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Will Flex Viewer work after Arc upgrade?

My organization is in the process of upgrading our ArcGIS server to 10.4.1 along with Arc Desktop, Catalog, etc. We use ArcGIS viewer for Flex for all internal applications. I read the list of ...
Nick's user avatar
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ArcGIS Flex application not accessing a server - no errors

I'm working on an application that has to access data from a server. The flex application uses Esri's World_Imagery basemap and is able to access ESRI_Census_USA from the sample server. Here are the ...
Olin Kirkland's user avatar
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Flex Viewer access to layout widgets

How can I get layout widgets objects dynamically? In case of typical widgets it can be achieved by FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.widgetManager.getWidget() , however i can't find a way to get to ...
Podtxt's user avatar
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How to change language direction from left to right in arcgis viewer for flex in layer list widget?

I have created my web map app using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and want to change the direction of layer names in the layer list to the Arabic language direction (i.e. right to left; as below) my web ...
GIS Man's user avatar
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Enable dynamic layer with Arcgis 10

I'm creating a flexviewer application (arcgis API for flex 3.4) with application builder. I'm new with flexviewer. I want to add thematic widget. I was able to add the widget. But when I want to run ...
ausmeontya's user avatar
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How to publish raster data in Arcgis Viewer for Flex?

I'm new to ArcGIS for Server and I would like to publish several raster layers (land surface temperature, NDVI etc.). I have uploaded raster to server, but I cannot add it to my ArcGIS viewer for flex....
Rok's user avatar
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How do I essentially crop an ArcGISTileMapServiceLayer as an object while maintaining the integrity of the basemap

I am using the up-to-date flex api and esri api for flex. I know how to use flex to obtain a snapshot of a map, but ultimately what I want to do is retrieve a scaled up image of a part of the basemap. ...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
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Opening local *.accdb file through ArcGIS API for Flex button?

I have a web mapping application created with the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex application builder. Is there a way to create a button that will open a local accdb file? I dont want to connect to MS Access ...
liaverg's user avatar
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ArcGIS GeoRSS widget source code not recognizing com.esri.ags.portal package import

For some reason while attempting to import the com.esri.ags.portal.*, despite having the library imported in flex builder, it keeps on giving the error "import cannot be found." The strange thing is ...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
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How can I migrate from agslib 2.1 to agslib 3.1

I have an application which is developed using agslib 2.1. I want to migrate t to agslib3.1. When I use the new library, There is an error in MapManager.mxml code as "Call to a possibly undefined ...
Fred's user avatar
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Adding WMS and WFS layers from GEOSERVER in arcgis viewer for flex 3.0

I am interested in adding feature layers from geoserver in arcgis viewer for flex config file and consequently display them on the web map.IS that possible? If yes, could someone share how they did ...
Simon's user avatar
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Is there an out of the box Flexviewer set up for a Flex Mobile Project?

Question: Is there an out of the box Flexviewer set up for a Flex Mobile Project? Background: I could just create a Flex Mobile AIR Project from one the samples that ESRI supplies, but that would ...
dkroy's user avatar
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CompositeSymbol that includes TextSymbols and SimpleFillSymbol does not draw map

Following is the code snippet that does not draw both TextSymbols. private function MapClick(evt:MapMouseEvent):void { var cs:CompositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol(); ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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Modifying the OverviewMapComponent.mxml

In the flexviewer I want to add text in the overview map that says "overview map." I am not sure what the code would be and assume it would be place in the s:BorderContainer component? <?xml ...
pdog's user avatar
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Modifying the LocateWidget.mxml Locate and Clear functions

I am using Robert's compiled TOC widget and attempting to modify the LocateWidget.mxml for the flexviewer. The workflow I have in mind is that user performs an address search clicks the locate button ...
pdog's user avatar
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ESRI Flex Viewer 2.4 - Changing Widget Title At Runtime

I have an "About" widget which displays information about the current active widget in my Flex Viewer app. I am trying to update the About widget's title accordingly. For example, if 'Super Fancy ...
user890's user avatar
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Using the Flexviewer 2.4 I want to toggle layers from one service on/off

I have 2 layers in one service. If the user clicks one on, I want the other one to turn off, and vice versa. I am using the default flexviewer LayerListWidget.mxml and assume this is the place where ...
pdog's user avatar
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Modifying Score text in Locate Widget of Flexviewer 2.4?

