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2 answers

Split one field into 3 fields?

I need to split the values in a field according to what they represent to be able to do a join on the data. As seen above I have a ID field that needs to be split into the following: The ID consist ...
Dean van den Heever's user avatar
3 votes
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How to Add Name of Different Category in Attribute Table

I'm stuck in a problem when I started calculating area in arcmap 10.1. In the picture, I categorize my polygon into four unique labels - i.e. vegetation, sand fill, water body, built-up area. Now I ...
Shahidul Islam's user avatar
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Changing field formats in ArcGIS geodatabase? [duplicate]

I am working with data in an ArcGIS 10.1 geodatabase. I wanted to complete the simple task of taking a ten-digit ID field that is currently in String/Text format and create an identical field in Long/...
mikeLdub's user avatar
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ArcGIS Find and Replace attribute search error

I am editing a vector layer in ArcMap 10.1 in the attribute table the no data value for some of my fields is -1.7976931348623157e+308. I would like to replace that with 0. I attempted to use the Find ...
falcs's user avatar
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ArcGIS Attribute table appears empty until features are selected

I have a multiple layers that show features in the data frame and the layers are editable and labeled, but when you open the attribute table for these layers, it's empty. The only way to get the ...
Brock Steven's user avatar