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2 answers

Adding new value in new field using ArcPy

I have a polyline feature class with this attribute table: I need to get values without decimal numbers. I created a new field called "newLength" and tried to insert the new values (whole ...
newGIS's user avatar
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Slicing all values in field using arcpy.da.UpdateCursor

I have a folder with a (3) shapefiles. Each shp. has a field titled "country" with a country name. I've already set my desired workspace correctly and everything else in my script works for what I ...
Connor Garrett's user avatar
7 votes
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Removing duplicates from field using ArcPy with ArcMap

I am using ArcPy with ArcMap. I need to remove duplicates from a field named "Intersecti" Here is my code. I used list..set. It's not removing any duplicates. import arcpy duplicates = &...
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