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Will Flex Viewer work after Arc upgrade?

My organization is in the process of upgrading our ArcGIS server to 10.4.1 along with Arc Desktop, Catalog, etc. We use ArcGIS viewer for Flex for all internal applications. I read the list of ...
Nick's user avatar
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Dynamically Add InfoWindow

I am developing a WebApp with Flex ArcGIS and I am trying to display an info window when I roll over a graphic that has been added to the graphics layer. I add a graphics layer when the widget loads ...
kabuto178's user avatar
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ArcGIS Flex application not accessing a server - no errors

I'm working on an application that has to access data from a server. The flex application uses Esri's World_Imagery basemap and is able to access ESRI_Census_USA from the sample server. Here are the ...
Olin Kirkland's user avatar
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Auto hide Attribute Table Widget in ArcGIS Viewers for Flex?

I'm trying to make a web application by using ArcGIS Viewers for Flex. I want that my Attribute Table can auto show up and hide by a button like happens on this site but I don't know how to do it. ...
Phúc Hoàng's user avatar
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ArcGIS Flex Viewer charts widget

I have a problem with the Charts widget. I try to represent rainfall following the month of the year by stations. To display the widget mixture Charts month. There is a problem with the order of the ...
Pierre Weisse's user avatar
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Flex Viewer access to layout widgets

How can I get layout widgets objects dynamically? In case of typical widgets it can be achieved by FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.widgetManager.getWidget() , however i can't find a way to get to ...
Podtxt's user avatar
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Using data captured through a GP task window in a Flexviewer Print Widget

I have a Flex Viewer that allows users to undertake a GP raster processing task by selecting a series of datasets (rasters with predefined scientific scores) through the GUI and then asks the user to ...
Justin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Have Geocoding Service Return Results from Partial Street Name Input?

Currently we have an address geocoding service published to ArcGIS Server that is being utilized by an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex application. The service works just fine, but the end users would like ...
KatM's user avatar
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Adding Print, Data Extract functions to published Geoprocessing widget - ArcGIS 10.1 Viewer for Flex

I have developed a pretty detailed geo-processing widget (based on a model I built and published) that takes user input, runs raster calculator and then clips the raster output to a boundary. The tool ...
Justin's user avatar
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Add wmts layer from Geoserver to ArcGIS viewer for Flex

Is there anyone out there who has set wmts layer from Geoserver to ArcGIS viewer for flex? I am trying to do that but without any luck. <layer label="Sample WMTS layer" type="wmts" visible="true" ...
Sjonni's user avatar
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Link to network folder drive in a pop window in Flex or ArcGIS Online Apps

I have a published service with links to folders that are for internal network drive use only. For example, the network folder path in windows explorer on my desktop is I:\Street Tree\Permits(permit ...
Brian McLeer's user avatar
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What is the difference between ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight?

On the ArcGIS resources site, the descriptions and most of the functionality sounds pretty much the same. What are the benefits and downsides of using one over the other?
Kinsey's user avatar
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Highlighting features selected by Python script in ArcMap and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex?

I have a database of orders, with geo data attached. I want the subset of features related to a specific order to be highlighted on screen (for starters in ArcMap, but later in Flex) in a python ...
GeoNoob's user avatar
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Data Extract Widget in flex viewer 3.6 does not contain output data

I am currently trying to configure a map service with flexviewer 3.6 on ArcServer 10.2. I have already published my .mxd file as a map service and it displays correctly in my flexviewer application. ...
Valentin's user avatar
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Related records in a published service

I have published a GIS service with a relation to a table view (in ArcMap I created a "relate" between the point shapefile and the table and the related records all show up here - then I did "share as ...
user39359's user avatar
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Group Layers in Flex Viewer

Is there any way to add Layer groups in ArcGIS Flex Viewer layer widget? For example I have about 30 layers that are all other companies fiber networks. I would love for the user to be able to turn ...
GravitaZ's user avatar
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ArcGIS Viewer for Flex - map won't display in preview tab

