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Earth Engine addLayer takes forever

I'm new to Earth Engine, but I've been trying to plot a map with a SENTINEL-2 image, like this: import ee import geemap import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd GEE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = "xxxx&...
Juan C's user avatar
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Error in display the image by cartopy

I want to visualize the image using cartopy. The image shows OK in the geemap. The coding as follow: import ee import geemap import as ccrs import the cartoee functionality from geemap ...
Molly cao's user avatar
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No module named 'geetools.ui' when importing from ipygee on google colab

I am trying to import all from ipygee with the command from ipygee import * when I try to comment it I get NotImplementedError: geetools will mostly focus on server-side methods now from this ...
ditiro's user avatar
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How can I filter my GEE data to only look at bounds specified by a GeoJSON file?

Forgive me if this is a noob question... because I am one. I have the following snippet to load some Landsat data: dataset = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T2_L2').filterDate('2017-06-01', '2017-...
Dhruv Kapoor's user avatar
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Creating NDVI and Cloud Chart in Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to calculate NDVI and cloud pixel percentage. I have successfully done this but I am facing a problem in creating a chart of it in Jupyter Notebook, as I am new to Python so I tried ...
Muhammad Waqas's user avatar
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Total request size (537871149 bytes) must be less than or equal to 50331648 bytes

I try to export images from an image collection in .tif by using this code. When doing this I got the following ...
Aurélien Lengrand's user avatar
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How to retrieve the cloud probabilities of a region in google's Earth Engine

I am trying to retrieve the sentinel-2 cloud probabilities for a specific part (inside a polygon) of specific images (I use Python, and the ee and gee packages). So first I select an image, then I ...
gtjd's user avatar
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Converting datatype of a .png image and exporting it as float image

I am trying to convert my uint8 png image to float datatype. First of all, I have tried many libraries that could transform datatypes but I just could not export it as the last datatype I converted ...
cemre aldoğan's user avatar
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Unexpected crsTransform after reducing an ImageCollection: nominal scale shows 111319.49079327357

I have created an Image from an Imagecollection and I want to export it and to define the crsTransform parameter. I have read the documentation and the post on this forum and tried to export it , and ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Error when opening TIFF from GCS using geemap : Unsupported BitsPerSample and SampleFormat values: (64, 1)

I have 1 band image saved on GCS. The image has 1 band and was saved locally with cog driver and then uploaded to the GCS. In addition, the band is binary - has only 2 values - either 0 or 1 (mask). I'...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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GEE clip image with another image generates new shape

Edit: I have changed the clip to updateMask function. when I print the image dimensions it seems to be ok with size, but when I export image GCS and then open again, it adds empty row /column to the ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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`map()` use in earthengine-api (Python)

In earthengine-api (Python),I use the the function called .map(),for example:foo = arg: arg),However ,I want to do some complex mapping operations,According to the official tutorial,...
maohaitaocumtb maohaitaocumtb's user avatar
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getInfo use in earthengine-api (Python)

When I write the an algorithm in Google Earth Engine using JavaScript by using the Code Editor, it works fast. After thatif I use the Map.addLayer(), the result of algorithm can show in the map ...
maohaitaocumtb maohaitaocumtb's user avatar
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ee.Image.sampleRegions - what does the geometries parameter do?

I am reading the geemap tutorial and I have question about the sampleRegions function. As I understand, this function "cross" between vector data (feature collection) and a given raster, and ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Cannot visualize map with geemap when using VS Code

I am using Jupyter notebook on VS. I have generated script that gets an image collection, does some calculations on it and generates one image (ee.image.Image). I want to display it on a map. When I ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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How to add cloud cover which is an image property as a band in the image collection using GEE Python API

I am looking for percentage of cloud cover in my study region from landsat images. Here is the code I have got so far: def cloudcover(image): value = image.get("CLOUD_COVER_LAND")...
coder_001's user avatar
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GEE Python API Map Visualization not working

I am working in Google Collaboratory and the Google Earth Engine Python API Map will not show. It was all working as of 7/6 5pm EST and then 7/7 at 10am it stopped rendering. I have attached my code ...
Sharanya Madhavan's user avatar
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Cumulative Cost Mapping- All values are zero

I am trying to calculate cumulative cost of my own area. Here is the script: import ee import geemap ee.Initialize() Map = geemap.Map(center=[41, 29], zoom=9) dataset_jpr = ee.FeatureCollection('...
Stud17's user avatar
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Sentinel-2 product 2A SCL visualization parameter

I am attempting to mask a Sentinel-2 scene using the SCL layer in a Python API using GEE compatibility. I have managed to visualize the SCL. However I do no think that I am viewing it properly. Does ...
Giorgio Zampaglione's user avatar
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Inner join of images using geemap

I have 4 indices: VCI, TCI, PCI, scaledET. I want to derive a drought index as a linear combination of these 4 indices using PCA. The idea here is to find the contribution of each of these indices to ...
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
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Image collection monthly averages using geemap package

I am trying to convert some code snippets from GEE JavaScript to Python. This code computes the monthly averages of NDVI images given a range of years and a range of months. This is my code in ...
Rim Sleimi's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine EEException: Expected type: String. Actual type: Dictionary<String>

This code selects Sentinel-2 data and de-clouds it using the S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY data set. Then, cloud-free Sentinel-2 images and NDVI were synthesized.The problem is that the images cannot be ...
joy li's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: Sentinel-2 AOT band resolution

In the GEE documentation of Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance dataset (here) the information given is that there is a band for AOT (Aerosol Optical thickness) with a 10m resolution. However, when ...
AriPH's user avatar
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How to reduce an image resulting from an expression?

In the code below I use the ee.Image.expression method to combine two images into one. I am then able to display the resulting image using geemap, and the image looks as expected. However when using ...
tmth's user avatar
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Is it possible to search a layer by name in geemap?

I'm using geemap, a wrapper of ipyleaflet and folium for earthengine objects. I'd like to verify if a layer already exist on my map and search for it by it's name, is it possible ?
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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geemap doesn't display attributions

Is it normal that geemap doesn't display attributions in my notebook? Is there a way to add them? I'm running : import geemap m = geemap.Map(center=[40,-100], zoom=4) m.add_basemap('CartoDB.Positron')...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar