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Questions tagged [geemap]

geemap is a Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine (GEE)

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Tracking GEE API costs with workload tags: Unable to get complete EECU summary [closed]

I am using Python to make multiple GEE API calls and track costs by assigning workload tags using: import ee'sample_workload_tag') In the GEE Monitoring Console, I ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Problems with ee_to_df() function in geemap

I'm revisiting some old Jupyter notebooks that I had set up to download Google Earth Engine data with geemap. I had a workflow that used the geemap.ee_to_pandas() function pretty heavily, which now ...
Feesh's user avatar
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Exporting a time series of images in an image collection from GEE using Python

I'm having trouble with exporting images from NASA/HLS/HLSL30/v002 image collection to Drive. This produces a map of the image I want to make: # Applies scaling factors. def apply_scale_factors(image):...
catahua's user avatar
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Earth Engine addLayer takes forever

I'm new to Earth Engine, but I've been trying to plot a map with a SENTINEL-2 image, like this: import ee import geemap import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd GEE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = "xxxx&...
Juan C's user avatar
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Uploading an image from Google Drive to Google Earth Engine as a GEE Asset

I have a .tif file that I would like to upload to GEE as a Google Earth Engine asset. Obviously this can be done manually through the GEE interface. But I was wondering how this can be done from a ...
Micky Maganini's user avatar
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List (Error) Response size exceeds limit

I'm trying to convert an imagecollection into a one-dimensional list, but I'm getting this error: One-dimensional NDVI List: List (Error) Response size exceeds limit How do I calculate the ...
YY L's user avatar
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Split Map on GEE : invalid select item : undefined

I want to make split map on GEE, so i importing my image on asset in projects/ee-auliaputrisabita/assets/contohreclassgee. But if i want call the image asset function .select not going on. Here my ...
Aulia Sabita's user avatar
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Trying to export a feature collection in Google Earth Engine

I have obtained sea surface temperature data for Ascension Island and now want to export this into a csv. I managed to export the mean SST values for a previous package I was looking at (NASA/...
Charlie Riddick's user avatar
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What causes geemap.extract_values_to_points() to produce such inconsistent results?

I'm trying to get the average pixel values over a period of time. I used two methods: (a) using .mean() to reduce ImageCollection first and then extract pixel values from the reduced image. (b) ...
LChen's user avatar
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Accessing Earth engine asset inside a function when using .map

I am trying to do something similar, I have a feature collection which i want to map over an function, which access image in an asset. The image asset id is a combination of variable inside the ...
Rajani A's user avatar
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NAIP acquisition time?

I'm using Google Earth Engine (geemap) to look at NAIP imagery. The image ID shows the acquisition date, and the metadata shows the acquisition time (system:time_start and system:time_end) in ...
Feesh's user avatar
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Error in display the image by cartopy

I want to visualize the image using cartopy. The image shows OK in the geemap. The coding as follow: import ee import geemap import as ccrs import the cartoee functionality from geemap ...
Molly cao's user avatar
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Mapping monthly max mean temperature

I need to map and determine the monthly mean max temperature for my study area between 2013 and 2023. The following code works, but I am confident that the result is not the monthly mean during the ...
Aldridge Nyasha's user avatar
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HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden after entering ee.Authenticate() token code

This is my first time using geemap and ee libraries. I have followed every step and wrote the code below: import geemap import ee ee.Authenticate() After getting the token code from the pop-up ...
Sam Q's user avatar
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TypeError: Image data of dtype object cannot be converted to float

The main functionality of the script is to extract GeoJSON data, load it into Earth Engine, retrieve Sentinel-2 imagery, calculate the mean NDVI, and visualize the NDVI for each GeoJSON feature. My ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Format error training algorithm for image supervised classification - Google Earth Engine python API in QGIS

I am using Google Earth Engine python API in QGIS to try and run a supervised classification of an aerial image. I started working on a GEE guide on supervised classification, but there seems to be a ...
Tom John's user avatar
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Failing to clip and then export chirps rainfall data as CSV in Google Earth Engine