I'm new to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and ArcGIS for Server, so far I have been able to get past the point where I get to choose my base map and operational layers from the ArcGIS for Server 10.2. I can ...
Ferhan Kemal's user avatar
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Data extract widget - Flex

I have successfully created a data extract widget. It works great. I would now like to be able to set a limit say of 5000sqm or something. I have seen other sites do this. They have a message pop up ...
louise's user avatar
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Map Service Works in Flex, Won't Display using JavaScript

As the title states, a map service published on my server displays and can be identified just fine when added to a web map in Viewer for Flex. I am slowly learning to use the API for JavaScript. My ...
dubch87's user avatar
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ArcGIS Viewer for Flex providing login

I have ArcGIS server and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex installed up and running. I use ArcMap 10.2 to publish my shapefiles. There is a lot of users who is using my maps. How can I provide login for them in ...
risk_ltu's user avatar
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Keep receiving query error in Flex Viewer for Search Widget in ArcGIS Server

I am not sure what is going wrong, but I keep receiving this query error Here are the settings for the search widget <?xml version="1.0" ?> <...
GravitaZ's user avatar
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Print overview map widget

I am using ArcGIS viewer for flex v3.6 to create a web map. Can someone tell me if it is possible to print the overview map widget as part of your map? P/s: I know someone asked this question 2 years ...
Ngoc Tien NGUYEN's user avatar
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Using file dialog in ModelBuilder?

Is there a way to have the file dialog come up and let a user choose a file name and location for output? I have the table to Excel script as an geoprocessing tool in the Flex Viewer and would like ...
DaveD's user avatar
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Using GeoServer with ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

I need to create a web GIS application using the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex graphical Appbuilder. Can I use it with GeoServer to publish my GIS data or is the viewer made exclusively for ArcGIS for Server?...
josemaina's user avatar
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How to change language direction from left to right in arcgis viewer for flex in layer list widget?

I have created my web map app using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and want to change the direction of layer names in the layer list to the Arabic language direction (i.e. right to left; as below) my web ...
GIS Man's user avatar
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Accessing a OGC WMS server and publishing it to ArcGIS FlexViewer

I am trying to publish an OGC WMS service to my Flex Viewer. Within the configuration files amongst a few other layers I have the following: <layer label="EARSS National Outage Map" type="...
user3303542's user avatar
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Finding the correct Web Server Base Folder URL - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

When getting started with ArcGIS Viewer for Flex I enter the following details; Web Server Base Folder: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\flexviewers Web Server Base Folder URL: my machine name followed by the \...
user26554's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create Custom Popup for Locate Widget [duplicate]

Without touching the FlexBuilder app (I'm still going through the tutorials for Flex) is there a way to customize the pop-up that appears for the Locate Widget? I am assuming that I could go into the ...
randomblink's user avatar
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Enable dynamic layer with Arcgis 10

I'm creating a flexviewer application (arcgis API for flex 3.4) with application builder. I'm new with flexviewer. I want to add thematic widget. I was able to add the widget. But when I want to run ...
ausmeontya's user avatar
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Configuring output table popup for geoprocessing widget

I have built a simple geoprocessing widget that produces a table (record set) as its final product. I am trying to simply change how and which fields are displayed. I am using Flex Viewer 3.5 and Arc ...
ACrain's user avatar
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Flex Viewer: How do I return a subset of the input data using the geoprocessing widget?

I have a set of point data (representing crashes) that has been published as a feature service and which I have pulled into a Flex (3.5) application. I want the users to be able to submit a query and ...
Callisto_NZ's user avatar
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Where to download Print Widget for ArcGIS Flex Viewer 3.4?

I would like to download the Print Widget for ArcGIS Flex Viewer 3.4 which contains Scale Units like below: Does anyone know where I can do that, please?
zanady's user avatar
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Additional Basemap Menu in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex?

I am using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.5 to create an application. As it covers more than one areas of interest, I need to provide an option to the user to only select base maps from his own desired ...
user22595's user avatar
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How to customize Directions widget of ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.4 using Flash Builder 4.6?

