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3 votes
3 answers

Separating columns of layer and exporting set of columns in a new QGIS layer

I use QGIS 3.16. I need to find a way to separate the columns of a layer and export each column in a new layer named like the column. For example: I have a file.csv that I import with the geometry wkt....
Fanny Chagnet's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

QGIS based rules symbology with boolean options

I have a point layer with some boolean fields. I have created a symbol for each field when it is true. However, when I create new symbologies for combined cases with more then one field true, I ...
ennine's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Generating geodata models for layers and their attributes in QGIS

Let's say I have a map with two different layers in QGIS: 'LayerA'. It has three attributes (fid, name, quantity) and its geometry is a MultiLine 'LayerB'. It has four attributes (fid, type, location,...
katagena's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Summing on multiple attribute value on same coordinate in QGIS

I have data like this: If we see clearly then there is same data in same coordinate, now I am doing manually like this picture which is very time-consuming. How can do it easily in QGIS?
Kazi's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to make the grid polygons assume the inside centroid attributes of another layer QGIS

I have a square grid and I have multiple centroids on another layer. These centroids have many attributes as values. I want for each grid cell to assume the attributes of the centroids inside them. ...
John Silva's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Counting points in adjacent polygons using QGIS

I would like to sum up the amount of points in a polygon and its adjacent polygons. If possible, I would like to add a certain "weight" to the points of the adjacent polygons. Here is a ...
Jérôme's user avatar
2 votes
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Adding selection data from one layer to new field in another layer using QGIS Field Calculator

I have two polygon layers: A) Contains around 500 river catchment areas B) Contains 100 river catchment areas I want to create a new data field in Catchment A showing which catchment (Catchment B) the ...
he_could_be_any_of_us's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Applying multiple conditional statements for new column with QGIS Field Calculator

I have an attribute table of a point layer where each point has a "StopID" (range 0-37115): My goal is to create a new column in the table for a subset of 188 points where that subset is ...
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All field type names are lowercase after using materialize from QgsFeatureSource in PyQGIS

An interesting fact, after using the materialize() method over my original QgsVectorLayer with the following code: layer = iface.activeLayer() for field in layer.fields(): print(f"Field '{...
Taras's user avatar
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1 answer

Combining content of multiple text cells into one field based on common id in QGIS [duplicate]

I need to combine the content of multiple cells into one, this is based on a common "ID". I need this "ID" to remain after the text has been merged. I tried the aggregate tool but ...
Lukazio's user avatar
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1 answer

Exporting list of attributes from multiple layers within extent in QGIS

I'm looking for a way to export attributed values from multiple layers in a project from features within the extent of a specific polygon (project area). So, for example, I have a polygon layer with ...
Arjan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Adding several attachments to one feature in QGIS

I want to add several files (for instance JPEG, DWG, PNG, etc.) as attachments in one polygon attribute field. I created a new field with widget Type - Attachment. But it allows adding only one file ...
Levon Batoyan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Setting value to default otherwise counting if it is NULL with QGIS expression

I am looking to expand on this expression, I currently have the ability to count up following putting a tree no in, so I put in 'T001' then the formula counts on. However I want to put 'T001' as ...
matthew whitehead's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

"Duplicating" the attribute table for many polygons in QGIS

I have about 45 polygons that refer to parcels of land and I want to create the same attribute table for all of them and edit the information/prices afterwards depending on the parcel. "Joining&...
StratsMicha's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Filling in missing attribute data based on other features using QGIS expression

I have a survey form and some features (trees) will be grouped using the same "TreeNumber". Hopefully, I can write an expression that means users only have to fill in most of the data for ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Finding field containing maximum value for each row in QGIS

I have a table with the number of buildings constructed per time period in each district, and I would like to determine the time period in which most buildings were built. For example, for the ...
cyirand's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

QGIS auxiliary label locations: determining their storage locations

Background: Using 3.26.3, I have a Geopackage point layer that I can successfully move the label locations using the Move Label button (below). In the past, this process has automatically added two ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I transform a StringList to one String

