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33 votes
3 answers

Understanding "Join Attributes by Location" in QGIS

I wonder if there is somewhere an explanation for the parameters that can be set when running the Algorithm "Join Attributes by Location" in QGIS 2.18. I had a look here: Documentation QGIS Testing |...
four-eyes's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Summing data from column in QGIS Attribute table

I'm working with population data, and I have an issue when it comes to knowing the sum of a population inside the attribute table. In my attribute table, I'd like to add all the numbers in the red ...
Tim56's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Spatially joining polygon fields onto point layer in QGIS

I have gridded depth points in CSV format that I'm trying to add other map data to, in additional columns. I've tried joining fields, hoping that I could link the shapefile data to the CSV, but when I ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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52 votes
9 answers

Identifying duplicate attributes in field using QGIS

I have a point shapefile with thousands of points. It has an "ID" code field that is supposed to be unique. Every now and then the data entry clerk wrongly type the "ID" creating ...
obsidianz's user avatar
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47 votes
10 answers

Determining the centroid of polygons in QGIS

I have a polygon vector and I want to quickly attain the centroid of this polygon for insertion in a text document. I am working with QGIS. I searched through other questions and although some are ...
David's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Merging/Dissolving polygons by Common Attribute Field in QGIS?

I have joined corresponding Local Enterprise Partnerships table data into a polygon shapefile containing UK Local Authorities. How do I Dissolve or Merge the the Local Authorities polygons by ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Reading attribute values using PyQGIS

What is the way to get the information contained in the attribute table, say in column 2, row 2 using PyQGIS?
user16018's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Changing data type in QGIS Attribute table

I have county data in which the "FIP"s (actually State "FIP"s and County "FIP"s combined). I have data imported as CSV with the same "FIP"s data titled '...
user10525's user avatar
  • 301
9 votes
2 answers

Why can't I edit attribute table imported through 'text as layer'

I imported the coordinates from an Excel table. They show as single points as intended. Now I want to add columns to the attribute table, but I'm not able to edit it. I wanted to import the following ...
user23609's user avatar
96 votes
5 answers

Renaming attributes/fields in shapefile attribute table using QGIS

I would like to rename some fields in my attribute table: Like rename "XRF_N3"in something else. It seems quite a easy issue but I don't find any information about how can I do that.
G M's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

Change style properties of several layers simultaneously?

I'm working on bulk data. I have a few hundred GeoTIFF images imported into a QGIS project, and I'd like to modify their layer properties - things like the no-data-value, transparency of certain pixel ...
Kay F. Jahnke's user avatar
32 votes
8 answers

Getting list of distinct values from shapefile field using QGIS

I have a shapefile whose features I can filter by specifying a where clause in the query dialogue. F.x. I have a field named "city_name" and by stating "city_name" = 'London' in ...
Raffael's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Grouping and counting attribute data in QGIS

I want to group and count features with the same code attribute value. I can classify the data and enable feature count in the layer list but I cannot get counts in the attribute table.
Seren's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to split text attribute by characters in QGIS?

Is it possible to make a new column, for example named "Test" and store the first part of the column "Name" split by -? See below how it should look like:
Danny's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Getting attributes of selected features using PyQGIS

Could anybody provide an example how to get the attributes of selected features? I tried the following code in the Python Console : but I'm stuck at the point where I'd like to get the attributes: ...
dimpflmoser's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Changing fields order in QGIS

I have to draw several stuff and input the data, all the layers have the same data fields but some require 2\5 attributes to be filled. Is there a way to change the order of those fields to be on top ...
AsdAsd's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Summarizing column in QGIS field calculator?

I have data with a column containing a number value, and I want to divide the value of each feature by the total sum of all the values in the column (to get a percentage). So I would like to know if ...
hexamon's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Attribute subdomain in QField/QGIS

I have a point layer with the attribute/field: kingdom with a value map widget so I can choose the values: Tree or mammal. And a second field: Species (where I will register: Pine, Oak, Deer or Fox)...
Bera's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Modifying width and precision of database using QGIS?

I have a database in txt format made of several columns of real numbers. Two column are integer, 17 are real (rounded to the first decimal) and 17 are real rounded to the second decimal. If I import ...
Samuele's user avatar
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24 votes
10 answers

Sorting by multiple fields at same time in QGIS?

Is it possible to sort multiple fields at the same time in QGIS? For example, I'd like to sort a table by state name, and then within each state, sort by county name. This would be the same as ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Merge lines with the same 'name' attribute on QGIS?

I have a shapefile with a few thousand lines, each is a street segment. I'd like to merge all features with the same 'streetName' attribute into a single attribute. I only really care about the name ...
Tercero A's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Summarize" [duplicate]

In ArcMap, the user can create a table that groups the field values using summarize field tool (as shown below) How can I create a table that summarizes field values in QGIS?
Hani Draidi's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Creating variable distance buffers in QGIS

I would like to create variable distance buffers for some points in QGIS 3.4. I have seen in previous posts that there used to be a tool for this in older versions of QGIS, but that this tool wasn't ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to style a vector layer in QGIS using hexadecimal color code stored in attribute?

I have a polygon shapefile storing hexadecimal color codes in a specific attribute. gid | label | color ---------+-----------+------------ 1 | Crops | #FF5F2C 2 | Forest ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

After performing table join all the fields are "NULL" in QGIS

Within QGIS, I joined .dbf table containing population data to a shapefile of Census tracts. The join field is called "GISJOIN" in both the target table and the shapefile's table, and this ...
Abijah's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Exporting QGIS contour attributes in DXF file?