I want to customize the Directions widget in order to be suitable for my application. However, I do not know how to show a Directions widget without signing in to resources in ...
zanady's user avatar
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Customizing widgets in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.4 to support French?

How can I customize my widgets in flex viewer such that the labels will be in French? I work with flash builder 4.6.
zanady's user avatar
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Cannot load layers into ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

I am trying to load some files into ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. My files are loaded onto the server correctly but trying to publish it into the Flex Viewer is unsuccessful. First when I search for my ...
Kimball's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

I need your help on flexviewer,when I want to test the flexviewer I describe the following path: "C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ flexviewer" on my default browser "google chrome" but an error mssage ...
zanady's user avatar
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How to publish raster data in Arcgis Viewer for Flex?

I'm new to ArcGIS for Server and I would like to publish several raster layers (land surface temperature, NDVI etc.). I have uploaded raster to server, but I cannot add it to my ArcGIS viewer for flex....
Rok's user avatar
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Dynamic labeling looks awful in flex map

I published a service to ArcGIS Server 10.1 from an .mxd with no halos around the labels and created a flex application using the flex viewer. When I browse to the map here and zoom in on an ...
cl3's user avatar
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Help getting my flex service publicly accessible

My organization is trying to get our web maps up and running. I have created a simple web map service on our in house ArcGIS server, using the Arcgis flexviewer that is visible locally, works great, ...
cl3's user avatar
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upload table to ArcGIS Server

We are building a process which will allow users to submit a table of GPS data to update our central repository for all GPS data. Let's say that the target is simply a SQL data table. At first I ...
Clickinaway's user avatar
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How do I essentially crop an ArcGISTileMapServiceLayer as an object while maintaining the integrity of the basemap

I am using the up-to-date flex api and esri api for flex. I know how to use flex to obtain a snapshot of a map, but ultimately what I want to do is retrieve a scaled up image of a part of the basemap. ...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
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Opening local *.accdb file through ArcGIS API for Flex button?

I have a web mapping application created with the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex application builder. Is there a way to create a button that will open a local accdb file? I dont want to connect to MS Access ...
liaverg's user avatar
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How to build ArcGIS Flex Viewer app for remote server?

I'm trying to help a co-worker set up an ArcFlex Viewer app using the Application Builder. I'm a bit puzzled by the settings screen: It's asking for a web server base folder (local path) and a web ...
bertday's user avatar
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ArcGIS GeoRSS widget source code not recognizing com.esri.ags.portal package import

For some reason while attempting to import the com.esri.ags.portal.*, despite having the library imported in flex builder, it keeps on giving the error "import cannot be found." The strange thing is ...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
3 votes
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Time-aware layers in WCS Service [closed]

I am currently developing an application that requires to display raster images over a period of time (I'm looking how Hurrican Sandy progressed). While investigating, people have suggested that I ...
user625665's user avatar
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How can I migrate from agslib 2.1 to agslib 3.1

I have an application which is developed using agslib 2.1. I want to migrate t to agslib3.1. When I use the new library, There is an error in MapManager.mxml code as "Call to a possibly undefined ...
Fred's user avatar
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How to modify the edit widget in ESRI flex viewer 3.0?

I am running ArcGIS Server 10.0 (sp2) on Windows server 2008 64-bit with IIS 7. I am using the ESRI flex viewer version 3.0. I have created a feature layer and published it as a rest service and ...
user1638200's user avatar
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Wanting to build Web Mapping Application

I am wanting to build a web mapping application and am trying to gather all the pieces that I'll need. Is it possible to build REST services with opensource Geoserver from an ArcMap document and tools ...
Adam's user avatar
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WMS projection doesn't match basemap

I have a flex viewer 3.0 map in wgs 84 (4326) (ESRI basemap) with a wms which is 4326 as well. for some reason the wms doesn't overlay correctly. it is way off. appears on the maps but it is flattened ...
user4388's user avatar