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2 answers

Filling field with values from field of another table using QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.28.9. I need to complete a field from a building's layer with the field's values from a plot's layer, based on the location of the buildings. At first I thought of doing it through ...
Mig TabSher's user avatar
6 votes
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Summing attribute values along line layer in direction: accumulating the attribute values of side lines in QGIS

I want to sum up the attribute values from a line layer along another line layer in QGIS in a direction: The values from the orange line should be summed up along the red line, which is divided into ...
fabian96's user avatar
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Relationship by location in QGIS

I have two feature classes: point and polygon. The purpose is to make geometrical relations between them. For instance, if points are within a polygon then automatically make the relation between ...
Levon Batoyan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Automatically populating point layer with ID of polygon it intersects in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3 and trying to populate a column of a point file that has rare species data. One of the attributes is a Wetland "ID" column. If any of my rare species points are within a ...
Erioderma's user avatar
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Autofilling attributes based on locations in QGIS

I have a polygon layer (admin boundaries); what I want is when I create a point inside any of the polygons, some attributes are auto filled in the point inherited from the polygon it is in. I looked ...
Raffi_A's user avatar
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Joining attributes from two different polygon layers

I'm trying to join the attributes from the polygon layers shown on the images. The result I'm looking for is one layer that contains the square and the attributes of both triangles: the triangles are ...
Nacho del Saz's user avatar
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QGIS 2.12 How can I assign the attributes of the polygons of the layer A containing the geometry of layer B?

In other words, I have two shapefiles: Layer A: not-intersected Areas (1 attribute: ID); Layer B: Buildings (Several attributes). I want to identified by the related ID attribute all the buildings ...
Samuele Schiavoni's user avatar
7 votes
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Where are the attribute summaries in Join Attributes by Location in QGIS 3.2.0?

I have recently switched from QGIS 2.18.21 to QGIS 3.0, and as of today, to the shiny new QGIS 3.2.0. I need to do some spatial joining so I was quite surprised to find out that in QGIS3, it seems, ...
Vesanen's user avatar
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Only Integers Transferred when Joining by Location

When joining attributes from a points layer to a polygon layer of Postcodes, only the integer fields from the points layer are transferred. See screenshots below. Points Layer Points Layer Continued ...
James B's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Understanding "Join Attributes by Location" in QGIS

I wonder if there is somewhere an explanation for the parameters that can be set when running the Algorithm "Join Attributes by Location" in QGIS 2.18. I had a look here: Documentation QGIS Testing |...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Joining attributes of lines with same coordinates in QGIS

I try to join attributes between two different line layers. The first line layer (data source) is given. The second line layer is consisting of filtered lines from first layer, created by python code....
sweet.sugar.cola's user avatar
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problem using qgis spatial join in a python script or modeler : no results [closed]

I'm trying to create polygons from points layers. Each layer contains one point to avoid troubles due to superposition of polygons. I detailed the context here : How can I add output vector to a list ...
bliblablo35's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to merge attributes from lines which are on top of each other?

I was able to merge the different kinds of roads (verharding lijn) with the normal roadmap (Wegen 1.0). The attributes were copied to all the records, but there are empty attributes where the kind of ...
boll's user avatar
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QGIS Spatial Сross Join attributes

I have a set of LineStrings (streets) and a set of rectangles (atlas pages extents) that could overlap each-other. And now I want to create a legend for an atlas like street1, pages: 1,2 street2, ...
dmitry.v.kiselev's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Spatially joining polygon fields onto point layer in QGIS

I have gridded depth points in CSV format that I'm trying to add other map data to, in additional columns. I've tried joining fields, hoping that I could link the shapefile data to the CSV, but when I ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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How join attributes for point feature from nearest points in road network

I have two layers: 'linear' - road network and 'point' - points in each linear features intersections. Point layer have in attribute table name for each point features: A,B,C,D,E,F, etc. How add in ...
spatialhast's user avatar
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Spatial join including attributes - like SQL right join?

I've run in to a little problem. I have two sets of polygons with important attributes. I need to join over the attributes from the first set to the other, but I can't seem to figure out how. ...
Teresa's user avatar
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