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Questions tagged [extensions]

A optional software module that adds specialized tools and functionality.

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1 answer

Not getting INFO-level messages from org.geotools.util.logging.Logging

As a Java beginner, I've inherited a custom Geoserver extension, running in a Windows environment. The plugin contains logging code like this: import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.util....
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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How to use GeoServer Raster Attribute Table support extension

My GeoServer version is 2.25.0,extension version:gs-rat-2.25-SNAPSHOT.jar;gt-brewer-31-SNAPSHOT.jar I want to use an extension module for GeoServer called the Raster Attribute Table Extension. The ...
苏云明's user avatar
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"Add a new Geonode plugin extension" doesnt work

I have a question. In this part of the geonode tutorial (, I get the following error while running "...
John Boswell's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to let people download a file from your computer [closed]

I am creating an extension for QGIS (I'm new to this). So, users can choose two different file types(A and B) and if they choose A. I give them a file related to A which they can directly save to ...
Kritim Bastola's user avatar
3 votes
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Determine which GeoServer extensions are installed on a given instance of GeoServer

I have a 2.7 GeoServer and I want to upgrade it. I installed a 2.18 version and in the Internet I found that I should do 2 things to upgrade: Copy and paste the data_dir folder in the installation ...
milad's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

GeoServer GSR Extension - ESRI Rest Services [closed]

Is anyone using this extension in 2023? Is it rock solid stable? We would like to add it to our GeoServer but are concerned to affect the stability.
staf's user avatar
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What are the postgis-3 other postgis_*-3 extensions?

The PostGIS Installation instructions show using CREATE EXTENSION to create PostGIS and several related extensions (see below). After recently installing PostgreSQL 14.6 on Ubuntu,¹ I went to create ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting all shapefile layers in project using PyQGIS

I'm writing a plugin that needs to check a few things for every shapefile layer in the current project. I am iterating over the layers as shown below, but cant figure out how to check if it is a ...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
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1 answer

GeoServer develop community extension auto-reload

I want to develop an extension for my GeoServer and I started by following this guide : The chapter of &...
Joathan's user avatar
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Can't see polygons of a shapefile but attribute table is fine

for some reason I can't visualize the shapefile I create even when trying by Zoom to layer. When checking the attribute table is fine. I attach here and image of the shapefile information just in case ...
anna costarrosa's user avatar
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GRASS R.viewshed.cva error -->Python (r.series) for folder

I am trying to use r.viewshed.cva to create viewsheds for over a hundred thousand of points. It actually works fine, I am getting over a million files but when it tries to combine all of them into one ...
DennyCrane's user avatar
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Add-ons not found anymore in GRASS 7.8 installation

I use GRASS GIS 7.8 on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. Last time I used GRASS, I was able to use add-ons, such as and r.accumulate. But now when I start GRASS, I get a series of errors in ...
jschap1's user avatar
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1 answer

There was a problem using the SLD REST Service (' ' is not recognized as an internal or external command)

I've been learning how to use SLD REST Service in Geoserver ( which has some problems Some commands cannot be run, for ...
apidach's user avatar
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ArcGIS Desktop Extensions - turn on & off with keyboard shortcut?

I am familiar with assigning keyboard shortcuts for command in ArcGIS desktop. But, I'm trying to figure out if I can similarly assign keyboard shortcuts to turn specific extensions on & off, and ...
lep's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS Plugins PIP extension

I have recently been programming in QGIS plugin with python using an extension from pip package management. I installed this extension "browserhistory" manually via the OSGeo4W shell. ...
Moritz Sproll's user avatar
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Control flow plug in of GeoServer 2.18.2 doesn't show on GeoServer Tools

I already downloaded and added to Lib folder as all other extensions of GeoServer that I needed but I am having issue loading the control flow extension which I confirmed that it is same version as my ...
Shefqet LULJA's user avatar
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Is it possible for QGIS to recognise GeoPackage Schema and/or Related Tables extension implementation?