I wish to export daily rainfal data as CSV in Google Earth Engine for a 40 year period and then export the result as csv. However the code first fails to clip the data to the study area, and also it ...
Aldridge Nyasha's user avatar
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Link drive folder to gee: Display tiff images from drive to gee

I have classified images using many different programs on gee and exported a series of classified images to a folder on my drive. I don't know how I can link that folder to gee so I can display the ...
MNgoc's user avatar
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Geemap map center is not in the right place

I try to center map in my location at Java Island. The coordinate is [107.169, -6.661]. But it seems not in the right place. When I load the script, it load to Greenland. I show the wrong result. ...
mega saputra's user avatar
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Could not convert the GeoJSON to ee.Geometry()

My GeoJSON file's structure: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "10", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties&...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Conflicting date ranges for COPERNICUS/DEM/GLO30 in Earth Engine

I'm trying to filter DEMs from the COPERNICUS/DEM/GLO30 ImageCollection in Google Earth Engine by date. However, the date range I'm getting from the collection seems incorrect, leading to filtering ...
Patschenkof's user avatar
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How to extract a grid layer from GEE image?

Recently while working with GEE in python I was trying to slice a Landsat image to get its bands and grid for a specific area. On the first stage I sampled a neighborhood around a point with radius ...
Aleksey Rozanov's user avatar
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Implementing and() method for ee.Image in Google Earth Engine Python API

I am struggling to implement Google Earth Engine's and method in the Python API. I have two binary images (one called gfm and one called hf) and would like to find the union of them. In the GEE ...
Micky Maganini's user avatar
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No module named 'geetools.ui' when importing from ipygee on google colab

I am trying to import all from ipygee with the command from ipygee import * when I try to comment it I get NotImplementedError: geetools will mostly focus on server-side methods now from this ...
ditiro's user avatar
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Ingesting raster dataset to Google Earth Engine using manifest.json

I am preparing a pipeline to injest raster dataset (GRACE-FO data) to the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The dataset are already uploaded to google cloud storage bucket (gs://gee-ingest-); and I ...
hillsonghimire's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine k-fold cross-validation

I wrote a script for Google Earth Engine that allows me to analyze geospatial data. Initially, I loaded three data sets: a predictor shapefile, a forecast area shapefile, and a collection of landslide ...
gabrielenapolinic's user avatar
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RUSLE in Google Earth Engine

When i change the start date and end date, I receive error like: "Error generating chart: xLabels must be the same length as the 1-D vectors from the array." and "Image.clip: ...
user236188's user avatar
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How can I filter my GEE data to only look at bounds specified by a GeoJSON file?

Forgive me if this is a noob question... because I am one. I have the following snippet to load some Landsat data: dataset = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2').filterDate('2017-06-01', '2017-...
Dhruv Kapoor's user avatar
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time_slider using geemap and leefmap

I am new to using geemap, I am trying to create a time slider to show a group of TIFF files I created using Google Earth Engine. I am using colab and following this tutorial:
almegdadi's user avatar
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Creating interactive chart in Jupyter Notebook using Geemap

This code applied the custom date to the x-axis. But I do not want this. I want to show the date on which the Image is taken by using "system:index" property of the Image. Also, This code ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Creating NDVI and Cloud Chart in Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to calculate NDVI and cloud pixel percentage. I have successfully done this but I am facing a problem in creating a chart of it in Jupyter Notebook, as I am new to Python so I tried ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Total request size (537871149 bytes) must be less than or equal to 50331648 bytes

I try to export images from an image collection in .tif by using this code. When doing this I got the following ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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Why am I getting the error "EEException: Parameter 'list' is required." when converting GEE feature collection to geopandas df in python?

