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Questions tagged [extrapolation]

estimation of values beyond the known data

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How to calculate accuracy of a calculated (predicted) coordinate (latitude, longitude)?

Given GPS data that consists of: Latitude Longitude Bearing (degrees) Speed (meters per second) Accuracy (radius of the circle around the coordinate where true position can be found with 68% chance, ...
Chaz Ashley's user avatar
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Extending line with given distance

I have (⋅)p1 and (⋅)p2, two geographic points (wgs84) with latitude, longitude, and altitude. I need to calculate point (⋅)p3 in a specific distance (in meters) from (⋅)p2 along (⋅)p1 to (⋅)p2. Any ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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QGIS: Spatial extrapolation

I have few sample points with values on (agricultural) field and I want to interpolate and extrapolate values inside the field boundary. Ideally I would like to use Kriging (as it smooths local extrem ...
daky's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to do small expansion into LINESTRING ends?

The geometric problem is similar to this other one, that can be described as "small extrapolation of the line ends". The correct solution must to expand/extrapolate d meters (ex. 2 meters) ...
Peter Krauss's user avatar
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Extrapolating point values to raster, excluding NAs

I have a raster generated from drone imagery that has been classified into water (river channel) and NA (all areas outside the wetted channel). I have a point file running down the center of the river ...
RichieCar's user avatar
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Linear extrapolation of points using QGIS

I am currently working with hurricane data from NOAA’s IBTrACS. Each gathered data point is separated by three hours. The points and lines can be found in two different data sets on the IBTrACS ...
John S.'s user avatar
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Extrapolating raster to specific area?

Can I extrapolate a raster with the extent of North America (current geography) to the shape of the continent during the Last Glacial Maximum? I would want to extrapolate pH-values to the additional ...
Julia LD's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Extrapolating a line in PostGIS

I'm trying to extrapolate from a line segment to find a point on the line but a 3rd of the way 'back', i.e. trying to find point new, given points A and B below: Given a line, I can interpolate it to ...
EoghanM's user avatar
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