I have set up a basic geo package example with the schema extension, specifically for data constraints and enums. When I bring this into QGIS v3.16, I cannot see my extension work implemented anywhere ...
Jake's user avatar
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Cannot install any extensions on GRASS GIS?

I'm currently trying to install the m.printws extension using "g.extension" command. However, it is giving me a FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'svn'. I tried other ...
J.Beer's user avatar
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Obtaining weight of evidence plugin for ArcMap

I read this article: An integrated user-friendly ArcMAP tool for bivariate statistical modelling in geoscience applications but I did not find this tool "bivariate statistical modelling , BSM &...
bita's user avatar
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Install GRASS extension with g.extension and Rstudio

I want to use GRASS in Rstudio to crop my DEM with my GRASS region definited. I tried to install r.clipextension on GRASS with g.extension to realise this. But when I use the function g.extension to ...
Romain's user avatar
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Making PostGIS extension persist in the search_path of a PostgreSQL database?

Context I have a script to set up a PostgreSQL database along with the postgis extension which I decided to install in an other schema than public, namely, the postgis schema. In my script, this ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Use PostGIS functions from an other schema (than public)

Context I have to set up a postgresql database with several schemas. To separate things, I decided to install postgis elsewhere than the public schema, based on
swiss_knight's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install NetCDF plugin to GeoServer

From the GeoServer manual: To add a NetCDF data store the user must go to Stores –> Add New Store –> NetCDF. In my install (...
dfo user's user avatar
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Don't allow to save edits in the table untill the field will be populated in ArcGIS with pythonaddins

I have a table and some fields there(OBJECTID, UN_ID, for example).Table is not empty. how to prevent an edit session from stopping or saving until the field will be filled. I wrote an extension ...
Lora's user avatar
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Why do ArcMap dimensions disapear when I close and reopen a map?

I am trying to use the dimensions in ArcMap but after I dimension a map then close and reopen the map the dimensions are gone and I get a COM error, cannot initialize COM component when I try to edit ...
Gary Lester's user avatar
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Could not locate /WEB-INF/lib/ directory to install Geoserver extensions in OSGEOLIVE 12

I am not able to locate in /var/lib/Tomcat8/webapps, the geoserver directory where i could paste my extensions file. The above picture is the directory where i reached and i could find nothing.
hillsonghimire's user avatar
0 votes
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Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 Professional - How to Uninstall VBScript Runtime Library and Install again?

I've been having trouble getting the Trimble Positions for ArcPad Extension to correctly install on my Trimble Geo 7X handheld. I saw that another user asked about something similar and the solution ...
Zachary M Hayes's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Seeking ArcView 3 extension named createcolors.avx? [closed]

Can anybody provide me with a copy of the file "createcolors.avx"?
Ryk Taljaard's user avatar
2 votes
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PostGIS geometry to GEOS geometry without lwgeom dependency?

I've been looking for ways to convert PostGIS to GEOS geometries without linking to or dependency on lwgeom/liblwgeom. The closest thing I can find is a mention of the pointcloud approach here: ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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QGIS 3.4.1 Extensions Repository not available

In my QGIS 3.4.1 installation (Windows 10) the extensions repository says "unavailable", like in this older post: Why I can't install plugins?. I already added the repository with "HTTP" instead of "...
Bjoern's user avatar
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1 answer

Install GRASS GIS extension r.pi including r.pi.prox and implement the Addon in QGIS

I would like to install the GRASS GIS addon r.pi within QGIS, I only have access to basic GRASS commands I installed QGIS using the osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe advanced installation using the http://...
Pixelschubser's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Ways to step through features without Browse Features from data reviewer extension or data driven pages?

