Questions tagged [geocoding]

Use when converting street addresses into spatial data that can be displayed as features on a map, by a reference dataset or locator.

191 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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MMQGis plugin error

I am using QGIS 2.8.2 and I'm trying to geocode some addresses, but when I run it, I get this error: An error has occurred while executing Python code: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/...
Kai's user avatar
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HRESULT E_FAIL error when doing batch geocoding in ArcObjects

I am trying to write a batch geocoding application in ArcObjects/C# and keep getting the meaningless "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component" error (error code -...
mfowler's user avatar
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Unresponsive MessageBar in QGIS 3

I created a little plugin to geocode addresses using the HERE API and QGIS 3. Especially in batch mode, I can see that the plugin is iterating over my features in a table and my messageBar progress ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Normalizing addresses using PostgreSQL and PostGIS?

I am trying to geocode addresses in Hawaii using the PostGres/PostGIS with the 13.1. Tiger Geocoder. In Hawaii, many street addresses take the following format: ##-####. This is problematic with the ...
user2434624's user avatar
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QGIS freezes using MMQGIS plugin

I have a problem with geocoding addresses (about one thousand). I have a file (.csv) with a large number of addresses: street, house number, ZIP code, city. I used the mmqgis plug, but after geocoding ...
KarolinaC's user avatar
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How to add a parameter to the ArcGIS WebAppBuilder Search widget?

ArcGIS WebAppBuilder (developer edition) comes with a built-in Search widget which uses the default ArcGIS world geocoder. I want to restrict the type of suggestions which are returned. The Search ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Return County name from address using PostGIS?

I'm using PostGIS to geocode address data like this: SELECT pprint_addy(addy), ST_AsText(geomout) FROM geocode('Chicago, IL'); I've loaded all the TIGER data for each US state from the US census ...
Matt's user avatar
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Add custom data into Nominatim geocoding search?

I have installed Nominatim on my local server to receive addresses from long/lat. I would like to add custom data to the search itself. I would like to store locations of the rooms of our buildings. ...
Kaffi's user avatar
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Geocoding API: house number precision for Europe (Germany/Austria), other than google?

I am looking for an affordable geocoding option with the following criteria: commercial use <500$/month allows to store LatLng results in my DB house Number precision for Austria and Germany ...
Chris's user avatar
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Unicode Decode Error while geocoding MMqgis

Running Qgis, trying to geocode a CSV file using MMQGIS Qgis gets to the 66th element (there are 119) and returns the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/BPolinsky.MDC/.qgis2/...
user3097236's user avatar
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How is NokiaHere Geocoding Score calculated?

When geocoding an address in NokiaHere, a Component Score is calculated according to the information provided in the original address. Example: {"componentsScore": {"CITY": 1.0, "COUNTRY": 1.0, "...
Luisa Romero's user avatar
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Unexpected Google geocoder API results when filtering by country

Labé is a city in Guinea. It is the capital of the Labé region and the Labé prefecture When I use the Google Geocoder API to geocode [labe] with no filters, I get three results in Guinea: One for the ...
Herb Caudill's user avatar
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Gazetteer with shapes?

I'm looking for a Gazetteer service. I only need the geocoding part and I need two entry points: name look-up. Takes a query string, check for matching toponyms and suggest alternatives. Ideally the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Differentiate between 10-based Locator and Other Locators

In ESRI documentation, it states that the IAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding interface is only available for use in older locators (9.3.1 and below). I have verified this statement. One major problem is ...
Logan B. Lehman's user avatar
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Can Google Geocode returning addresses nearby

I am using google geocoding to bring me addresses according to what a user type on the search box in my iOS app. I would like to know if it is possible, lets say when the user types m google api ...
Diogo Grecco's user avatar
2 votes
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QGIS (or Pelias): geocode PHI locally, not with a web service

I have protected health information (PHI) and need to geocode locally, not using a web service (a HIPAA violation). I used to do this with ArcGIS, but my license has expired, and I would like to move ...
Sandra T's user avatar
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Batch geocode addresses using a REST API (ArcPy, CSV, Server)

