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How to use GDAL /vsizip/ to access GML file(s) from Sentinel-2 zip package

Which is the correct way to write the path through the *.Zip S2 imagery package to rich the *.GML vector file(s) ? Does someone knows how to correctly write the path to *.GML file for using it with /...
George's user avatar
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gdalinfo and other applications not running through Anaconda Prompt

I am using GDAL 2.0.3(installed through wheel) in Anaconda 4.2.0 with Python 3.5 installed. I am able to import GDAL in my code. But whenever I am trying to run gdalinfo and other applications(such ...
Shubham_geo's user avatar
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Export GeoTIFF with color table from web service using gdal_translate

The gdal_translate program has an option to define an XML file with the necessary information to download an image using various web map server specifications. I am trying to download a file that ...
Burrow's user avatar
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Can GDAL report if a .tiff is tiled or not?

A certain piece of software that I use doesn't support .tiff DEM's that are tiled. Is there a way with a GDAL utility to determine if a .tiff DEM is tiled or not? gdalinfo dem.tif will report the ...
jamierob's user avatar
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Showing only raster attribute table using GDAL?

I have a binary ArcGRID raster (AIG/Arc/Info Binary Grid) with an attribute table. I would like to get only this attribute table but gdalinfo outputs also projection information and bounds and then ...
wenzeslaus's user avatar