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An Open Source Geospatial Content Management System

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Adding custom translation in Django GeoNode

How can I add a new language for GeoNode mapstore client? I've created a translation file in /django_geonode_mapstore_client/geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore/ms-translations, but it doesn't ...
ThomasAnderson's user avatar
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GeoNode update metadata

After uploading data to GeoServer and displaying it in GeoNode, I want to to update specific parts of the metadata using the REST API. My goal is to update the groups value, which is empty (NULL) ...
jonsken's user avatar
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Embeded map with search bar using GeoNode

I try to embed a map and enable the "search" plugin by adding the script to _geonode_config.html {% extends 'geonode-mapstore-client/_geonode_config.html' %} {% block override_local_config %}...
LD LD's user avatar
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GeoNode upload dataset failed

I installed latest version of GeoNode (should be version 4.3.1) using docker, on Ubuntu 22.04, inside LXC container, following the instruction here:
rnuryadin's user avatar
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How to change IP address of GeoServer to connect to GeoNode on same IP address

I have been working on it quite some time. I want to set the IP address of GeoServer to what is of GeoNode so that both connect properly to upload layers and create map. GeoNode comes builtin with ...
M Waqar Anwar's user avatar
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Changing tab order on GeoNode landing page

Is there a practical way to change the tab order (and/or remove one of the tabs if desired) on the GeoNode landing page as shown below?
Melanie's user avatar
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Apply styles to shapefiles in GeoNode

I'm currently working in a geo project where so far, an user can upload their own Esri shapefiles from my own site, we save some metadata to our own DB and by hardcoding we use GeoNode 4.2 (with ...
Luis Fernando Martinez Cardona's user avatar
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How to remove Geonode Mapstore Viewer Plugins

I have been trying to remove the "Print" plugin from the map_viewer page by overriding the localConfig.json in the _geonode_config.html file.(See Attached). After I remove it, a couple of ...
David Tshamussa's user avatar
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"Add a new Geonode plugin extension" doesnt work

I have a question. In this part of the geonode tutorial (, I get the following error while running "...
John Boswell's user avatar
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SVG rendering in GeoNode: SVG cut in 2

I try to have an SVG as a symbol in GeoNode but my svg is cut in 2. Here is my svg : and here's my layer style SLD in GeoServer <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ...
Céline Bassine's user avatar
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Can't connect ArcGIS Pro to GeoNode/GeoServer WFS

I'm having problems connecting ArcGIS Pro to GeoNode WFS/WMS server using basic authentication. I can connect fine with QGIS. In QGIS I just setup the connection to ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to authenticate to GeoNode API v2?

I am creating a geonode-project app and I want to authenticate to the GeoNode API v2, but I cannot find an endpoint to authenticate. I listed all endpoint of the API using http://localhost:8000/api/v2/...
Ernesto Ruiz's user avatar
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How do I solve "django.db.utils.OperationalError: near "CASCADE": syntax error" in GeoNode install?

I have followed the Advanced Installation instructions for GeoNode Project, but at the Run GeoNode Project for the first time in DEBUG Mode step, it says to execute: # Prepare the GeoNode Spatialite ...
Southland Sooner's user avatar
2 votes
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Add remote service GeoNode from local GeoServer that is password protected

I am trying to add external GeoServer as Remote service in GeoNode. GeoServer layers published are password protected and there is no provision to mention user and password in GeoNode. I get following ...
Prashant's user avatar
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Hot to add buttons (links) to Geonode Menu bar using geonode-project 4.1.x?

I just install Geonode-project 4.1.x and try to follow the official documentation ( to customize the look and add ...
Ernesto Ruiz's user avatar
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GeoNode, GeoServer for production

I have installed following the advanced installation. now I want to publish to the public, but using the (
Manap Shymyr's user avatar
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POSTing a document to GeoNode through REST API returns JSON parse error

We are trying to POST a document to GeoNode through its REST API. Here is the code. The error returned is that JSON parse error. I have tried many ways of sending the fileObject - a string, blob and ...
SharmaPN's user avatar
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Upload a Geonode document through JavaScript REST API

