Questions tagged [filter]

To show, hide, extract, or remove particular data from a larger set, narrowing it down, or the specific criteria used to do so.

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2 answers

Can't figure out WFS URL filter - what amI doing wrong?

I'm trying to figure out how to use the filtering function on a WFS layer. Any where I look, there is not an example of the XML AND the query alongside it explaining how it works. In the URL query ...
JavaScript_Guru's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Filtering out OpenStreetMap data made by specific users using osmosis?

I am trying to find the code for a query in osmosis that will allow me to download only contributions made by certain OpenStreetMap users. I was thinking to use osmosis to filter out all the ...
elvimc's user avatar
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1 answer

Filtering MSSQL layers in QGIS doesn't work

In my QGIS Plugin I am filtering layers with this Python code: FeatureIterator = layer.getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression ("Fieldname='SomeValue'") ) for feature in FeatureIterator :...
steloe's user avatar
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How to insert a feature using WFS-T based on a criteria?

I am pretty new to WFS/WFS-T and need help with some suggestions on how the following requirement can be implemented. We have a need to insert a feature into a PostGIS database based on the following ...
myspri's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Filtering out canopies and buildings from DSM to have a bare earth elevation

Can anyone suggest methods in filtering out trees and buildings from a DSM so as to come up with a reliable DEM? What I have is a grid from a LIDAR data (.tif file, with 1m resolution). I was going ...
vklopt's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

QGIS Filters and Queries

In QGIS is there a way to filter a layer using the Query Builder to show all values which include a particular phrase. For example I have a list of organisations and I want to filter all those which ...
user34823's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Creating New Layer After Sorting Attribute Table using QGIS?

I have been self-teaching myself some open source GIS. I downloaded QGIS and have been following this four part tutorial -
david's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter OSM files with Osmosis

I have to filter the whole Malta dataset with Osmosis only considering cycleways, footways (including used nodes of those ways) and all nodes with the tag value tourism and amenity. I write the ...
user3784813's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Quick way to turn layer filter On and Off

When a filter is applied to a layer the layer cannot be edited. Is there any way of quickly turning the filter on or off without entering the Query Builder dialog box and removing the filter?
Geezer's user avatar
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C++ parser for OGC Filter Encoding 1.0

I'm developing a C++ application and I have to parse a OGC Filter in order to implement querying functionality on a metadata repository. Does anyone know any C++ library to parse OGC Filters?
Tincho's user avatar
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How to filter data by category, then map only maximum-value row for each?

I'm building a consolidated map of all transit systems in my area in QGIS. I have a GTFS dataset of bus lines, and it includes shapes for every trip on every route in the system (as it should), but ...
Victoria's user avatar
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SetSpatialFilter worked unexpected when using OGR by Python

I am using OGR Python binding to read the shapefile, this is the code: ..... bbox="POLYGON ((20.18164062 30.63867188,20.63867188 30.63867188,20.63867188 30.18164062,20.18164062 30.18164062,20....
giser's user avatar
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PostGIS views vs WFS Filtering operations on PostGIS table

In what use cases should I prefer writing PostGIS views for filtering datasets versus filtering with WFS filter encoding operators and vice versa? In both cases I would be serving the data via ...
benjwadams's user avatar
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Buffering around point using WFS Filter?

I'm trying to make a buffer around a geometry (point/s,linestring,etc) using WFS queries without luck. This is what I've been doing: <ogc:Filter> ... <ogc:Function name="...
sbrz73's user avatar
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WFS 2.0 with bbox filter and attribute filter

I am trying to get the following WFS GET request to work: wfs = "service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature", name = "&typeName=storeName:layerName", bboxFilter = '&bbox=' + bounds....
ustroetz's user avatar
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2 answers

Avoiding NoData after Focal Statistics Majority

I am currently working with some classified land cover rasters (containing 8 land cover classes) in ArcMap 10.0. I would like to make them look smoother and have therefore used the Focal Statistics ...
user30508's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Using floating point raster image for majority filter in ArcGIS?

I'm trying to do filter images using Majority filter in ArcGIS. My input images is a float point raster image in .img format. There is an error saying "Invalid parameters". What does it mean?
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
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Filter geojson or shapefiles

I'm trying to create a geojson file with a few shapes of roads from OSM. Now, I've been able to get shapefiles of the greater region (province) these roads are in from . ...
Danny_Joris's user avatar
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Using expression string builder to ignore NULL values in QGIS?

Using QGIS 2.2, I would like to create a rule-based filter whereby you add 2 columns together and you get a certain colour as a result. However, some fields in Column_1 may be NULL and those exact ...
Joseph's user avatar
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how to filter point features based on the filterted polygons with OpenLayers

I have one WFS polygon layer and one WFS point layer. The polygon layer has an attribute user_id. The web map has two requirements. Filter the polygons based on the attribute user_id. That is, a user ...
Alex's user avatar
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Filtering GeoRSSLayer contents in ArcGIS API for JavaScript

I would like to make use of a public geoRSS feed with content from 10years (200+ items), however since it is too much information, i would like to show only a subset of this content in my map. I ...
weaverk's user avatar
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Using sieve filter in ERDAS Imagine and/or ArcGIS for Desktop?

Where can i use a sieve filter for my supervised classification? Can i do it in Erdas Imagine or in ArcGIS? I can't find it anywhere.
user28704's user avatar
3 votes
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What class/types of smartphone chipsets support GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS AND have extended kalman filtering? [closed]

I've been testing several Android phones (all running Android 4+) Sony Xperia T, Moto G, Nexus and HTC 1 which are all giving decent tracks (all of which use GPS/GLONASS) However we are also using ...
navraj's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to use paging in a WFS query?

I am running a GetFeature request against a WFS server which does not support to download all data at once. Can I use ogc:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo to split the dataset into chunks at download ...
JJD's user avatar
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Filter on a array of value in OpenLayers

I'm running into an issue. I have an array of value coming from a JSON POST. After retrieving these values and storing them into a var, I need to filter an OpenLayers layer with this values. I'm ...
Stranded Kid's user avatar
4 votes
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QGIS Advanced String Filter Expression returns too many results

"GNR" is a string column and I expect the filter expression "GNR"='.11' to only return the feature with the value '0.11'. Why are the other features with values of '.110'and '.1100' included? Is ...
Wilhelm Berg's user avatar
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How to query data like only for point by from a grouplayer by using WMSGetFeatureInfo in Openlayers?

till now I have been known how to query data from a groupLayer by using WMSGetFeatureInfo while the point is it shows a lot of associate results features,so I aim to query a single layer infomation ...
ethel hao's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the bounding box of filtered features?

I'm using geoserver to store a number of gps tracks that are recorded during test drives with a number of vehicles. I have a layer defined that contains the following columns in the database: date ...
Matthias's user avatar
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1 answer

Default spatial filter using MapServer

I have MapServer setup to display data (both WMS and WFS), however I'm having a problem adding a default filter. There's is an area on the map that users should not be able to retrieve features from. ...
user2889370's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

[mapserver]: layer filtering with layerObj.setFilter()

I'm trying to filter a layer (using mapserver) backed by a Shapefile using layerObj.setFilter() but this doesn't seem to have any effect on the returned tile(s). Sample code: layerObj = mapserver....
James Mills's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use SLD to filter a WMS layer but without setting any styles?

I'm trying to filter (using OpenLayers) a WMS layer, served by MapServer. I've got this working by building the appropriate OpenLayers.Filter rule(s) with an empty Polygon symbolizer (so no specific ...
user2889370's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to de-noise a DSM?

I have created a DEM, DSM, and nDSM from a LiDAR Point Cloud using SAGA-GIS. I extracted the appropriate returns from the point cloud, then converted to grid, and then closed gaps to fill in any ...
Brian's user avatar
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Filter out osm data that have been edited after some timestamp

I want to get data after some timestamp. I have downloaded the osm file of the area. I went through the osmosis documentation but could not find a way to filter it by time. The result should be same ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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Geoserver: WFS/WMS query by month on Date datatype

I have a GeoServer running, using a Postgis database as storage for a workspace with a few different layers. These layers are accessible through WMS or WFS. One of the variables in this database is ...
Plux's user avatar
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Use new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical from OpenLayers into jQuery

I've a small GIS app, displaying stations on a map. Very simple. At start, none of the stations are displayed, even if its layer is enabled. What I want, when I click on a div, is to display one the ...
Stranded Kid's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

OpenLayers.Format.SLD - Ignores 'matchCase'?