I have a .tiff data file that generates contours in QGIS. I save it as .dxf. The contours don't have any attributes or data. That's bad, because I want to make a 3D landscape in Revit using the ...
QGisRookie's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

How to easily edit attribute data using Regular Expressions?

I am writing a tutorial for MSc students that uses QGIS. One of the tasks requires the attribute data to be modified (see pdf draft of tutorial here if interested ). The question is how to get them ...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Creating drop down list with values in QGIS

I want to show a drop down list in the feature attributes dialog. I have three different building zones. The hot Wohnzon A, B residential zone and residential zone C. Now I have an attribute called ...
user8839's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Filter features based on their attributes using Python

How to get features by their attributes (similar to 'IQueryFilter' in ArcObjects) in QGIS using Python? Instead of getting all features and filter it manually, is there any option to use where clause ...
venkat's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Summing values in field using QGIS

Using QGIS 1.8, I've got a shapefile with an integer field called "AREA" and I'd like to sum the values which are in this shapefile. Does anybody know how to?
Robert 300's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to increase Output Field Name length beyond 10 characters?

When creating a new Column, the default value for the length of the name is 10. Using the Field Calculator via the Model Builder, I want to include the names of regional areas into the columns which ...
Joseph's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Fill with @row_number based on group field in QGIS 3

Is there a way to fill the table with a row number so that count will restart as new group (identified by a separate column) starts? As a result, "row number" column will restart the count ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have the attributes fields already filled from the previous object?

I need to create a lot of points with lots of attributes, but most of the fields are the same, so I don't want to edit all the fields all the time. Is there a "remember previous fields" function ...
Pietro's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes
3 answers

Creating QgsFeature with default attributes using PyQGIS

I have a polygon layer loaded from PostGIS database. This layer has a default value for the first column. I can create a new feature set that attribute to some predefined value with: newFeature = ...
okorkut's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Copy geometry from one layer onto attributes of another?

I have two polygon layers, A and B, that have the same features but totally different attributes. I want to use the attributes from layer A, but I want them to have the more accurate geometry from ...
Nathan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Updating polygon areas in QGIS?

I'm using QGIS 2.6 and regularly update a shapefile layer to indicate felling progress. However, if I edit the nodes of a polygon, save the layer out then look at the Attributes table the area shown ...
Edward's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Getting attribute data from one dataset to another

In the image below you can see two shapefiles: NYC building footprints (outlined), and underneath a PLUTO shapefile rendered with a categorized blue gradient using the "Floor Number" column. The ...
Horia Popa's user avatar
23 votes
8 answers

Deleting fields using QGIS

When is the option to delete field in an attribute table enabled in QGIS? I'm in editing mode and still am not able to delete a field.
vascobnunes's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Sorting attribute table by hidden column in QGIS Print Composer

In a QGIS 2.18.20 attribute table I have some values with random numbers, but at the print composer I want to show them with order (clockwise). So I made a new integer column, and added numbers with ...
Pitheas's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Changing position of columns in QGIS Attribute table

If I have an attribute table with columns A, B, C, and D, is it possible to move the columns to different positions, say: B, C, A, D? When making a new column with the Field Calculator it would be ...
HealthMaps's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Converting string field into date field in QGIS

In QGIS I have a layer with points which represent the fatal road accidents and the field "dates_14_D" contains their date but its type is string. I would like to convert this string field ...
Ilias Machairas's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Changing field length using QGIS

I have a shapefile I made in QGIS 1.7.4. One of the fields is a String of length 80. I'd like to make the field accept longer stings, but I can't figure out how to change its length. How do I do this?
Evan's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Setting default value in QGIS field

I would like to add in a layer's field a default value. I mean, every time a new feature is created, that field would be automatically filled with the default value. In my case the default value would ...
Egidi's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Updating text column of selected features in QGIS

Let's say I have a bunch of postcodes. After making a selection and having the records highlighted in the attribute table, how to update all of them and give them the same category? In ArcGIS, after ...
Luffydude's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Displaying multiple attributes in QGIS Composer legend

I have a polygon layer which has a number attribute and a text attribute. When I make a legend in the composer, it automatically chooses the number to display while I would like to have both the ...
Gin's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to group by attributes and give unique categories in QGIS?

I have features and each of them has an attribute about what it is. In my case, I have points representing trees and each tree has its species name as an attribute. I would like to group them by ...
Skye's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Finding the minimum value of different columns in QGIS

I'll try to calculate the minimum value of four different columns in my QGIS table like: The min. value would be 1,50286 in the first row. Is there any expression or tool to find the minimum value ...
Walther's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Adding unique ID for groups of items using Field calculator in QGIS

I have a set of string values in a shapefile's attribute column and want to assign a number to them in a way that each unique string gets an integer number, like this: How do I do this using the ...
Elise's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Calculate polygon field based on neigboring polygon attribute

I have a vector shape with many different sized polygons each possessing an own class name (for instance "houses", "houses with offices", etc ...) I want to assign a new field to ...
Curlew's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Wrapping heading of column of attribute table within QGIS Print Composer

The "wrap text on" function seems not to work for the heading of the columns, only for the rows. I'm using QGIS 2.14.4
Martin's user avatar
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