I am trying to use JavaScript (not Nodejs) to upload/insert a GeoNode document from memory. I have tried the JavaScript fetch API from browser. The GET works, but the POST gives error. Someone advised ...
SharmaPN's user avatar
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Upload GeoJSON to GeoServer using CURL

I tried to upload a zipped shapefile to GeoServer using CURL. curl -v -u username:password -XPUT -H "Content-type: application/zip" --data-binary @D:\curl\bin\ https://DOMAIN/...
SharmaPN's user avatar
-1 votes
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658 views install for pylibmc ... error when pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --no-cache --no-cache-dir

When installing the GeoNode 3.2 requirement.txt in the virtualenv I get an error. See error below: ERROR 1 Building wheel for pylibmc ( ... error ERROR: Command errored out with exit ...
Amelia Nicodemus's user avatar
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django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Could not find the GDAL library . Try setting GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings. Windows 10-64 bit py39

When running paver setup attempting to configure Geonode (Windows 10-64bit, Python 39), I get a raise of django being improperly configured. The computer suggests that if I have installed GDAL ...
Amelia Nicodemus's user avatar
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.whl is not supported wheel on this platform when pip installing GDAL on Windows 10-64 bit

I am working on Windows 10 64 bit. Installed GDAL 3.3.1-1 via OSGEO4W setup file which according to the tutorial available here, Gdal installation should be done via pip install GDAL‑3.3.1‑pp37‑...
Amelia Nicodemus's user avatar
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Error when pip install -e geonode: Getting requirements to build wheel ... error

I am unsure as to where my current problem is, can someone please point me to my existing problem and possible solution. (geonode_env) C:\Users\amell\Documents>pip install -e geonode ...
Amelia Nicodemus's user avatar
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How to upload layer's metadata in Geonode using REST API?

I want to upload Geonode Metadata to Geonode using a REST API. I have succesfully created my own custom template for my layer at Editing Tools> Wizard>Dataset Attributes, but I would like to do ...
A.Ktns's user avatar
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Cannot add Remote Service from a local GeoServer to Geonode

I am new to Geonode and I know this is a very basic question. I am struggling a lot with adding a remote service in Geonode using a WMS from GeoServer. Why do I get back this error? Could not connect ...
Glori P.'s user avatar
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Error when installing Geonode: cannot find django-geonode-mapstore-client>=2.1.0

I am very new to programming. I am trying to install GeoNode on an AWS Windows EC2 image, according to this tutorial (which is super, by the way!) When I get to the pip install -e geonode stage, the ...
treesajane's user avatar
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GeoNode - PostgreSQL default password

I have docker installation of GeoNode with all defaults: my_geonode, my_geonode_data etc. Now I'm truing to change default password for user my_geonode in PostgreSQL and I did. Also, I have change in ....
Darko Nedic's user avatar
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Using Geonetwork as alternate CSW backend of Geonode

I am trying to integrate Geonode with Geonetwork instead of default Pycsw catalogue backend. I have changed the of geonode installation following this guide : https://doc-geonode....
Apostolos's user avatar
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Failure to use a WMS map as a map background in Geonode

I try to add a new background to a map, so that user can choose from more options than the default ones. The default map backgrounds are defined as follows: DEFAULT_MS2_BACKGROUNDS = [ { &...
krltos's user avatar
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Timeout while uploading large files in GeoNode / GeoServer

I am getting timeout while uploading large files in GeoNode ( System Configuration : GeoNode 3.1.0 , GeoServer 2.16.2 installed on Ubuntu 18.04. ). I tried compressing large files to decrease their ...
bdur's user avatar
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Finding binaries of Geonode for Windows

I want to download Geonode binaries for Windows and unfortunately its a while that all download links for Windows doesn't work. So how can I download or find geonode-2.6.x or higher?
Mohsen Rashidian's user avatar
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Connection Error: Add PostGIS Database on Geoserver through Docker on Geonode:

I am using GeoNode with connection to Geoserver through Docker.(from here: I am now trying to connect to a PostGIS database. I have indicated the host ip address ...
Set's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package geonode: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I am trying to follow quick installation guide for GeoNode on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/...
Set's user avatar
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Add layer to GeoServer from one PostGIS table