I'm trying to get a df with tree cover loss by year by sector of the DRC using the gee python API. The output feature collection is finally what I want, but I keep getting the following error: ...
user232059's user avatar
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geemap - add text to Landsat time series and change the pace of images

I'm trying to generate timeseries from Landsat images based on the documentation of geemap. The problem: 'frames_per_seconds' parameter: When I create time series without the years as text, seems like ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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GEE image transform is different when saving on GCS or reading as ee.Image

I have accessed an image using GEE, and then saved it to GCS. I observed an unexpected behavior when I'm trying to get the dimensions and transform of the image. When I am trying to get the ee.Image ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Difference in image meta data when using GEE compared to rasterio

I'm accessing SRTM image using GEE, and then I save it as raster and open again with rasterio. I have realized that when I try to get the metadata with GEE, the values are different (and seem to be ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Sampling weather raster by date in GPS dataframe in GEE

I am trying to extract the u and v component of the daily ERA-5 wind reanalysis to datapoints from a GPS dataset of mule deer. I am wanting to only extract the wind to points based on the date of the ...
Luke Wilde's user avatar
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gee ranadomPoints fails:Polygon too large to be randomly sampled. Must be smaller than a hemisphere when image is not so huge

I want to sample random points over an image I access using geemap. I was trying to do it as following: #access elevation image and clip it with the feature collection img = ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003'...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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How to retrieve the cloud probabilities of a region in google's Earth Engine

I am trying to retrieve the sentinel-2 cloud probabilities for a specific part (inside a polygon) of specific images (I use Python, and the ee and gee packages). So first I select an image, then I ...
gtjd's user avatar
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How to run a Google Earth Engine script locally

I am new to Google Earth Engine. I have been using the Google Earth Engine code editor to create and run my scripts. However, this approach doesn't scale. I have a script that gets the precipitation ...
Ramaraja's user avatar
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Download images to Google Cloud Storage using geemap.download_ee_image_tiles

Few days ago I saw on a Linkedin post that download_ee_image_tiles option was added to geemap. I was trying to use it with image I had and a fishnet that I have created before. However, I am not sure ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Converting datatype of a .png image and exporting it as float image

I am trying to convert my uint8 png image to float datatype. First of all, I have tried many libraries that could transform datatypes but I just could not export it as the last datatype I converted ...
cemre aldoğan's user avatar
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Using geemap to apply Otsu's threshold on time series NDVI slope

I'm running geemap on Google Colab, and try to apply Otsu's threshold to a Sentinel-2 time series NDVI, the threshold is when the NDVI slope is greater than 0.5. But when I try to apply the otsu ...
Xiaoqing Shen's user avatar
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Unexpected crsTransform after reducing an ImageCollection: nominal scale shows 111319.49079327357

I have created an Image from an Imagecollection and I want to export it and to define the crsTransform parameter. I have read the documentation and the post on this forum and tried to export it , and ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Error in percentage of areas calculation in GEE

I have been trying to calculate percentage of areas of each class in GEE but I'm getting error and it says that left value is invalid type. And left value is usually list of all the class areas. This ...
Aamna Qamar's user avatar
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Some of the .tif files downloaded with geemap are flipped vertically

I have downloaded some images from Google Earth Engine, using Geemap library using this code: geemap.download_ee_image(s1_img_vv, "s1_img.tif",crs='EPSG:4326', scale=10,region = r_roi) ...
moien rangzan's user avatar
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Generate a collection containing only maximum values in GEE

I'm fairly new to GEE and I'm trying to modify a collection of ECMWF ERA5 in order to create an mean image of the maximum values from a period of time. I've tried .map function but nothing displays on ...
SBis_'s user avatar
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ImageCollection (Error) Collection.toList: The value of 'count' must be positive. Got: 0

I am trying to create a median image per year from my image collection but when I apply the function ".filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(y,y,'year')", it doesn't work and reports an error of &...
Christobal Tobbin's user avatar
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Mapped function arguments in client-side operations during relative normalization between images using Google Earth Engine

I'm trying to perform a relative normalization between two images in Google Earth Engine using Python, but am running into issues mapping a function over an image collection due to client-server ...
Guest's user avatar
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Error when opening TIFF from GCS using geemap : Unsupported BitsPerSample and SampleFormat values: (64, 1)

I have 1 band image saved on GCS. The image has 1 band and was saved locally with cog driver and then uploaded to the GCS. In addition, the band is binary - has only 2 values - either 0 or 1 (mask). I'...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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