I have a column in Qgis with type:"StringList" eg { "name": "William", "height": "1.87", "age": 90 }, { "name": "Mary", &...
giannisgr's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Converting polygon with attributed into centered lines using QGIS

I had some data points I wanted to aggregate with different road segments. So I buffered the road in order to process "Join Attributes by Location (Summary)". With the buffered road segments,...
rforster's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS model: save downloaded file with filename based on one of its attribute values

Context Using QGIS modeler (currently with QGIS 3.26.1) with the Download File algorithm, you can use a filename based on an expression and thus are able to give the saved file a name based on e.g. ...
Babel's user avatar
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0 answers

Automate adding a new attribute field based on name

I frequently take in datasets of land parcels and need to split them into separate layers (Private, County, State, Federal). I have been manually creating a new attribute field and then selecting by ...
nregis's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter attributes from a data layer into a point layer

So, I have two layers: -A point layer with a number of venues (around 2000 venues). The attribute table has 7 columns: Venue ID (Foursquare) Latitude Longitude Venue category name (Foursquare) ...
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
0 votes
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Form layout I created in QGIS won't transfer to QField

I have been trying to create a form layout in QGIS which includes different tabs, and am trying to transfer this layout to QField. When I open QField, my fields are showing up but that is it, none of ...
Ola's user avatar
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2 answers

Deleting a field using plugin in QGIS 3

I am trying to write a function to delete a field using plugin in QGIS 3.24. I have build a plugin , which consists of QgsFieldComboBox. So I can select a field from the combo box to delete (from the ...
user avatar
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QGIS Find position for point objects on a line object and add this length attribute to any point object

My QGIS (3.22. Biatowieza) question is the following: I have a line layer with objects that have a length in metres. And there is a separate point layer with point objects that are located besides of ...
Marco Schmidt's user avatar
3 votes
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New field in attribute table with automatic yes or no

I have 2 different layers: one is properties and the other one is park buffer. I would like to add a field in the properties attribute table that says YES if "properties" and "buffer&...
Maria Hernandez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Separate "date and time" field in "date" and "time" in QGIS

I have a column with date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh/mm/ss) as string. I have the date field already, but the hour field is empty. How can I transfer the hh/mm/ss part to the hour field? I am new to QGIS ...
Barbara Perez de Araújo's user avatar
4 votes
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QGIS 3 Modeler operate with a fieldname

In a model I would use a fieldname of a layer with the Input of Vector Field. When I use the name of the input in an expression, the model gives no result. Do you have any idea?
Klaus's user avatar
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Set integer attribute based on a text string attribute

I have an atribute field listing biomes as text strings. I need to do some processing in another program that requires biome information in a numeric code. TLDR; every 'Tropical Rainforest' needs to ...
Meep the Changeling's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Importing from Excel/CSV format to QGIS

I created a grid and used it's squares and it has 4 values in attribute table (each square has left, top, bottom, and right values). Every square is a different object. I try to export file from ...
waseem hasan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Update Attribute Table on clipped shapefiles using QGIS

I would like to find a way to automatically update the attribute table for shps generated from the clipping tool. My interest is to get an updated area calculation. All my new shapefiles would ...
ale.tenorio's user avatar
4 votes
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QGIS - Value relation values based on geometry

I am having a problem with last part of defining values in geopackage. I have created relation values based on field values (drop-down values). Last one I want to create, is to make relation based on ...
Dean7's user avatar
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2 answers

Relationship by location in QGIS

I have two feature classes: point and polygon. The purpose is to make geometrical relations between them. For instance, if points are within a polygon then automatically make the relation between ...
Levon Batoyan's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating rule-based style for attribute between two values in QGIS