I want to add text where it says "score" to make it more clear that this is an address matching score. I am using the LocateWidget_US.xml and do not think I can do it here. I think the place to do ...
pdog's user avatar
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ArcGIS Viewer for Flex - multiple feature services

I have two operational feature service layers in the flex viewer config.xml file, when I try to load both layers I get this error: Office Locations layer failed to load: Fault code: 500 Fault info: ...
artwork21's user avatar
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ArcGIS Flex API: Keep info window on top of other widgets?

I am working on a web mapping widget using the ArcGIS flex API and ArcGIS Flex Viewer. I have a infoWindow popup when there is a mouse rollover on a map graphic. Problem: the infoWindow renders ...
rgwozdz's user avatar
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Is there a way to programatically trigger popups using the operationallayer config?

I have a widget that queries a group of features, and I'd like to be able to trigger a popup that looks and behaves the same as the one that gets generated when the user clicks on the map. Is there a ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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Changing the selection color in the flexviewer 2.4?

I am under the impression that by changing the 4th color (in this case 0x000000) will change the Selection color. However, when I go use the search tool, my results are still displayed in the old ...
pdog's user avatar
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Help needed for extended symbol

I am trying to extend Symbol class in ARGIS Flex API. this is my widget named TestWidget and here is the extended symbol class named ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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Help required with size of the symbol

I am adding a picture marker symbol to graphic layer like this in Map click event: const mapPoint:MapPoint = map.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY); mapPoint.spatialReference = map....
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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How can I draw custom shapes on Graphics layer?

Hello everyone I need help. Any clue, guidance or help that would be appreciated, please bear with me as I am still struggling with Flex 4. What is the simplest way to draw custom shapes using < s ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the pros and cons of using the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex vs. creating your own GIS application vs creating your own framework?

Simple question, but perhaps hard to answer. I have broken the title question into three distinct questions in order to clearly identify what we are considering for options each time we build an GIS ...
Ryan Taylor's user avatar
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How to draw curves in Flex Viewer?

I want to draw curves from a given point to another in Sample Flex Viewer like shown below. Any help?
Omega Cancer's user avatar
2 votes
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FlexViewer 2.1 - Add scroll for widgetgroup

I have a site that is using the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 2.1. In the header I have a widget group that contains 25 items. The list is so long that it goes beyond the bottom of the browser ...
Timothy Michael's user avatar
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Replacing header in Flexviewer

Will the index.html swf need to be re-compiled in order to embed the flexviewer app in between a html header and footer wrapper? Or it this perhaps handled in the HeaderControllerWidget.mxml?
pdog's user avatar
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Using the excludelayer tag in Flex 2.3.1 with a cached service

I'm working on our first Flex server page using the Flex Viewer 2.3.1. The Legend widget works, but I cannot get the excludelayer tag to work. Here's where the problem probably is - it's a cached map ...
Evan's user avatar
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Locate Widget for flexviewer 2.3.1

I want to exclude addresses to the state of Oregon. Pre 2.3.1 code was <listfield>State</listfield> <listvalues>OR</listvalues> for 2.3.1 ESRI says to use <fields>...
pdog's user avatar
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Changing the search widget link icon

I want to change the pre-defined red arrow link icon in the search widget to another icon: Where would I do this? It looks like the widget is drawing from the InfoPopupWidget.swf?
pdog's user avatar
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Workflow for importing a flexviewer website into Flashbuilder 4

I have websites built using the flexviewer, but would like to import them into Flashbuilder 4 in order to enhance them. Is there a way to do this by importing the .xml or config.xml from the compiled ...
pdog's user avatar
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How can I add menus to Flex Viewer 2?

I have a lot of widgets and my dashboard in Flex Viewer 2 has gotten cluttered. How can I add menus to the dashboard rather than buttons to organize the widgets? Any help will be appreciated.
Omega Cancer's user avatar