I've trying to use OpenLayers to construct an SLD element to include in a WMS layer's parameters. This SLD document can contain a number of filters. This works fine and resultant SLD does work to ...
user2889370's user avatar
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WFS Filtered : The filters that worked for me in 1.8 - gives no results in 2.0

Using Quantum GIS 1.8.0 and 2.0.1 desktop on windows XP 32bit Server: Setting filter for VD:vma_admdata: "BESTYRER" = '230' AND "...
user23154's user avatar
3 votes
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Filtered SimpleFeatureCollection really slow on Map and other operations

I'm working with a shapefile having about 85.000 features. I need to select some of these using a filter and then showing these on a map. Now... If I draw the entire shapefile's features the creation ...
Felix's user avatar
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Geodjango: Using Lat / Lon to Buffer from Point

I want to have a radius based distance search. To do this, I want to create a buffer around a point object so that I can filter objects that are inside this buffer, a method that I learned based on a ...
Nick B's user avatar
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Using custom filters (server side) for OpenLayers Vector Layer

I have a vector layer in openlayers with source in GEOJSON (custom php server, which I have in complete control) and BBOX strategy. Vector points contain point sources which have different attributes....
Matej's user avatar
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2 answers

How to extract features with specific coordinates from a ShapeFile?

I would like to extract a number of features from a ShapeFile which match with specific latitude/longitude values. I am interested if/how this can be done with QGIS and ogr2ogr. The output should be ...
JJD's user avatar
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Mapserver 6.2 concatenate attributes in FILTER

Back in version 5.0 I had: FILTER ("<tcode:expression/>" eq '[STATE][COUNTY]') final version = FILTER ("11000" eq '[STATE][COUNTY]') so I would filter out the features with state = 11 and ...
Robert's user avatar
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How add vector style rule filter with different value in table

I have a simple wfs layer from geoserver, here is code: //wfs-t editable overlay var wfs_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vector sample", { strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()], /...
brunci's user avatar
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Kalmanfilter GNSS IMU

I want to make an uncoupled Kalman filter. The input data are GPS and the output of my strapdown Algorithm from the IMU. The Strapdown Algorithm is used to calculate the actual position and velocity ...
Irgendw Pointer's user avatar
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Intersects Filter on WFS 1.0.0

I use WFS=1.0.0 on the Mapserver v5.6.6 and v6.0.1 with MS4W package. I want to get the Intersects of Spatial Operator. When I make getcapabilities request I see just "Intersect" like: ogc:...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
2 votes
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Applying bounding box filter in Leaflet WMS

There is a working example in Leaflet site for adding WMS Layer in Leaflet map at: But I don't see methods to provide the filter for bounding box. Is ...
Prabhash Jha's user avatar
6 votes
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How to set a spatial filter with Python/GDAL?

Is there a way with GDAL (Python) to set a spatial filter (bounding-box) on a raster before I process it? I want to read it as an array. BandReadAsArray(band, xoff=0, yoff=0, win_xsize=None, ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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How do I account for changing latitude with a spatial filter?

I'm working with data in latitude/longitude grid form in a non-GIS specialised package (MATLAB) and wish to apply spatial filters to it. As this data contains a broad range of latitudes and is ...
user18395's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Create custom Authentication filter in GeoServer 2.3.0

Context In my current project, I've the requirement to validate that requests coming to GeoServer (2.3.0) are allowed. The project holds those facts: the GS client cannot provide the principal ...
Andy Petrella's user avatar
1 vote
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Local variance image in python using gdal and a running window approach

I want a local variance image with a 3x3 of a geospatial raster image using python. My approach so far was to read in the raster band as an array, then using matrix notation to run a moving window and ...
mace's user avatar
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