It seems a pretty straightforward rule but I believe I am missing something simple. Let's say I have, in my attributes table, an attribute called "NumberOfFloors", with values between 1 and ...
Trikelians's user avatar
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New field and joined fields not displaying in attribute table field dropdown in QGIS [closed]

I joined some fields to a layer and also added a new field. These fields display as expected in the layer's attribute table. Now I want to create an expression for one of the new fields but it doesn't ...
AnitaW's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Excluding zero values in proportion calculation in QGIS

I'm trying to calculate the proportion of seven fields. It is easy to divide the sum of seven fields by seven, but since some fields have zero values, I want to exclude them from the calculation. For ...
Eren E's user avatar
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2 answers

Inserting space between address and cardinal direction in QGIS

I have a shapefile, which is a parcel map. Its table of contents has a column containing the addresses of several buildings. Some of the addresses hold directional information (i.e. n, s, w, e). The ...
Kaveh Ekbia's user avatar
4 votes
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Changing field length in QGIS [duplicate]

I want to update the string length for a shapefile layer in QGIS. I've tried opening up Layer Properties and clicking edit but it won't let me change it manually. Also I've tried using the field ...
QGISgreenhorn's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Getting list of values from column in QGIS

I have one "column D" with a b c values for my entities (1-2-3-4). Something like that : 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. e 5. j 6. b I would like to generate a list of each different value of "...
tonyduky's user avatar
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Summing numbers separated by commas in string field in QGIS

In QGIS, I have a column separated by comma (shown by column "lengths"). I want to sum up elements in it for each row. The column is a text field string.
Eren E's user avatar
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Finding features in QGIS with partly different attributes

I have several layers and they all have identical table organization. I need to find if there are any features that have a different names but the same UUID. I know that this could be done if I ...
Luka's user avatar
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Creating new attribute field gained by areal intersection in QGIS

I am trying to make a new attribute field which will differentiate points, vector layer, which lie inside and outside of a polygon layer. I tried like this: CASE WHEN '...
Marin Mirošević's user avatar
2 votes
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Filtering missing corresponding values in 1 to N relationship in QGIS

I have two tables set up in a 1 to N relationship with the field "UE". Table 1 is a parent. 'Table 2' is a child. I want to filter all entities in table2 that don't have a corresponding ...
tonyduky's user avatar
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8 votes
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Sorting values in Unique Values widget in QGIS

In QGIS 3.24.3 I have a GeoPackage table containing a text field "box_id". Within its Layer Properties > Attributes Form page I have assigned it a Unique Values widget type as shown here: ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Making rule on dates for vector points in QGIS

In QGIS, I would like to create a rule-based on dates for some vector points. These points have a field for dates, in the format dd/mm/yy. The rule would be such that if a date is less than a certain ...
syed's user avatar
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Merging Attribute Table Field Values for Same File in QGIS

If multiple people populate different attributes of the same shapefile on separate computers, is there a way to merge the attribute table without creating copies of the polygons or fields? Each file ...
knielsen's user avatar
5 votes
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Converting number with leading zeros in integer in QGIS

I used this command to organize my treenumbers: lpad("baumnummer", 6, '0') So tree number 1 will be shown as "00001". I did this because in my layout lists every tree will be put ...
Kyosuke. T's user avatar
3 votes
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Converting text field with special characters to field with floats in QGIS

I have a dataset with a text field ("INL_EL") containing mix formatted values likes {92.066} or 94.461. I want to make a new numeric field ("INL_EL_N") containing the above values. ...
Manos's user avatar
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Making new field with formatted values in QGIS

I have a column called "Kiinteistötunnus". The values ​​are in the form 73479400010025. Values in the whole column ​​should be changed to form 734-794-0001-0025. The data type is Integer64. ...
Jussi.S.'s user avatar
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Can I use the dropdown list in attributes table for several selected features in one time?

I use some dropdown lists for several attributes. Now I want to select several features (objects) and edit a field using the dropdown list. Is there a way to do it in one time, because it looks like ...
Maarten Vangerven's user avatar

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