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2 answers

Change shapefile field names using ogr AlterFieldDefn

I need to change field names of a shapefile to upper case using ogr. I want to do this automatically, versus calling out each field and replacing the name with upper case. When I try to implement ...
jtodd's user avatar
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Using UUID Generator in QGIS 2

I try to generate a "UUID" (edit widget) for a vector shapefile in QGIS 2 but the field value is always NULL. Does the field requires a specific datatype? I used integer. In the manual I ...
parallax's user avatar
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Copying attributes from many columns to one in QGIS

I have many columns, about 30 and each of those has some attributes. I want to merge those columns into one and collect all attributes in a row of columns. I tried with this post Combining Columns ...
Frodo's user avatar
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Changing Field Name/Apply Symbology from layer using ArcPy?

Using ArcMap 10.1, I want to use the Apply Symbology From Layer tool, however my field names are not the same. I'm having trouble understanding how to change the Field Names in a layer. I tried the ...
Katherine's user avatar
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Autofilling attributes based on locations in QGIS

I have a polygon layer (admin boundaries); what I want is when I create a point inside any of the polygons, some attributes are auto filled in the point inherited from the polygon it is in. I looked ...
Raffi_A's user avatar
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Merging values from two fields into third field using PyQGIS

I have two fields which I want to merge into a single field, thereby should one of the two to-be-merged fields be prioritized, meaning, if a value of one field is available take it instead of the ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Creating hyperlink in the attribute table using QGIS

My dataset contains a list of URLs. There is no hyperlink for the URLs to take me to Google Maps. Is there anything we can create to open the locations in Google Maps directly by clinking on the URL? ...
Bruno B's user avatar
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3 answers

How to hide more than one QGIS attribute field at a time?

Using QGIS 2.14.1, I use the Layer Properties > Fields > Edit Widget to hide the display of an attribute in the attribute table, as shown in this screenshot: Is it possible to hide multiple ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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QGIS keeps cutting off attribute table column names after 10 characters, can I stop this?

How do I get QGIS to stop chopping off parts of my attribute table column names past 10 characters? Or is this unavoidable
MapDeath's user avatar
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Removing zeros in string at different places with QGIS Field Calculator

I'd like to take the values from the "MAP_PAR_ID" attribute and populate a new field without zeros (including leading zeros) in that field, e.g.: MAP_PAR_ID New_Field 0160011000 16-11 ...
geomajor56's user avatar
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How to create a Value Map widget type to select multiple values (checklist) from the dropdown?

I have a polygon layer that represents tree/shrub planting sites that were done. As part of the attribute table, I have fields representing things like tree density, species, soil work, tree size, etc....
Robert's user avatar
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2 answers

Assigning numbers to grid of polygons using ArcPy?

I would like to number the shown grid of polygons. The numbers should go left to right top to bottom, starting at 1. How do I do this using ArcGIS Desktop with a Basic license, and ArcPy.
Craig T's user avatar
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Auto populate field as concatenation of other fields

I'm searching for a way to automatically combine several field values entered in the feature edit dialogue, resulting in a new column comprised of the former values. I have, say fields A, B and C ...
Kay's user avatar
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LiDAR Data captured, unsure what units or format this time field is in?

I haven't been able to figure out or find out from searching around what units or format this time field is in my LiDAR data that was collected?
whyzar's user avatar
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3 answers

Renaming field via ModelBuilder?

I joined some fields to my tables and now I need a tool or something to change that field's name. How can I do this in ModelBuilder? I didn't find any tool to do that.
AndM's user avatar
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2 answers

Points to Path using order from array of points in QGIS

I have a node layer with several thousand points. Each one has a unique attribute "N". I also have a list of N values which make up the points to which I would draw a line: 19523,19581,19662,...
SimpleProgrammer's user avatar
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Grouping neighbor points based on field sum in QGIS

I have about 14,000 points. These points have a specific field "time", an integer value, mainly between 1, 2 or 3. I would like to split these 14,000 points into groups based on the "time" field ...
Petey's user avatar
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3 answers

Updating point shapefile attributes from polygon shapefile using QGIS?

