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Finding features in QGIS with partly different attributes

I have several layers and they all have identical table organization. I need to find if there are any features that have a different names but the same UUID. I know that this could be done if I ...
Luka's user avatar
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Merging Attribute Table Field Values for Same File in QGIS

If multiple people populate different attributes of the same shapefile on separate computers, is there a way to merge the attribute table without creating copies of the polygons or fields? Each file ...
knielsen's user avatar
5 votes
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Converting number with leading zeros in integer in QGIS

I used this command to organize my treenumbers: lpad("baumnummer", 6, '0') So tree number 1 will be shown as "00001". I did this because in my layout lists every tree will be put ...
Kyosuke. T's user avatar
3 votes
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Converting text field with special characters to field with floats in QGIS

I have a dataset with a text field ("INL_EL") containing mix formatted values likes {92.066} or 94.461. I want to make a new numeric field ("INL_EL_N") containing the above values. ...
Manos's user avatar
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How to join a column from a line data layer attribute table and join it to a shapefile attribute table in QGIS?

Issue: I have calculated the distance from shore from point data showing dolphin IDs to the coastline by using these commands: Step 1: Digitise the country lines for administration country shapefiles ...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
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Renaming categorical attribute values in QGIS attribute table: merge two different strings to the same name

Issue I have a column called ' Species' in a shapefile layer showing the distribution of different species of dolphins. The operator that originally inputted the species names into our excel data ...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
10 votes
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Selecting items in the attribute column based on items of another layer in QGIS

I have the items in my data attribute table, which were selected. I want to make the object with the same value be selected in the attribute table, which belongs to another layer. In both cases, the ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Nullifying the whole row in data attribute table at once in QGIS

I have a situation as you can see below: and I would like to have one row cleared completely at once. Is it possible?
Geographos's user avatar
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Selecting features in one layer based on mutual field with another layer in QGIS

I have two layers in QGIS, each one with a field called "Name". I need to select the features in 'layer2' whose name exists in 'layer1' (totally or partially). For example, in the images ...
Salevieno's user avatar
4 votes
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Populating field with sequential timestamp in QGIS

I have a point layer in a GeoPackage with this attribute table. name id timestamp A 1 23:03:2022T23:30:00 A 2 A 3 ... B 1 23:03:2022T23:30:00 B 2 B 3 .....
Raúl Casado's user avatar
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Calculating sum of values based on another attribute as filter in QGIS [duplicate]

I have shapefile data set (Road segments) my area of interest is to calculate the length of all road segments having a particular attribute, e.g.: sum of (length attribute) when Attribute1=something. ...
Tirumani yaswanth Varma's user avatar
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Export selected fields from attribute table in QGIS

In my attribute table there is a large number of fields. I want to export the data with selected fields. How to do this in QGIS?
Bruno B's user avatar
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Adding multiple letter codes from attribute columns in new column using QGIS

I am working in QGIS and trying to create a landcover vector for a project. I have multiple columns with different attributes. As shown below: I was trying to create a three letter code in the "...
Erioderma's user avatar
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Reclassifying vector attributes efficiently in QGIS

I have converted a raster file to vector and I am trying to create multiple attributes or levels, for my land classification. I have multiple values that are 101, 102, 103, 104 etc. where the 100 ...
Erioderma's user avatar
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Editing attribute table, when it's not allowing to edit the output field length

I joined two attributes making a field called "fid" to appear. Since then when I try to edit or add a field I am unable to change the output field length or the precision. I have tried ...
Andrea Johnson's user avatar
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Proper syntax of expression for selecting rows in QGIS

I have a long shapefile with various columns. I want to select only some rows, based on an expression. The column used for filtering is "binomial". I tried so far: "binomial" = &...
LT17's user avatar
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Extracting text from column in attribute table using QGIS

In QGIS I have two words e.g. the species name I would like to extract and put in its own column and then extract each of the numbers individually into its own column that represents DBH, height and ...
Simon Muirhead's user avatar
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Calculating area with formula gives zero in the attribute table in QGIS

I am trying to calculate the area of each patch of a vector on the total area of all my vectors (sum of each area) with the following "area" / "totalarea" but then it returns 0, ...
Robagb's user avatar
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Changing attribute type to Integer

I am not totally new to QGIS but still working my way through. I simply need to convert the field qn of my Shapefile which is now string to integer in order to use the 3d GRASS tool. I know ...
Isabella Trabucco's user avatar
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Deleting large number of duplicates in attribute table in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have a vector file with about 9000+ objects and for some reason, each of them has duplicates. Which way can I find on QGIS to remove duplicates which have the same object "ID" ...
Robagb's user avatar
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Filtering and deleting attribute table on multiple shapefiles in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have about 30 thousand objects (rows) on several vectors (shp) and I want to filter my table to keep only some objects and delete the rest. How can I do it in a simple operation?
Robagb's user avatar
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Automatically sort table data by specified column when opening attribute table in QGIS

I want the attribute table in QGIS to be automatically sorted by the column I want, so that I don't have to click on the right column every time. At the moment, when I open the attribute table, the ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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What is angle value in points along geometry in QGIS?