My stand-alone Python script tries to geocode a CSV file of addresses. The script successfully geocodes this CSV file when using the *.loc file for this locator but not the published REST API. ArcGIS ...
Bill's user avatar
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Existing standard country codes explicit in time and space

There are several comprehensive systems for coding countries such as ISO, TLD, M49. I am looking for a system that is explicit about the time period that the code refers to. My application is a ...
thelongerroad's user avatar
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Geocoding using ArcGIS Server

i want to add a geocode service for roads in Ivory coast ,,, i just have the names of places (no ZIP code) ! it works on arcmap but on it doasn't work on the server !
Abidalli Chayma's user avatar
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Using HERE API credentials for Batch Geocoding?

I have been trying to create my own geocoder using the HERE API to handle geocoding jobs. I have the HERE api I'D, code, and key. I have reviewed much of their developer information and am still ...
MapAnalyst's user avatar
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Repointing and rebuilding address locators?

I have a few ArcGIS address locators that originally used data from a file geodatabase. I would like to repoint these locators to the same layers in an enterprise geodatabase instead. Additionally, ...
rachelc's user avatar
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Transfer markers from MyMaps to QGIS?

I need to georeference a list of places. Unfortunately, my original file doesn’t contain addresses, it is made up of a list of famous locations, such as the St Mark Basilica, Miramare Castle, ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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Decimal degrees to meters in QGIS 3.03

I understand this question has been asked a few times but I am having trouble with this issue in QGIS 3.0.3. These are the current CRS of my layers: Open Street Map (XYZ Tile) - EPSG: 3857 - WGS 84/...
Rachel F.'s user avatar
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MapBox geocoder results are not exact, how to enhance mapbox geocoding API?

We are trying to get the address related data (ex. site address, city, state, country, postal code, lat-long) of a particular site from the MapBox geocoding API, through geocoding and reverse-...
Siddhesh Lohit's user avatar
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How can I get latitude and longitude from FIPS codes?

I have full FIPS codes down to the block, looking for a way to convert the FIPS codes into centroid latitude/longitude for each block. Basically this but backwards (and I'd like blocks, not just ...
MacKenzie Pantoja's user avatar
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QGIS MMQGIS geocode behind proxy

I have been having trouble with MMQGIS geocoding that I am using behind proxy. Yes I had set the proxy settings from Settings>Options>Network correctly and was able to get connected to the internet ...
Mammatt's user avatar
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Missing OSM Points after importing osm.pbf into PostGIS DB

Can you tell me how to import OSM data into PostGIS database without lose any data? I am using map extracts from . At first I download Raw OpenStreetMap datasets in PBF, but after ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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How to assess geocode service accuracy / recommendations for geocoding services

I've looked at some similar questions on here, but we have very specific requirements and do not have the technical expertise to figure out how to map other questions to our situation. We are willing ...
TBridges42's user avatar
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Geocode area/neigborhood into polygon vertices

I have been successfully using the Google Maps API using the R package ggmap to find location coordinates for e.g. addresses or city names. However, Google Maps now shows areas as well, indicating ...
SimonDS's user avatar
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Standard for geospatial CSV with either lat/lon or region encoding

I'm tasked with finding a standard for data providers to publish data that is linked to either points (lat/lons), postcodes, or local government areas (Australian term for councils). The data will be ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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Geocode with csv file does not work

I'm trying to map data that I uploaded with an csv file. Originally this data set only included the country code, e.g. BD, for Bangladesh. I tried to geocode it by admin region and selected the ...
Adam Abu Khamis's user avatar
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mapquest batch geocoding truncate response

when I use the batch geocoding service I get sometimes a right answer an sometimes an error using the same arguments. I inspect the headers using curl... when the answer is right the headers are: &...
jorge Godoy's user avatar
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Get list of cities within a bounding box

I need to find a web service that allows me to reverse-geocode but with a bounding box. In other words, I want to give the coordinates for a bounding box of latitude and longitude, and be provided ...
user4692's user avatar
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Limit data imported into PostGIS database?