I have two shapefiles: one point and one polygon. The point shapefile have five attributes that describe the points. The polygon shapefile have one attribute: name of the polygon. I am a beginner to ...
arcee123's user avatar
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Khmer Language is not properly displayed in layer fields in QGIS

I have created a new shapefile layer which uses Khmer language fields. The encoding is UTF-8. When I create new fields in Khmer in the attribute table it displays perfectly. Then as soon as I hit save ...
Tim Frewer's user avatar
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PyQGIS - Adding Fields to a Feature Layer

I'm new to PyQGIS and am having difficulty adding fields to a feature. I want to plot footprints and assign attributes to each of the footprints. Here is my script. import csv, ast from PyQt4....
slalomchip's user avatar
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Automatically write attribute when creating features in QGIS

Using QGIS 3.0 I have to draw a lot of features on the map and these features have attributes that change with each entry. However, there is a part of the attribute that is the same for all features. ...
Goran's user avatar
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Slider for non time attributes in QGIS

How to filter data on attributes with a slider? By example, i would like to filter weights (CHARGE in my layer) attribute for polygons without to change the filter formula. The feature is available ...
jlSta's user avatar
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How to update attributes from list of values stored in a Excel or CSV table?

I need a Python program regarding update attributes. I have 20 shapefiles and in each shapefile, attributes to be updated based another field My requirement is to update the codes in CODE field as ...
Arb's user avatar
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Creating buffers with values, and finding areas with high value overlap of these buffers

I'm working on a project where, essentially, I'm measuring threat levels based on geospatial patterns. I have different groups with higher or lower threat levels based on the distance from their ...
Bryan Parent's user avatar
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5 answers

ArcGIS Field Calculator returning 0 values when decimals are expected?

I realize I posed this question, and got answers, several days ago (see Field calculator error) , but none seem to really be working, and so am posing again. Below are two screenshots that show the ...
David Meek's user avatar
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Filtering with setSubsetString using PyQGIS

I would like to create a layer with a filter on one of my columns ("GAMME_DE_S"). I saw that I can use setSubsetString but no way to use it. uri = r"C:\impression_plan\FicheCana.shp&...
patrickblancseau's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Extracting digits from string in QGIS

I have a string field that I want to extract only the digits example: 1,500 m2 -> 1500 I've tried with regexp_substr("location", '(\\d*)') to remove all after the blank space, but I need ...
Juan Millan's user avatar
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2 answers

QGIS auxiliary label locations: determining their storage locations

Background: Using 3.26.3, I have a Geopackage point layer that I can successfully move the label locations using the Move Label button (below). In the past, this process has automatically added two ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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Getting feature attribute description with PyQGIS

I have a vector layer in which attributes have value maps and I need to get the description of the value. I am able to get the values with feature.attributes(), but I haven't found a way to get the ...
RistoYlem's user avatar
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Assigning Sink ID to upstream features in ArcGIS geometric network?

Looking for a way to automatically assign an 8-character Sink ID to every upstream feature in a geometric network. There are over 500 sinks and about 5000 points and lines upstream from those sinks. ...
Rayner's user avatar
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OpenLayers attribute substitution failing on KML file

I'm trying to read in mile markers for a marathon from a KML file and use the MILE attribute to set the label. My layer code looks like this: // add layer mile_markers_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer....
Dennis Conklin's user avatar
3 votes
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AttributeError when creating list field with QVariant in QgsVectorLayer using PyQGIS

I am trying to create a list-type field for the active layer using the code below, which is not working. Is there any other way to create a list-type field and update the list([1,2,3]) as an attribute ...
Ganesh S's user avatar
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Moving and converting virtual fields in QGIS

I have two questions about virtual fields: Is it possible to move a virtual field? I'm using Table manager to move "normal" fields but virtual fields doesn't show. Is there any simple way to ...
Helena's user avatar
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Connect not working for custom QGIS form

I have a custom form for editting feature attributes. However, I can't seem to correctly disconnect and reconnect certain bindings. The init code is below and should work for any simple QT widget with ...
Dan's user avatar
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Stop custom attribute form from resizing in Qgis

When I open a custom attribute form for a feature in Qgis it always gets resized to the default size of the original Qgis attribute form. I've tried to set the sizePolicy in QT Designer to Fixed ...
P-A Lindkvist's user avatar
3 votes
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Delete empty and null fields using arcpy

I need to remove fields within file GDB and SDE databases that contain only empty or null values. I was hoping to do this for an entire database at a time rather than per feature class. The code below ...
reevesii's user avatar
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How to calculate/update multiple fields at once using QGIS 3.10 field calculator?