I have a Geonode/Geoserver application with a lot of base layers added to it. I have also developed a Django App plugged into Geonode that lets a user upload shapefiles. These shapefiles are converted ...
WebNovice's user avatar
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Geoserver HTTP ERROR 500 on layer preview

I have followed the installation instructions on the official Geonode page to install it on ubuntu(18.04.4) and when I finish it I have published a Layer but when I click on Openlayers preview of the ...
pablo villa's user avatar
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CartoView Error

I've installed CartoView on Windows 7 by default instruction. I've changed Postgres to my own DB (It was problem with default DB from install package). CartoView doesn't start with this error: I ...
Sergey N's user avatar
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GeoNode Layer overview Legend not displaying

The Geonode documentation indicates that once a layer has been uploaded a Legend can be seen, however I am unable to see the legend in the layer overview page nor can I find a reason/error for it not ...
Albert van Niekerk's user avatar
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Disabling layer uploading in GeoNode

I'm using GeoNode on my Ubuntu 16.04. I want to disable layer publishing for all users and enable that just for a group of users. How can I do that?
Mahdi Nazari Ashani's user avatar
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Changing permission on GeoNode 2.8

I'm working on GeoNode 2.8 and I would like to change the authorization on layers. For example, actually people who are logged can see all the maps and layers but if they are not they can't see it. I ...
hissroth's user avatar
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Changing GeoNode basic zoom?

I'm actually working on GeoNode 2.8 for a company as an internship, one of my mission is to change the basic zoom. They'd like to have a zoom on a specific region instead of having a global view of ...
hissroth's user avatar
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Overriding Geonode templatetag file

I'm customizing Geonode through the geonode-project template. To override geonode templates it's ok, but now I need to override a template tag file. I customized the 'SUPPORTED_CRS' in my_geonode/...
Falcoa's user avatar
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Running Geonode solr application

I am trying to follow these steps but I installed geonode using the quick start tutorial I am not ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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Publish TIFF in GeoNode

I am trying to publish TIFF in GeoNode. The TIFF file has a .tfw file. Uploading directly from GeoNode fails. Then I uploaded to server and published it in GeoServer and it works in GeoServer. I want ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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Feature Type Unknown exception in GeoServer WFS request

I recently upgraded GeoServer from 2.12 to 2.142 because of a GeoNode update. A WFS GetFeature link failed in the new version of GeoServer: http://myhost/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&...
Ran L.'s user avatar
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Alternative to GeoNode? Running Python3, Django2, Apache2 and GeoServer2.14

I've developed a QGIS plugin (The QGIS repository, GeoDataFarm homepage, with a tutorial), that I now want to transfer to the web. The reason for transfer it to the web is mainly to able to limit the ...
axel_ande's user avatar
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Adding new static page in CartoView / GeoNode? [closed]

I have installed the CartoView with the Windows stable build installer. Then, I try to add a static page to the newly installed CartoView / GeoNode by modifying the file: urlpatterns = [ # ...
Ken Lam's user avatar
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GeoServer can't determine native CRS from PostGIS db with wkb_geometry column

I am trying to extract a banks layer from daily OSM extract pbf files for Nepal. After using osmosis and ogr2ogr, I was able to get it into a PostGIS Database. Here are the commands I used: osmosis -...
Ashish Acharya's user avatar
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GeoNode 2.6.x Logout Issue

I'm configuring a GIS Portal with GeoNode 2.6.x running on Windows 7 but I'm now confusing with an error. When I try to logout the admin account, the error is shown and I don't know what's wrong: ...
kelvincheng's user avatar
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GeoNode change uploaded directory path

I am new to GeoNode. I installed GeoNode stable version from apt-get install geonode on Ubuntu 14, and its working properly. Now I want to change the uploaded directory to /home/user/uploaded I ...
mint's user avatar
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Add Cartoview apps to an existing GeoNode installation

I´m using GeoNode 2.6.3, running on ubuntu server 16.04. I´ve seen some Cartoview apps that might be usefull for our porpouse, but i´m not sure if this instructions work on a GeoNode instance that is ...
A_NeriWinter's user avatar