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Questions tagged [geoalchemy-2]

GeoAlchemy 2 provides extensions to SQLAlchemy to work with spatial databases. GeoAlchemy 2 focuses on PostGIS. PostGIS 1.5 and PostGIS 2 are supported. Dialects other than PostgreSQL/PostGIS are not supported, and if GeoAlchemy is referenced in a question, the [geoalchemy] tag should be used in preference.

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How to install GeoAlchemy2 on qgis 3.28.15 and use its libraries on qgis console?

I have installed GeoAlchemy2 and SqlAlchemy by using the osgeo command, but I am still not able to import the related libraries on the qgis console. from geoalchemy2 import *
Nihar Sahoo's user avatar
2 votes
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GeoPandas gdf.to_postgis: AttributeError: 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'copy_expert'

I'm facing the following error with GeoPandas 0.12.2 when trying to write a very simple GeoDataFrame containing simple points into an existing PostGIS database: import geopandas as gpd from sqlalchemy ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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geoalchemy2, WKT on local env, EWKT in production

I am working with an REST API for geospatial data using flask. When working on it locally everything has been fine. I am posting WKT data to the local server to create new objects. But if I send WKT ...
geogrow's user avatar
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How to retrieve database line that matches two different sets of coordinates? I.E: pickup and delivery

When I run this query over my database, it returns every object with these coordinates. coordinates being used in this first case: (41.8350653, -87.8630829) SELECT ... FROM ( SELECT .....
Filipe Spindola's user avatar
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Setting CRS/SRID using the to_postgis function with GeoPandas?

So, I'm trying to update a PostGIS table after doing some reverse geocoding and other column manipulation I'm running into the find_srid() - could not find the corresponding SRID error. Based on my ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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How to correctly write the index as a primary key when exporting a GeoDataFrame to PostGIS

I'm trying to write a GeoDataFrame containing some POLYGON Z features directly to a PostGIS table which already has the right structure, especially a PolygonZ geometry column. This works fine: G....
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Inserting geography data types with GeoPandas

I would like to insert a geodataframe containing point geometries in SRID 4326 to an existing table in PostGIS+PostgreSQL. The issue is that I would like to retain the existing table structure, which ...
iskandarblue's user avatar
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Calculating distance between 2 Shapely Points in Meters

I am trying to calculate the distance (in meters) between 2 lon/lng points of type shapely.geometry.point.Point using Python and Shapely. These 2 points are returned from PostGIS by SQLAlchemy/...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Change PostGIS Column from Geometry to Geography

I have a PostGIS table with a column of type Geometry(POINT) and SRID 0 that must be changed to the type Geography(POINT) as it will be used to store lat/lon values. How can we make this alteration to ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Best method for expanding Multi* geometries to their constituent objects [closed]

I have a SpatiaLite table with a geometry column containing a mix of multi and single geometries, e.g. (Multipolygon, Polygon) or (MultiLineString, LineString). The application that will be reading ...
Sogun's user avatar
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ST_Union on Rasters in Geoalchemy2 using ORM

I am attempting to perform a union on two rasters I pick from my postgis database using GeoAlchemy2. I have a Raster table defined: from geoalchemy2 import Raster from sqlalchemy.sql import func Base ...
Micah Johnson's user avatar
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Linestring table (of MultiLinestrings) ST_Intersection

I'm moving from GeoPandas to PostGIS and GeoAlchemy. I've a table full of multilinestring geometries (timezones from and I've a linestring which represents what will be the route of ...
Tom Shelley's user avatar
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How to extract lat, long coordinates from Geography type column in dataframe using SQLAlchemy?

This is the SQL command that works perfectly. SELECT lonlat, ST_Y(lonlat::geometry) AS latitude, ST_X(lonlat::geometry) AS longitude This is the output of the SQL command. lonlat ...
Alicia's user avatar
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PostGIS ST_Distance_Sphere speed-up

I am trying to build a geocoding app on OSM data, that in regard to arbitrary location will return points within specified radius, as well as distances to the points. I have the following table: id ...
Dmitriy Grankin's user avatar
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Create table in one schema, update geometry_columns View in Public schema using GeoAlchemy2

Using the SQLAlchemy ORM with GeoAlchemy2, I can create the table in the public schema and the geometry_columns view gets updated as expected and the created table also includes a gist index on the ...
pdavis's user avatar
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Perform Multiple Point in Polygon Queries PostGIS

I was wondering if there was a way to send one request to a PostgreSQL server with the PostGIS extension that contained multiple points, and then find the polygons that they are located in. For ...
pythonweb's user avatar
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GeoAlchemy2: Cannot insert row because Function st_geomfromewkt(unknown) "does not exist"

i've been stuck on this problem for quite a while now and I can't figure out what could be the issue here. I have a Postgres DB with postgis extension installed CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ...
lama_van_bleu's user avatar
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st_asMVT in geoalchemy2

I am new to geoalchemy/gis domain. I am looking to establish a local map server using postgis, flask and geoalchemy2. I have imported osm data into postgis and able to see it using qgis software. How ...
Jeetu's user avatar
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Incorrect distances/area using Python and Shapely

I have a PostGIS table holding cadastral (property) data stored in SRID 3857 (Web Mercator). In Python I want to calculate the length of polygon lines and the area in metres and sq metres respectively....
SmileSydney's user avatar
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Geoalchemy2 && support for ST_MakeEnvelope

I have this working query: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_table.the_geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(-75.97464419082118,39.523869271308314,-72.18532985820512,41.552541030492364); and this is my (...
its30's user avatar
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6 votes
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Geoalchemy: insert 3D elements in PostGIS database

I have shp files that I would like to insert into a PostGIS database. I'm planning to use Geoalchemy2 and geopandas to do so. However, my data have the geometry types LINESTRING Z and POINT Z. As I ...
kogexo's user avatar
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create dynamic geometry point from WKTElement geoalchemy2

I have a function def get_centres(origin_lat, origin_long): pt = WKTElement('POINT({0} {1})'.format(origin_long, origin_lat), srid=4326) centres = Centres.query.with_entities(Centres,...
Mateen-Hussain's user avatar
14 votes
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Converting geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement to WKT

I have a geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement that comes from a query on a Postgres/PostGIS view. I want to convert this to WKT, or otherwise encode it so that it is (Geo)JSON serialisable. How can I ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar