributes. The first line in my script is - arcpy.AddField_management('C:\WB_prj\cityPts\...
SpookyDLX's user avatar
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ArcPy - Dividing every raster cell value by the maximum cell value

I want to divide every cell of a raster by the raster's maximum cell value using ArcPy. Here is what I have done so far. densityRaster = LineDensity(shapefileName, None, "", "", "") maxVal = arcpy....
vinayan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to interact layers with a nested loop?

I've dealing with the code below with such a long time. I have to show in a raster image the result of calculating the cost of the electricity for a solar plant. The thing is that I have to interact a ...
tom's user avatar
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2 answers

Weird File Path Returning from Print Statement Causing ERROR 000732

I have created a python script in ArcGIS 10.1. My first parameter type is a 'Feature Layer' set to as a multivalue input. I was running my script quite well off of data from one of my drives (my Y:...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes
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Adding query layer to MXD in ArcPy

I want to add a query layer to an arcmap document so that whenever i have a db data update, it is reflected in my ma and I can update my service through python script. This is my script so far... ...
user15051's user avatar
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Converting standalone script to ArcGIS tool?

I am currently trying to make my (working) standalone script into an ArcGIS tool so I'm not the only person in my office that can use it. It selects all the data within a specified location and ...
user15236's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does Merge then Dissolve return ERROR 000732: Input Features: Dataset ... does not exist or is not supported?

I'm not sure why I'm running into this problem. I thought it might have something to do with the merged file being locked or open, but I don't see a "LOCK" file being created in Windows Explorer. I'...
Kristen G.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Error using con in Map Algebra in Python script

I am experiencing a painful problem in the middle of a Python script I am writing. When I get to a Map Algebra function, I have tried two different options and both return a different error. At first ...
Maxim L's user avatar
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2 answers

CopyRows_Management in ArcPy gives ERROR 000732?

I get the following error when running a CopyRows_Management with Python (ArcGIS 10.1): ERROR 000732: Input Rows: Dataset \MyConnection.odc\MyTable does not exist or is not supported Here is the ...
Blake Blackwell's user avatar
7 votes
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focal statistics with variable radius

is there an easy way to do focal statistics on a raster, with a variable radius for the neighbourhood to be searched? As in: that search radius would be stored in another raster? i tried something ...
Ben the bear's user avatar
1 vote
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Input of in-memory geometry object to Dissolve tool in ArcPy script throws Error 000732?

In an arcpy script, I run a Union on a list of geometry objects. The output is set to an empty geometry object. The Union runs fine. What I am trying to do is then feed that output into the ...
celticflute's user avatar
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cannot get rid of sr.lock files while FOR LOOPING dbfTables

I am new to Python and to this community as well, hope someone could help me. I am running script to extract and merge toghether the tables of some Raster. Each Attribute Table presents only one row ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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Why does TableToTable give ERROR 000732 when published to ArcGIS Server?

I have a python code that uses ArcPy command "arcpy.TableToTable_conversion" to convert a database table to a dbf file. arcpy.TableToTable_conversion The input table is from a SQL Server database ...
alextc's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using arcpy from the command line on ArcGIS Linux Server 10.1

We installed ArcGIS SERVER (not Desktop!) 10.1 on a RHEL (Red Hat) machine. ArcGIS Sever is supported for Linux. However, it appears they don't make it easy to script in python, from the command ...
CPBL's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

"Dataset xxx does not exist or is not supported" using Table to Domain in Python

I have a directory of hundreds of *.csv files, containing code/description pairs for geodatabase domains. I'm trying to automate the creation of these domains using Python. If I manually run the ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Delete SDE feature class features with ArcPy

I'm working on a script that will empty my SDE database of all data. How would I go about deleting features from feature classes using ArcPy? I have an SDE connection created with a user that should ...
Andy Arismendi's user avatar
1 vote
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ArcGIS Iterate Files tool in ModelBuilder gives ERROR 000732?

I want to use a "simple" iterator to process all the text files in a directory using my model but ModelBuilder won't let me connect the file to the first step of the model. Once I run the Iterate tool,...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Geoprocessing fails in separate thread

I have a method that does a bunch of geoprocessing on some layers for my ArcMap extension. It creates a feature-to-point layer for one FeatureClass and another feature-to-point layer for another ...
thelastlombax's user avatar
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Python script has execution error first time through on a JoinField, but not the second time

I have some Python code that takes a shapefile, creates its centroids via FeatureToPoint, joins an auxillary field from the shapefile to the centroid via JoinField, and then goes on to do some more ...
mindless.panda's user avatar
3 votes
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Dealing with empty feature classes in a ArcGIS 9.3.1 Python script

I have a script that goes over all the feature classes within a geodatabase (in ArcGIS 9.3.1) and copies them. The problem (as far as I can understand) is that when the script goes to a empty feature ...
jonatr's user avatar
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