I generated the points along geometry from Processing toolbox and there is an angle field as default. What does it stand for?
Ramiz Mammadli's user avatar
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Automatically populating point layer with ID of polygon it intersects in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3 and trying to populate a column of a point file that has rare species data. One of the attributes is a Wetland "ID" column. If any of my rare species points are within a ...
Erioderma's user avatar
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Getting not NULL values from three columns in one column in QGIS

As you can see, I have three columns with the important features for me (a, b, c, d, e, f) - no matter of size. I want to copy them into new column "name". The problem is when I try to copy ...
Amla's user avatar
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Removing duplicate features based on a condition on another attribute column in QGIS

I want to remove duplicate features (from a polygons shapefile) based on a condition on another attribute column in QGIS. For example, if I have the following attribute table of a polygon shapefile: ...
Denis Antoine's user avatar
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Auto-filling when adding new value in attribute table in QGIS [closed]

I am trying to set up QGIS to work on gathering bird data. I have my attributes set up so that the common name, Latin name, quantity, date and other information is recorded. Is there a way to get the ...
Connor's user avatar
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Exclude aliases from attribute table in QGIS

This is related to this unanswered question which is broader; my hope is that this narrower, more specific question may get an answer. In QGIS 3.18, I would like to assign aliases to certain fields (...
pete's user avatar
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Why highlighting duplicates does not work in QGIS?

I have used the formula from this query Identifying duplicate attributes in field using QGIS: count(1, "FieldWithDuplicates") > 1 but it doesn't work in my case, just highlights each ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Moving widgets fields to the top in QGIS

I would like to change the order of my widgets in the attribute form section. But after changing the order of columns in the data attribute table, they remain still in the same order in the "...
Geographos's user avatar
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Inserting words from field into new column in QGIS

Is there any good expression to extract the first word of a field and put it into a new column? I would like to create a new column without the numeric values and filter out words that are doubled. ...
lesto's user avatar
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Saving attribute forms' widget types and their premade values to shapefile in QGIS

I am trying to create 'template' shapefiles. I edited the attribute forms and changed the widget types (ex. value map) with custom values. When I try to export the shapefile this way I end up with ...
IKindaNeedAHand's user avatar
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Creating permanent dropdown lists in QGIS

I've had some success at creating the drop down lists for attributes in QGIS 3.16 using the Attribute Form option in Layer Properties, as shown here: Creating a multiple select dropdown list in QGIS? ...
Greg's user avatar
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Selecting column in data attribute table reliant from different column

I have the problem because after extracting vertices from my linear geometry layer I have so many duplicates in my data attribute table (taking into account a unique "ID" of each line). ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Returning column name of the max value in QGIS

I am working with some age group data in QGIS based on point counts within a polygon grid and I would like to calculate the max value from a row with 11 different age groups in order to get the ...
John's user avatar
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Assigning attribute to polygon after polygonization in QGIS

I've created 50+ polygons by polygonizing a contour derived from a USGS Digital Elevation Model, and I've and fixed the geometries of the polygon layer. Now I want to assign an attribute (mtn or ...
ldekay's user avatar
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Adding data to new field in attribute table in QGIS

I have created a new field column in the attribute table for my shapefile as shown below. I now need to add data to these rows from another datafile. Is there a way to do it other than manual editing ...
T.P.'s user avatar
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QGIS Data attribute input values on the same side

I am creating a new layer. Since I've created it in the SpatiaLite layer, then it was fine. I had all my input values on the same side, where column titles are. Unfortunately, I've made mistake in one ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Adding attribute of polygon orientation depending on neighbors in QGIS

I have a shapefile with buildings as polygons. Is it possible to add attribute columns referring if the polygon boundary is "other polygon" or "outdoors" for a certain orientation (...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
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Field values don't show up in the symbology while they are visible in attribute table

I am trying to colour different categories within a shapefile in different styles to differentiate them - these categories are visible when looking in the shapefile's attribute table, but then don't ...
rk4478's user avatar
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Summing multiple fields in QGIS

I have a layer/table with several fields I need to sum together to create a value in another field. I have tried using aggregate() and sum() but I can't get the a correct syntax to be able to do the ...
user187976's user avatar
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Extracting numbers from text attribute in QGIS

Is it possible to make a new column and store only the numbers in the column "GNR" i.e. removing (1: ))?
Nnn's user avatar
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FieldPyculator code execute error when using Advanced Python field calculator in QGIS

In QGIS I have the following script that evaluates the results in each feature then gives it a value. Some of the values are NULL, which is fine, but how do I get the Advanced Python field calculator ...
MJM's user avatar
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Calculating distance from point to previous point in attribute table

I have a list of points with field data in the attribute table. I want to have the distance between point id₁ and point id₁-1 (previous point in table). Can I write this as a formula in the attribute ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Creating field based on the sequential indicator in QGIS

I have a points layer in QGIS that is organised by time, with a column called "Diff" that has either 1 or 0. The 1 marks a point where there is a jump in time, the 0 marks where nothing has ...
Bacon_Sammich's user avatar
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Creating new field based on the sum of occurrences of feature attribute

I have an "Owner_Name" field. I want to add a virtual field "Num_Properties" containing the number of properties each owner owns. (). To figure this I believe I need the expression ...
Kaizen777's user avatar
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Automatic fill-in of columns in QGIS

I collect data on birds in my city. In my column, I have the Names of the Birds, their scientific name and their abbreviation. Now I am searching for a simple solution to simplify the work. I would ...
Geographika's user avatar
5 votes
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Add file name as attribute field in QGIS

I have a folder with several shapefiles (around 75). I would like to create a new field into each .shp file which has to be filename. i.e: 20201003.shp --> 20200103.shp (New field 'Fecha' = ...
Juanjo Valero's user avatar
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Display both data in different fields in QGIS attribute table [duplicate]

In my attribute table I have lat_1, long_1 and lat_2, long_2 in the same row. How can I display both at the same time. Is their any solution for that in QGIS. lat_1, long_1 are main location lat_2, ...
Bruno B's user avatar
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QGIS: Using Filter expression for Drop Down Lists in Value Relation Widget

I have a vector layer and want to enable the user to pick values from drop-down lists. The values of the drop-down list change depending on the chosen value of the previous field(s). It works ...
Nil's user avatar
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