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Saving attribute field comments when making memory layer permanent in QGIS Plugin

My QGIS plugin creates a vector layer (memory) with attribute fields that include comments. Comments are not saved when I "Make Permanent" the layer. I have been able to build a QGIS Python ...
raywannabesurfer's user avatar
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Adding attribute of polygon orientation depending on neighbors in QGIS

I have a shapefile with buildings as polygons. Is it possible to add attribute columns referring if the polygon boundary is "other polygon" or "outdoors" for a certain orientation (...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
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QGIS: Using Filter expression for Drop Down Lists in Value Relation Widget

I have a vector layer and want to enable the user to pick values from drop-down lists. The values of the drop-down list change depending on the chosen value of the previous field(s). It works ...
Nil's user avatar
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Returning field value based on expression on another field using QGIS expression

I want to return the value from one field ("Number") for the feature with the most recent timestamp ("Time") from within the current layer ('mylayer'). Or what's the number of the ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Copying attribute table for each layer in QGIS

In QGIS I'm trying to edit attribute tables for a corn planting prescription. I have 50 layers (fields) that all need to have the same attribute table layout. Is there any way to create a template ...
Pharper8532's user avatar
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How to join a column from a line data layer attribute table and join it to a shapefile attribute table in QGIS?

Issue: I have calculated the distance from shore from point data showing dolphin IDs to the coastline by using these commands: Step 1: Digitise the country lines for administration country shapefiles ...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
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Deleting large number of duplicates in attribute table in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have a vector file with about 9000+ objects and for some reason, each of them has duplicates. Which way can I find on QGIS to remove duplicates which have the same object "ID" ...
Robagb's user avatar
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Field values don't show up in the symbology while they are visible in attribute table

I am trying to colour different categories within a shapefile in different styles to differentiate them - these categories are visible when looking in the shapefile's attribute table, but then don't ...
rk4478's user avatar
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How to assign values for one column of the attribute table on QGIS

The table is below. Then I want to assign 3 values: [43.8, 39.0, 25.9] to the X field by row. If there are thousands of rows in the table, can I just paste them just like in Excel? The version of my ...
Jerry Chou's user avatar
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One polygon layer for an area with different projects in the same layer?

I was wondering if it is possible (maybe not ?) to make a structure so that I can have diffrient information (projekts) over the same area/point in the same layer. This would be for an overview of the ...
Linkinpark's user avatar
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First field gets cleared (if time field) in QGIS Attribute Table

I recently noticed a strange bahavior in QGIS (currently working with version 3.34-7): When the first field of a shapefile is named "time" (I regularly work with GPX files exported to ...
M S's user avatar
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Setting a Boolean field to be empty

I have a layer with a Boolean field called bool. I can set the field value to NULL, e.g. using the Field Calculator. When printed via Python, the values are correctly shown as None: >>> layer ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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Separating data in name field so it can be filtered in QGIS

I have some information that I want to filter by some of the fields under the primary name field for ex: "gs_substation" or "gs_feeder_number". But they are unable to be filtered ...
Carlos C's user avatar
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Changing number to bigger than 999 in QGIS

In QGIS 3.28 on Windows, there is a shapefile originally created in QGIS that was imported and worked on in ArcGIS. Now, when I reopen the file in QGIS, the real numbers have a width of 18 instead of ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Get checkbox for Boolean field in attribute table

I have a dataset with a lot of Boolean fields. In the attribute table, they are represented with text (either true oder false). If I click into the cell, I get the checkbox I also get in the attribute ...
e-shirt's user avatar
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Merging Attribute Table Field Values for Same File in QGIS

If multiple people populate different attributes of the same shapefile on separate computers, is there a way to merge the attribute table without creating copies of the polygons or fields? Each file ...
knielsen's user avatar
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Filtering and deleting attribute table on multiple shapefiles in QGIS

In QGIS 3.22 I have about 30 thousand objects (rows) on several vectors (shp) and I want to filter my table to keep only some objects and delete the rest. How can I do it in a simple operation?
Robagb's user avatar
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Hiding and re-arranging attribute table columns in QGIS?

This used to be possible by right-clicking column headings in the attribute table, then using the menu that appeared to produce a checklist of fields that could be unticked & re-arranged. I've ...
Rob's user avatar
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Graduated symbology

I have opened a delimited text file with coordinates XY defined in two columns on the file plus two other columns with data and they are represented in QGIS as a point layer. I want to symbolize the ...
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Changed project from QGIS 3.16 to 3.24, now 'NULL' fields turn into '-9223372036854775808'

Been working on a digitizing project on QGIS 3.16.15-Hannover, as I like to use LTR versions for the stability. But, 3.34 introduced an automatically incrementing UUID field, which I find useful. My ...
Nelg's user avatar
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Display information from a different layer in an attribute table in QGIS

I have two different polygon layers we'll call them A and B. I would like to create an attribute table with fields that list areas of A and B (calculated using the $area function in field calculator). ...
Justin Perry Illustrator's user avatar
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All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0)

All values entered using fields with a list of values are transformed into (0) how can we find back the selected values, we lost a lot of work and can't find backups.
E.S17's user avatar
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Editing attribute table, when it's not allowing to edit the output field length

I joined two attributes making a field called "fid" to appear. Since then when I try to edit or add a field I am unable to change the output field length or the precision. I have tried ...
Andrea Johnson's user avatar
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QGIS Data attribute input values on the same side

I am creating a new layer. Since I've created it in the SpatiaLite layer, then it was fine. I had all my input values on the same side, where column titles are. Unfortunately, I've made mistake in one ...
Geographos's user avatar
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