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Questions tagged [geocortex-essentials]

Geocortex Essentials is a framework to create and maintain web mapping applications. Originally created around ArcGIS Server services but supporting WMS / WFS as well.

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2 answers

Selective attributes not displaying in GeoCortex Essential Manager

I'm having trouble with Geocortex Essential Manager displaying the full set of attributes for a particular feature. Specifically, I have a parcels dataset and 4 related tables. I recently added a new ...
northernbc85's user avatar
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How does Geocortex Essentials handle projections?

In ArcGIS Online, the projection is defined as whatever the basemap is... Which is typically web mercator auxillary sphere. In Geocortex Essentials, is the projection defined the same way (whatever ...
Stella's user avatar
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Geocortex Essentials Workflow - display map tip at the end of a workflow

I am trying to modify an existing workflow to display a Map Tip. It is a simple zoom and highlight parcel workflow. Currently the result comes up in the Results Panel but I would like it as a Map Tip. ...
AS.GIS's user avatar
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Disable 'View Feature Details' panel on geocortex

Does anyone know if its possible to disable the ability to drill down from the initial results panel to the additional feature details panel? My feature description has all the feature attributes I'd ...
AS.GIS's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot see map display in Geocortex Essentials

I am setting up a new site in Geocortex Essentials manager. I'm adding ArcGIS server map services which are published on the same server. I can add the connection and the map services to the site but ...
AS.GIS's user avatar
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Adding and configuring a WFS service in Geocortex essentials

I need to add a WFS service to Geocortex essentials and view it the HTML-5 Viewer, I could add a WMS service and view it as a PNG image, still, I need to attach this WMS service to it's WFS capability ...
adam's user avatar
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Error message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: symbolData

I am trying to reference a web map in Geocortex Essentials but it will not let me and gives the following error message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: symbolData. I isolated the layers in my ...
Stella's user avatar
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how to make a deployable launch shortcut for GE viewers that can be used on iOS

How can I make launch shortcuts for GE viewers that can be used on mobile devices, specifically on iOS? I want to launch GE through the mobile device management software, so the users can feel like ...
Stella's user avatar
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2 answers

Geocortex can't validate secure service connection

I was able to add a service connection to my GIS server over http, but not https in 4.8.2. I just installed AGS, Web Adapter, GE, and it's a brand new server that I just stood up. https://gisserver....
Stella's user avatar
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Geocortex Essentials: Read data/web map I don't own from a shared private group on AGOL

I have data and a web map created and hosted in Org B and shared with me via a private group. I am in Org A. So I was able to successfully add the shared web map as a site reference, but the data (...
Stella's user avatar
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