I'm looking for ways to browse through a bunch of points that I have so that I can assign each of them a value. Ideally I would like to be able to use a button on the keyboard to step through each ...
Noah's user avatar
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Can not install AHP extension in ArcGIS 10.2

I'm using ArcGIS 10.2 and I need to add the AHP extension to my ArcMap. I was trying to add AHP extension to ArcGIS. However, when I want to add the dll file (extAhp 2.0) then I get this error. This ...
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Could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory

When trying to make the postgis_tiger_geocoder extension and running 'make installcheck' I get the following error: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory Searching ...
HairLoss's user avatar
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0 answers

Install gdal extention in GeoServer2.12.1

I am trying to install the GDAL extension.I need to use ecw files in GeoServer.I want to see more rasters formats display.I was trying to follow this guide
rajib86's user avatar
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Geoserver/geotools DB2 extension support

I'm evaluating the migration of a postgis/postgres database to a DB2 spatial db. A Geoserver instance is connected to the postgis datasources, so I know there is an extension available for making the ...
SebaGra's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Sharing setup details between QGIS users? [duplicate]

We have just started using QGIS on windows at my work and I am the application responsible. I want my users to have a predefined setup with a couple of extensions and some WMS servers as a starting ...
MortenSickel's user avatar
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List all available extensions using Python to get extension code

I am building an extension which depends on the availability of another extension (not from Esri) so I'd like to find out if another extension is available using Python. Based on the availability of ...
Musa Biralo's user avatar
2 votes
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Opening rrd file in ENVI 5.3

I have three files with RRD extension, which are data files for ASTER and I do not know how to open them in ENVI 5.3?
Maged's user avatar
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Origin server not finding current representation for target resource when using GeoServer?

I installed Java 8, Tomcat 8.5.12 and GeoServer 2.11.2. When I navigate to localhost:8080/geoserver it is giving me this weird 404 error: The origin server did not find a current representation for ...
User123's user avatar
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ASP.NET application returns "type “geometry” does not exist" error while Postgis extension is installed

I have a local Postgres 9.5 with Postgis 2.3.2 installation. I can confirm Postgis is indeed installed when I watch the extensions, it is installed in the public schema, my application uses a ...
Daniël Tulp's user avatar
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Error after adding extensions to GeoServer

I had installed java8, tomcat8.5.12, geoserver 2.9.4 in CentOS 6.9. I had added gdal libraries to the GeoServer from I had restarted ...
User123's user avatar
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Installing grass extension through shell script

I wanted to install an GRASS extension through a shell script but, upon execution it says: You don't have permission to install extension to . Try to run g. extension with administration rights (su ...
Ka_Papa's user avatar
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Using Geoserver extension CSVDataStore alters existing data store types [closed]

I am trying to create a custom extension into Geoserver which will act as a datastore. Being new to GeoServer, I have started with the CSVDataStore tutorial from the GeoTools website. I have ...
Øyvind Sannerhaugen's user avatar
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Server searching for wrong PostGIS extension file version?

Our database is hosted on a shared server, spatial queries are now failing unexpectedly returning the following error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.0": No such file or directory **...
Don's user avatar
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Which Shapefile parts are necessary to convert to geojson?

Which of those files are needed, to be able to convert them to geojson without losing any information? From what i know: *.shp - contains coordinates for lines, points, and other geometries *.prj - ...
bartosz.baczek's user avatar
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Managing the state of Python Add-In extension

I have a python add-in that includes a toolbar and an extension. A button on the toolbar should turn extension on and off. A code for the button: class Switch(object): # Implementation for ...
Serge Norin's user avatar
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Repairing corrupt shapefile?

I have a corrupt Shapefile. But, All other files are still good. How can I create or generate a Shapefile from only the ".shx .prj .mnd .drw .dbf"?
Oualid Fouad's user avatar
3 votes
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MapInfo 'Info' tool - querying by polygon rather than at a point

MapInfo Professional (12.5) has a tool called 'Info' which interrogates the data for all visible and selectable tables when the user clicks at a specific point. It lists all objects from all tables, ...
user25094's user avatar
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How to initialize a PostGIS database in PostgreSQL single-user mode? [closed]

Update: Reposted this question on StackExchange / Database Administrators: I'm using PostgreSQL 9.2.15 with PostGIS 2.0.7 through the standard packages ...
vog's user avatar
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