In QGIS 3.10, i want to calculate multiple fields at once on more than 10 similar layers. I now i can do it manually, but I'm looking for an automatic way. I need something like this: "nomrue&...
Simon P.-Levesque's user avatar
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Auto populate a field in the attribute table with unique IDs

I am a GIS specialist for an engineering company and I am setting up Arc Collector on ipads for field workers. The field workers go to residential properties and collect soil samples. Each property ...
matthiastrek's user avatar
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How to set NULL as default value for a date field in QGIS 2.4?

In QGIS 2.4, i am unable to set the default value as NULL if i have not updated any value on date fields. Its automatically taking the current system date. I am expecting to set the default values(...
Mahi's user avatar
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Getting fieldnames with QGIS expressions in same order as in attribute table (not alphabetical order)

Context I want to get a list of field names of a layer using QGIS expressions. The function attributes() returns a key:value map of the attribute names and values. By default, the result is sorted ...
Babel's user avatar
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Unable to create field for PostGIS layer. PYQGIS [duplicate]

I'm having some troubles to create a new field in a postgis layer.This is the code I'm trying to use, but nothing happens, no field is created: from PyQt4.QtCore import * dbnam = "pruebapython" uri =...
Luismi's user avatar
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Different settings for form & table views in QGIS

In QGIS 3.18. Layer properties-->Attributes Form allows changing various aspects of attribute visualization and entry/editing, including aliases, widgets (for drop-down menus, checkboxes, etc), and ...
pete's user avatar
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QGIS - Split a line having attributes with UNIQUE constraint

I am using QGIS with a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, where the lines table (named 'segments'), besides the integer serial primary key, has a UUID column having a UNIQUE constraint. Trying to split a ...
Ilias Iliopoulos's user avatar
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How to save color VALUE to attribute table in QGIS for a vector layer with a graduated symbol renderer

I am trying to achieve this -> How to copy the color styling to a color column in a layer's attribute table? script by @Germán Carrillo prefix = "'" layer = iface.activeLayer() attr = layer....
ABCD's user avatar
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Batch map creation, iterated over attributes of a layer, in QGIS

I am using QGIS 2.0.1 under Mac OS-X 10.8.2. I have a layer of counties in New Mexico to which I have joined a csv file that includes presence / absence of plant species by county. I've set up the ...
aspidoscelis's user avatar
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Selecting new records using values inside previous selected rows in QGIS?

I am trying to create a selection. First, I select records which have Null value in "Status" column ("Status" is NULL"). Then it starts to be a bit tricky. I want to select all the records which have ...
Losbaltica's user avatar
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Summing values from different intersecting/overlapping points in QGIS

I am currently digitizing an old archaeological excavation. I have created the 2m grid where finds were excavated, and have created centroids within each grid. All the corresponding finds has then ...
eyesore's user avatar
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Selecting multiple fields in QGIS Modeler

I am trying to make a model in the Processing Modeler of QGIS. I need a step where a layer with polygons is dissolved based on two fields. At the moment I do this manually. When I open the dissolve ...
CaptainAhab's user avatar
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Copy first row of attributes and paste for each feature

In a newly digitised polyline vector layer, there are 7 columns attributes value that are choosen inside a value map combo-box that MUST be exactly the same for every newly digitised line (I choose ...
Mattia's user avatar
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Setting permanent minimum height and width of all cells in attribute table with PyQGIS

Let's assume there is an attribute table of a vector layer which was opened with F6, see image below With the code below I could set the minimum height and width of all cells in the attribute table. ...
Taras's user avatar
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