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QGIS: Need to create a feature for a vector layer with a list of all unique values derived from a raster layer's cells

I have a vector layer with inner boundaries delineating certain land-use types in each discrete area. I also have a raster layer that contains information related to the vegetation found in each ...
Linus's user avatar
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Setting numeric values in new field based on length and branches in QGIS

I'd like to know how to set incremental numeric values in a new field of a layer, which has been obtained by "shortest path from point to layer", based on the length and the branches. I need ...
Mark's user avatar
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Can't merge two layers because of field length in QGIS 3.16

I'm trying a model which did work with QGIS 3.12 but don't in QGIS 3.16. In this model, two vector layers are merged by the algorithm native:mergevectorlayers. In the new version if a field of ...
Dim-Jones's user avatar
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Syntax for specifying a parameter input from an attribute field in QGIS model designer

If I have a layer with an azimuth field, I can easily use that field to define the direction of the wedge buffer by clicking on the button next to the azimuth value and specifying the field type and ...
taylort's user avatar
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Setting attribute of point if it matches point from another layer in QGIS

I have two layers of points: The first layer contains points which have an attribute called "svf" with values between 0 and 1 The second layer contains a subset (in terms of location) of ...
Martin's user avatar
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QGIS add new field for each value in exisiting field on a vector layer

I have a vector layer containing around 17000 polygons with a field named 'theme'. Each polygon of the layer has one of 30 unique values (e.g. buildings, roads etc.) assigned to this field. I now want ...
Blubberblase's user avatar
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Vector grid displaying scrambled

I'm having a weird problem with grids in QGIS 3.12.2. I have generated a grid to calculate some zonal statistics, and am using that to display a few different things. All good so far. Nice pretty ...
Liv_2020's user avatar
5 votes
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Populate field in one layer with corresponding value from another layer

I have 2 existing vector layers: 1 point, 1 polygon. In almost all cases the points overlap a polygon. Both layers share a field (Zone id). The point layer has multiple existing features (1,000+) ...
JimS-W's user avatar
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Splitting vector layer based on attribute value in QGIS

I have read the questions and comments here: Splitting shapefile into separate files for each feature using QGIS However, in my case, I don't have unique values for each polygon instead I have ...
BlueFish's user avatar
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Changing fields order in QGIS

I have to draw several stuff and input the data, all the layers have the same data fields but some require 2\5 attributes to be filled. Is there a way to change the order of those fields to be on top ...
AsdAsd's user avatar
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How to merge two shapefiles with partial difference in QGIS?

As illustrated below, a copy of the same shapefile was given to two persons who edited them partially by changing the attributes of different features. I would like to know how to merge the two ...
oat's user avatar
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Codecing vectorial field qgis

I have vectorial data that I have loaded in qgis setting as UTF-8. I was checking if the values of field in atribute table is standartized. So I am creating a script to do it. However, when I print ...
Diogo Caribé's user avatar
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How do I fill a Field Combo Box with vector layer fields in QGIS?

I am new to python and I am trying to write my first plugin for QGIS. Earlier I asked this question to find out how I could populate a combobox with point vector layers (and nothing else). I've been ...
Bert's user avatar
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PyQGIS: Change attribute value doesn't work, results in NULL

I am writing a QGIS plugin, which at one point attempts to change several attribute values on a layer. However, in the end no changes are made. If I punch similar code into the built-in Python Console,...
Kris's user avatar
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Creating shapefiles using textfiles in QGIS

I have a shapefile in QGIS which has polygons in it . There are several other attributes for each feature . I want to add another attribute to each feature . The value for this attribute is available ...
jps's user avatar
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Automatically changing the angle of a symbol in QGIS? [duplicate]

I am working with an iron age cemetery in QGIS. I marked every grave in a point layer with several columns; amongst others, burial rite (inhumation, cremation etc.). I inserted a second column for the ...
C.-F. Vintar's user avatar
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QGIS equivalent to MapInfo Sum Attributes for selected vector objects?

I´m looking for QGIS equivalent to the basic MapInfo tool "Sum Attributes". I´ll explain what it does: For selected objects in a vector layer, a popup window shows basic statistics such as: - Sum ...
Nataniel's user avatar
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Comparing floor and roof areas using QGIS?

I am trying to show the available roof area for installing photovoltaic moduls in comparison to the respective floor area in QGIS. I have two vector layers so far. One contains the floor area of the ...
MLGermany's user avatar