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Select Issues with Converting Feature Class to Shapefile with only certain fields

This is not a copy of previous questions like Selecting certain fields from feature class to create new feature class in ArcPy? but builds on them. I have two approaches and two different issues. ...
JackOfTales's user avatar
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Script not working as expected

I'm newbie to python and I wrote this script. It is supposed to check the text in the fields fld_o and fld_d and write a value (just numbers in a sequence) to a newly created field fld_name. While ...
Salman's user avatar
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Export selected fields in ArcGIS to Excel using Python

I'm am creating a script that will allow a user to add XY coordinates to a point layer, then export (along with any addition user selected fields) to Excel. I am getting stuck on the iteration of the ...
Howeitzer's user avatar
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