I am building a web application in which members will be able to find other members in their area. This is your typical "nearest neighbor" search which I'll perform using their latitude and longitude....
Jim's user avatar
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How to get Google Street View panoramas on the same street as the requested address?

The Google Maps API geocodes an address to a point. I can use that point to find the nearest panorama (street view) image. I can then determine the heading based on the two points and show the ...
shad's user avatar
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Multiple Country Codes? - World Geocoding Service (ArcGIS REST API)

Using single field geocoding, (ArcGIS REST API) I am having an issue with the World Geocoding Service when it comes to getting results that include both USA and US territories, like Puerto Rico for ...
bjmarra's user avatar
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vba code for algorithm to assign track file gps UTM coordinates (East Africa) to an overlay 5x5km grid cell

The GPS coordinates are temporarily imported in to an Access database from DNR Garmin files (downloaded as dbf file(s)), and then exported for mapping in AEJEE (ArcExplorer Education Edition). I need ...
PiaAfrica's user avatar
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PostGIS TIGER geocoder not able to pinpoint hyphenated addresses

I'm completely new to GIS in general, and I am trying to set up a geocoding system for some of my organization's data. So far I followed some tutorials to get the official PostGIS docker image working ...
onopa's user avatar
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How to obtain neighborhood from Canadian postal code

I want to group Canadian postal codes based on the neighborhood they belong to. I am currently using the google-maps-services API to convert postal codes into lat/long coords and grabbing the ...
Sooraj_bepop's user avatar
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Finding highest value in list in GEE?

I have a list of dates and EVI values and extracted the EVI values to find the highest one. However, when I iterate through the list, it won't print anything for the maxEViValue (every value in ...
Bobby Liu's user avatar
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Activating 'on click' event on the path created by router in Leaflet?

I have some points retrieved from the database, and with them, I draw and create my path and markers. I would like that when the user adds another marker to the route, a click event is activated. I ...
Douglas F's user avatar
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Geocoded Points Don't Land Directly On Street

ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 My street locator includes a street feature class that has streets ranges for the Left and Right side of the street (Left Start, Left End, Right Start, Right End). The street feature ...
sushi's user avatar
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Does the Census Bureau's geocoding API limit request frequency?

I am trying to batch-geocode about 8 million address records using the Census Bureau's batch geocoder. I am currently doing so sequentially, which takes about a day to complete. I was considering ...
Arjun Shanmugam's user avatar
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MMQGIS Plugin returns 0 geocoded in QGIS

I have a geocoding problem using the MMQGIS Plugin to perform geocoding analysis So far, I successfully geocoded about 130.000 enterprises and once at suddenly, MMQGIS Plugin just started to return 0 ...
Guest's user avatar
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Grouping of smaller cities (nearest) into larger cities

I have been looking for some suggestions on grouping of small cities (near by cities, places) into nearest largest cities (metro cities). For example, below are few cities from India. Aluva, Kerala, ...
user867662's user avatar
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python osmnx geocode_to_gdf Nominatim not working while web-based openstreetmaps does

I am trying to geocode a list of objects (mostly road names) to their coordinates from python wth osmnx.geocode_to_gdf. The problem is that I often get returned with the following error message (...
mccoy89's user avatar
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ArcPy UpdateCursor - Attribute column not found

I have a rather lengthy script that I'm testing by pasting the code into the ArcGIS Pro Python command window. The script takes a table for geocoding, attempts to fix errors such misspelled cities to ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro geocoding problem - unexplained error

I have the following addresses (csv format) to be geocoded for approximately 600 addresses. Brand Address Suburb Postcode Combined Address xyv 123 abc 6000 123 abc 6000 I tried to geocode them from ...
hopefulgisuser's user avatar
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Google Reverse Geocoding API doesn't work on mobile internet

I was able to get Google Geolocations and Geocoder API to work via desktop and on my phone when its connected to wifi, but when I disconnect from the wifi, geocoder doesn't display the results. just ...
jgax87's user avatar
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Gettting all countries information in world using Google API

The Scenario: My customer wants to let the users insert their location either by choosing the country, city, region, state, etc.. from dropdowns OR the user can choose the location using google API ...
Anas Alweish's user avatar